Chapter 365 Qiu Xian

"You eat your food. I’ve been saying it for a while now and I have to say it again. Why don’t we say it together later."

Madman Liu didn't tell Ma Biao anything. He just asked him to continue eating meat and drinking wine. The reason he gave was that we would talk together after everyone had gathered. The man on the second floor was sitting in a wheelchair. As soon as Ma Biao came in, he was so worried He mentioned it again, if a madman Liu caused trouble, he was really sure to take him down. At worst, he would just run away from the backyard, but now here comes Ma Biao. This man is also full of gangsterism. You can tell by looking at him that he is not a What a troublesome person. He was not sure about taking down both of them, so he kept watching from the second floor. In the armrest bag behind his wheelchair, there was a rifle and a short fire blunderbuss. That was his For hunting, if something really happened, he would deal with the two people downstairs, not to put his father and younger brother in danger.

A muffled sound sounded outside the town, Wang Damang rushed to the town with his horse team, and watched The people who were warming themselves by the fire in the middle of the town were confused. If there were only one or twoIt's okay to say that there are more than 200 people here. They are obviously the team of Madman Liu and Ma Biao. If they don't run away quickly, what are they doing in this town?

"Damn it, what the hell is going on?"

Wang Damang reined in his horse and looked at the people who were warming themselves by the fire. He really didn't understand. If he didn't run away quickly, what were he waiting for? Are he waiting here to die?

"Wang Da is in charge, right?"

A little guy came up to say hello to Wang Damang. This is the guy who greeted Ma Biao just now. Now he's here to greet Wang Damang again. This is the job Crazy Liu gave him.

"Who are you?"

Wang Damang looked at the little guy who came up to talk with confusion. It wasn't that he was very vigilant. In fact, his vision was blurry at night, so he had to be more careful.

"Our boss is waiting for you inside, and so is the boss of Ma and Puma."

The little guy clasped his fists and saluted respectfully, and then answered Wang Damang's question. He said that Ma Biao was also there. This was to tell Wang Damang that he was Crazy Liu's man.

"Well, lead the way, brothers dismount and rest."

When Wang Damang saw these brothers warming themselves over the fire, he thought it would be okay to listen, so he asked his brothers to dismount and rest.

"Be careful when you let your brothers rest."

After Wang Damang dismounted, he turned around and whispered to the brothers beside him. I don't know what the situation is in this town now. Let the brothers be careful when they rest and don't follow other people's ways.

"Yes, the head of the family."

The brother next to Wang Damang heard clearly and immediately responded in a low voice.

The little guy who was leading the way saw all this, but he didn't say anything, he just smiled and led the way in front of Wang Damang. , leading Wang Damang towards the inn

"Bang, bang."

Wang Damang was not as gentle as Ma Biao. When he walked to the door of Sihai Inn, he didn't even use a minion to open the door. He directly opened the door by himself, lifted the curtain, and opened the door. His hand strength was a bit strong, so the door was blocked by him. Push with a bang

"This Wang Damang is so reckless."

Madman Liu heard a knock at the door. The sound was quite loud. He knew the person who opened the door was not a good-tempered person. Madman Liu raised his head and put down his wine glass. He immediately saw Wang Damang coming in. He frowned. He frowned and smiled at the old man at the door of the kitchen.

The man on the second floor had already touched the rifle. He was extremely insecure now. It was originally one guest, then two, and then this happened again. One, the people here are all strong men, and these three people don't give him a good feeling. They are like three tigers, with a frightening evil spirit. Even if he is smiling at you, It will give people a sense of danger. The man on the second floor is afraid that these three people will suddenly attack, so he is ready. If something goes wrong downstairs, he will kill someone, and then let his father and brother Let's go first, he will stay and fight with the people outside.

"What's going on with you two? If you don't run away now, do you still have the heart to eat?"

As soon as Wang Damang came in, he saw Madman Liu and Ma Biao eating meat and drinking. His anger suddenly rose. This was originally said to be fine. Madman Liu was in front, followed by Ma Biao, and then he cut off the rear. Although It seems very dangerous for him to cut off the queen now, but as long as he is on the road, Crazy Liu is equivalent to a pioneer officer. He who is now cut off is safer, but now everything has changed. Crazy Liu and Ma Biao As soon as they stopped here, they were all back together. No one was here to explore the way for him, and the next risks would have to be faced together. Then wouldn't his previous risk of breaking up be in vain?

So Crazy Liu did this , but to make Wang Damang angry, this is tantamount to cheating. It was fine at first, but now Madman Liu is flipping the table and cheating, and Wang Damang’s previous efforts have no meaning.

"Big python, don't worry, sit down and eat together, I have something to say."

Madman Liu frowned when he saw Wang Damang's anxious face, but he quickly returned to his smiling face, and extended his hand to ask Wang Damang to sit down.

"No matter what you eat, you can still eat."

When Wang Damang saw Crazy Liu's reaction, he didn't get angry because of his questioning. He politely asked him to come over and sit down. This made Wang Damang's anger subside a little. Now he really wanted to know what Crazy Liu was going to do.

"If you can eat it, wait a minute and you can take away the car that the Yue family gave me as a thank you gift."

When Madman Liu saw Wang Damang's anger subsided, he knew that he was waiting for him to give an explanation. If the explanation was satisfactory, Wang Damang would not pursue the case. If he was not satisfied, he would probably follow He fell out.

Crazy Liu knew that he was not honest in what he said. He had agreed that he would leave Wang Damang first, and whoever left first would be safe at the beginning. After getting on the road, to be precise, as long as After passing this small town, whoever is behind is safe. Crazy Liu took advantage of this. Now, he stopped in this town and waited for the two of them to come. This is equivalent to putting the danger in the future. He was evenly divided with the two of them again. He was supposed to be the vanguard to explore the road, but he is not going now. No wonder Wang Damang is unwilling. This is tantamount to taking advantage of Wang Damang in disguise. Naturally, he He needed an explanation, but his explanation was not enough to calm Wang Damang's anger, so he gave the Yue family's car to Wang Damang as an apology.

"Hey, what do you mean?"

When Wang Damang heard that Madman Liu asked him to take away the cart of things, he immediately showed his unwillingness, but he was still very happy in his heart. He got a cart of things for nothing, which still made him happy, because it was already like this , even if Crazy Liu doesn’t compensate him, there’s nothing he can do, but he can’t show it on his face, otherwise it will appear that he is greedy for money.

"It doesn't mean anything, I just want you to listen to me."

Crazy Liu knew as soon as he saw Wang Damang's reaction that this matter is over.

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