Chapter 260 Qiu

Xian After hearing what her best friend and her sister said, the shaman saint frowned and asked them both

"So how many are I looking for?"

When Hu Qingmei heard that her sister was dissatisfied, because she disliked the fact that she was looking for less people, she felt that she could still find a few more people. After all, these people were all found by Liu Kui, and she had only one of her own. Useless

"No need, I didn't plan to take over the Yue family just like that. I just wanted to find a few people to do something for the Yue family."

After the shaman saint finished speaking, she picked up the tea cup on the table, took a sip from her lips, looked at the two people who were still looking at her, then put down the tea cup and spoke again.

"People can't be idle. When they are idle, they will think wildly. This kind of thinking is the worst way to ruin things, so the Yue family should have something to do and those people should be busy."

The shaman saint said vaguely, and she didn't mean to explain to them at all. She just looked at her best friend and her second sister with a smile.

"Hey, how old are you?"

As soon as the third elder saw the expression of the shaman saint, she knew that this was a prank played by her best friend, and she couldn't help it. Although many people said that men are still teenagers until they die, but women are also arrogant until they die. My pretty little princess, who hasn’t had some bad taste yet?

"Hahaha, I'm happy."

The shaman saint looked at the third elder. Her best friend looked helpless, and she felt very happy.

"All right."

The third elder nodded helplessly. She really had nothing to do with the shaman saint. After all, shamanism is full of troubles during this period. It would be good to make her best friend happy for a while.

"Go down and make arrangements, and start tomorrow to make the Yue family's camp lively."

The shaman saint saw her second sister, and she didn't know what was going on. As long as she saw Hu Qingmei's face, the shaman saint felt an indescribable boredom. This feeling was very strange. She should have been intimate. Sisterhood, I don’t know why, but the shaman and saint cannot get close to each other.

"Oh, okay, I'll make arrangements right away and make sure the Yue family is lively tomorrow."

Hu Qingmei was sitting on the side, watching the shaman saint joking with the third elder. She felt that it felt good, which meant that she could now be on the same level as the senior shamans. But before she could be happy, she greeted The arrangement of the shaman saint came. To put it bluntly, she was given an eviction order so that she could leave.

Hu Qingmei had no choice but to be pushed out by the shaman saint’s maids. These maids had little eyesight. Yes, this is the shaman saint's tent. Hu Qingmei's people couldn't get in, so they were naturally waiting outside the tent. The third elder looked at the saint's maid and pushed Hu Qingmei out of the tent, and then he looked strangely shaman saint

"Still not calmed down? Sisters, this is not the case, she is not old, and she is temporarily confused, who can be like you, this youth is eternal, look at this little face, it is so tender that water will flow when you pinch it."

The third elder joked with the shaman saint, and stretched out his hand as he spoke, as if he really wanted to pinch the shaman saint's face.

"Don't make trouble, I don't know what's going on. I feel annoyed when I see her. I feel inexplicably irritable. This has been the feeling since I first saw her."

The shaman saint recalled the time when she first met Hu Qingmei. It was in Tieli's guest house. She originally thought it was a scene of deep sisterhood, but for some reason, she felt a sense of boredom when she saw Hu Qingmei. The more time we spend together, the more bored she becomes. As time goes by, I even have the urge to kill her.

"Is it time? The curse of Xunjia's son means that his relatives have disappeared, which is ominous."

The third elder frowned when he heard what the shaman saint said. She knew that the shaman saint had been cursed. This curse has appeared many times in history. This is the curse of Xunjia's son. In fact, To put it bluntly, it doesn’t matter. It’s just that close relatives cannot meet each other. If they meet, bad things will happen. And the consequences are still strange. It can happen in any situation. The most famous one in history is probably the Jiajing Emperor and the two dragons who did not meet each other..

According to legend, during the reign of Emperor Jiajing, the Taoist emperor believed in ghosts and gods, and in the later period he devoted himself to Taoism. Emperor Jiajing had thirteen children, eight of whom either died young or died of illness. Only three sons succeeded to the throne. During the reign of Emperor Jiajing During this period, there was even an allusion about the two dragons not meeting each other.

(There are specific historical records, so I won’t go into details. If you are interested, you can look it up yourself.)

The shaman saint also has this kind of curse. , the name of the curse is the son of Xunjia, the son of Xunjia, the two have not met each other, but they are closely related by blood, and they can be incompatible. The function of this curse is to devour one's blood relatives, thereby gaining a skyrocketing cultivation level, and his parents, brothers, and children are all It is within the scope of devouring and refining. To put it bluntly, it can be her nourishment. To be honest, this is not a curse. Since ancient times, there have been many practice techniques for severing love and desire, but I have never seen that one. They are said to be cursed.

However, there is no problem in saying that the son of Xunjia is a curse, because those who practice ruthlessness and severance have no side effects and will not greatly affect their character. This son of Xunjia will greatly affect their character. , as long as you start to devour the first one, you will uncontrollably devour the second one, and your character will quickly change into darkness. The negative attributes of all the seven souls, the bad side will explode, and darkness will devour human nature. This person will turn into a living evil ghost

"I thought it must be the curse, but it's nothing. I'll try not to see it again."

When the shaman saint heard the third elder talking about the son of Xunjia, her body trembled slightly. She rummaged through a large number of bad memories in the depths of her mind, which she had long forgotten. I also never want to remember it

"Hey, this woman has a heart, who knows her……"

The third elder also thought about that thing, that thing that the shaman saint didn't want to remember. The third elder sighed, but before she could finish her words, she was interrupted by the shaman saint.

"I'm tired."

The three words of the shaman saint were spoken feebly, and it sounded as if she was really tired. Moreover, this also meant that she did not want to continue talking to the third elder, and issued an expulsion order to let the third elder leave first.

"Well, then take a rest early, I've been working hard on you lately."

The third elder wisely stood up and gave a half salute to the Holy Shaman. He put his hands on his chest and leaned forward slightly. This is the half salute of shamanism. After the salute, he left the tent of the Holy Shaman.

The Shaman The saint was sitting alone at the table, her eyes in a daze, and the memory she had found was playing in her mind.

Three girls of eighteen or nineteen were sitting at the round stone table in the courtyard and having fun. Looking at the three people, they must be very close to each other. The gentle wind caressed them, and the laughter of the silver bells echoed in the small courtyard, which was indescribably warm and joyful.

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