Chapter 382 Qiu Xian

"Village chief, what do you think we should do? You brought people here, and you also caused things. So tell us what we should do."

Among the four men, there was a man with a scar on his face and a look of reluctance. He smiled happily when he took the money. Now he found that the money was hot. He was surrounded by cavalry and he stood far away. He saw it, there were quite a few people there, and he heard that they were all carrying guns. He didn’t dare to go over and take a look, so he just heard what others said.

"What to shout about, what to worry about, wait until the waiter comes back."

Old man Liu also feels something is wrong now. Steward Wei and his people have just arrived, followed immediately by a large group of cavalry. You have to say that they have a grudge. Why don't these people fight Steward Wei and others? But you want to say that they are a group. Yes, they didn't come in, and Butler Wei made it clear, there were more than three hundred people, and it looked like there were thousands of people outside. This was definitely not right. Old

Man Liu promised a huge profit, and the three Ten yuan. Use thirty yuan to ask Liu Xiaoer, a bold person in their village and one of the five leading figures, to go to the cavalry camp and ask about the situation. He said that Liu Xiaoer might be able to work in this Liu family village. There are several, and when it comes to rankings, there are even more. Who doesn’t have a second child? But when it comes to Liu Bingdao, everyone knows that everyone knows that he is courageous and has a strong spirit.

"Bang bang bang……"

The door of Old Han Liu's house was banged and banged by someone. At first glance, it seemed that this man was unruly and didn't know the rules of knocking.

"Uncle Liu, open the door quickly."

The person who knocked on the door had a loud voice, which sounded quite deep, but he was a little impatient.

"The waiter is back. Go and open the door."

As soon as Old Man Liu heard someone calling the door, and then heard the knocking and calling, he knew that Liu Xiaoer who had gone out to ask for news had come back. He was crossing his legs on the fire bed, so he asked him to sit on the edge. The smoking man opens the door

"Uncle, uncle, I'm back. Your thirty yuan was not in vain."

A naive-looking man ran in from the gate. As soon as he came in, he sat on the fire kang. He came face to face with Old Man Liu across the small table, poured himself a bowl of water, and started to drink. After drinking the water, he wiped his mouth and said to Old Man Liu in a carefree voice.

"No white flowers, no white flowers, hurry up and tell me what it is, what do these cavalry mean?"

Old man Liu didn't care to say anything else. He was anxious to know what was going on, so he naturally agreed first and asked Liu Xiaoer to quickly explain the situation and see what the situation was like with those cavalrymen.

"Hey, don't mention it, we are overthinking it."

Liu Xiaoer took a look and saw that everyone in the room was looking at him, feeling that he was so proud.

"How did you say this?"

A man next to Old Man Liu looked at Liu Xiaoer with a frown. Hearing Liu Xiaoer say that they were overthinking, he quickly asked what the situation was.

"They have no grudge against Uncle Wei. It's not that they are enemies. They are Uncle Wei's bodyguards. I heard the leader said that he would escort Uncle Wei and the others to Jiaohe River. Once they reach Jiaohe River, they will be fine."

Liu Xiaoer went to the cavalry camp to inquire about the news, and told them what the commander said.

"Oops, this scares me, then don’t we need to worry about what these people eat?"

When this man heard that everything was fine, he turned out to be Uncle Wei's bodyguard. This shocked them. Now that the crisis is over, it's time to make a fortune. There are almost a thousand people here, and they don't need to eat. , isn’t this all a way to make money?

"I didn't ask. How dare I ask more? That gun is so long and that knife is so long. How dare I speak more."

When Liu Xiaoer heard this man asking about what these people were eating, he shook his head quickly and gestured with his hands to indicate the length of the gun and knife, with a look of fear on his face.

"Then you are really a waste. You have already gone there and why don’t you even bother to ask."

The man who didn't dare to approach just now, when he heard that Liu Xiaoer didn't ask about food, he held his mouth and looked at Liu Xiaoer with a look of disdain, and opened his mouth to hurt Liu Xiaoer.

"You are not a fucking waste, but you did go. I was so scared that I wet my pants when I asked you to go. Now that you have the nerve to say that you are the second master, I will fucking kill you."

Liu Xiaoer didn't tolerate him. He rushed over to fight this man, but was stopped by two people standing next to him. This is in Old Man Liu's house, so we can't start a fight. This is If you break something, you have to accompany it, and it’s the kind of company that they all have to accompany you. Who told you not to stop it, so according to Old Man Liu’s temperament, none of these people can escape.

"Okay, don't worry this time. We're all back. Do whatever you need to do. The four of you can give me five yuan each before you leave."

Old man Liu looked at the noisy five people and knocked the legs of the small table with his pipe and pot. He stopped the five people from fighting and asked them to quiet down. He also asked the four of them to pay five yuan each. Come up and put it on the table.

The five yuan was agreed before. If Liu Xiaoer comes back after completing the mission, it will be five yuan per person for Liu Xiaoer. Isn’t it thirty? Old man Liu and his wife Including these four men, there are exactly six people, and each person pays five yuan.

However, if Liu Xiaoer fails to complete the task, the thirty yuan will be paid by Old Man Liu himself. Of course, Old Man Liu will definitely not be able to pay. If Liu Xiaoer was killed by the cavalry, so Old Man Liu probably won’t need the thirty yuan. If Liu Xiaoer comes back without any trouble and the matter has not been settled, I estimate that Old Man Liu will definitely let him Liu Xiaoer spit out the money.

Now that Liu Xiaoer has returned from completing his mission, naturally these four men will give Old Man Liu the money he advanced in advance. Isn't this normal?

"Uncle Liu……"

There was a man who still didn't want to give it. He looked at Old Man Liu with a troubled expression. The five yuan he was holding in his hand was about to burst into tears. He looked like he was about to cut his flesh.

"Put your money down, leave, and stop talking nonsense."

Old man Liu took one look at this guy and felt agitated for a while. He knocked the table with his pipe and pot, and then started to chase him away.


The four men put the money on the table and then left Old Man Liu's house with unhappy expressions. As soon as they left Old Man Liu's yard, Liu Xiaoer ran around the street chasing the man who had just mocked him, saying He wanted to beat him up today to vent his anger.

In Old Man Liu's house, in the west room, Old Man Liu's wife walked out as soon as she opened the curtain, walked to Old Man Liu, and looked at the twenty yuan on the table. , he picked it up as soon as he reached out and put it in his pocket.

"Cough cough cough……"

Seeing that Old Man Liu appeared in time, he quickly reached out to his wife. His wife put the money into his pocket, so he no longer wanted it. He was so anxious that he choked on his cigarette and coughed from the smoke.

"If you cough, try less coughing."

Old Man Liu's wife rolled her eyes, left after saying a few words, and glared at Old Man Liu when she went out.

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