The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 319: Catherine

"Duke Peverly sent a team of guards to **** us there, Your Highness." The new maid Jane looked terrified and sounded.

"Don't worry. You don't have to worry about these." Princess Catherine smoothed her skirt and took a deep breath. She is ready.

They set off. At the front is the guard, Catherine in the middle, Jane at the back. In this castle, the hallway was quiet and empty; the heavy footsteps of the guards became silent on the thick carpet.

But entering the central hall is like entering a different world: a world full of people, colors and noise. Catherine rarely came to this annoying place, but now she tried to accept it all.

There are no other women here. The princes wore magnificent breastplates, armed with long swords and daggers. It seemed that they dared not come to the royal court without showing the strongest appearance. Their servants stood around, everyone seemed to be talking, observing, and playing tricks. Catherine didn't recognize anyone, but the men recognized her, gave her a way, let her pass, and bowed as she walked by.

Then she walked to another door, and the guard opened the door for her. "Duke Peverly wants you to wait for him here, Your Highness."

Catherine walked into the lobby and waved Jane to wait at the closed door. The room was quiet, but Catherine could hear her own heart beating fast. She took a deep breath and slowly released it. She told herself to stay calm. Maintain dignity. Act like a princess.

She straightened her waist and took another deep breath. Then slowly walked to the other side of the room. It will be ugly. It will bleed. But I will not flinch. I won't faint. I certainly won't scream.

She took another deep breath.

I will control myself. I will not show any emotions. If the scene is really bad, I will think of other ways. But what do you think of me? Some beautiful vases? That would be wrong.

Take another deep breath.

What do you think when you see someone beheaded? Not just someone, but ...

Catherine turned around suddenly, without any reason, just acting subconsciously. However, in the corner of the room, Catherine saw Noyes leaning against the wall. Catherine rarely saw Noyes, but every time she saw him, she had to restrain her chills. He has a slender figure, a strong build, and enjoys sports. It may be about the age of her father.

Today, he is stylishly wearing his leather jacket with leather buckle straps, shoulder-length hair, pulled back from the angular face, and wearing a delicate braid, tied a simple knot. But despite this, he still has some unpleasant things. Maybe just because of his reputation.

Noyes, the chief prosecutor of the Kingdom of Bill Barry, is engaged in the search and hunt down of traitors. To a large extent, he did not kill the prisoner himself; that was his job as a torture officer and executioner. In the years since the end of the war with Margarita, Noyes and his fellows have flourished, unlike most other businesses in Bill Barry. No one can escape his surveillance: from the horse boy to the lord, from the maid to the lady, even the princess.

Noyes pushed himself away from the wall with his shoulder, took a lazy step towards her, and bowed slowly, saying, "Good morning, Your Highness. The weather is really good today, isn't it?"

"Just for you, I'm sure."

He smiled slightly and looked at her motionlessly. First launch https: // https: //

Catherine asked, "Are you waiting for Duke Peverly?"

"I'm just waiting, Your Highness."

They stood silently. Catherine looked up at the high windows and the blue sky in the distance. Noyes stared at her, and she felt like a sheep on the market ... no, more like an ugly bug crawling in front of him. She had a strong urge to show him some respect for herself.

But Catherine suddenly turned away from him, she said to herself: "Calm down." Keep calm. After nearly seventeen years of practice, she is good at hiding her emotions, but these things have become more difficult recently. Recently, her emotions have been threatening her.

"Ah, you are here, sister." Duke Peverly shouted when he rushed into the door, followed by Prince Harold. Catherine finally breathed a sigh of relief this time and saw her brothers. She bowed her knees. Peverly strode across the room, ignoring Noyes, or even bowing to Catherine. He did not stop, but continued to say: "Your maid stays here. You come with me." He pushed open the two doors leading to the castle square, and said: "Come on, princess. Don't bother . "

Catherine followed Peverley, and the door was closed in front of her. She pulled them apart and saw Peverly stop, she was relieved. The execution platform in front of them almost blocked the road, which was as high as the wall of the rose garden.

Peverly snorted and laughed. He smiled and said: "Dad told them to make sure everyone can see clearly. But I dare say that they cut down at least one acre of forest in order to build this thing."

"Well, I don't know why she went to see it. This is not suitable for girls." Harold said, hands on hips, legs apart, eyes fixed on Catherine.

"But the child is allowed to participate," Catherine replied, imitating his posture.

"I'm already fourteen, sister."

Catherine walked past him and whispered in Harold's ear: "Two months later, brother. But I will not tell anyone."

Harold muttered, "I will be bigger than you soon." Then he squeezed past her and stomped behind Peverly. He followed Peverly's broad body and looked particularly thin. They are obviously brothers, and their red and blond hair are exactly the same color. Although Harold ’s hair is more complicated, Catherine suddenly thought that he must let others spend more time on his hair than her maid. She has more time on her hair.

However, Harold's view on Catherine's presence was as unimportant as Catherine's own. At Noyes' suggestion, her father ordered her to attend the execution ceremony. Catherine must prove herself to them. The most important thing to prove her strength and loyalty is that she is not a traitor in heart, mind and behavior.

Peverly has turned to the corner of the scaffold. Catherine hurried to catch up and lifted her long skirt to avoid tripping. Although she couldn't see the crowd yet, she could hear their low hum. The strange thing is how can you feel the crowd and feel their emotions.

The people in the hall are polite on the surface, but they have an unabashed desire: the desire for power, for ... anything. There are many people here, but the atmosphere is surprisingly good. Several "Pefley" shouts sounded, but they soon became quiet. Today is not Peverly's day.

Peverly turned around, staring at Catherine's movements, she took the skirt and walked to him. "Do you want to show off your legs to everyone, sister?"

Catherine put down her skirt, smoothed the cloth, and said in her most disgusted voice: "The pebbles are not clean. This piece of silk will be destroyed."

"That's better than ruining your reputation." Peffer caught Catherine's eyes with his eyes. "I just think of you for you, sister." He waved to the left on the platform covered with Wangjia red carpet and said, "This is the place left for us."

As if Catherine didn't know herself.

Peverley led everyone up three steps. The royal seat is quite simple. Only a row of Catherine recognized it as a carved wooden stool moved from the conference hall. A thick red rope hung loosely between the short red and black pillars on the platform. The crowd was also roped on the side of the platform, but it was not red, but a thick brown rope and a row of Royal Guards separated the crowd.

Peverly pointed to the seat on the edge of the platform farthest from their current location, and the second best position on the entire platform. "For you, sister." He sat on the wide stool next to her with his legs apart and a muscular thigh on Catherine's seat. She sat down, carefully organizing her skirt so that it would not wrinkle, so that pale pink silk hung down on Peverly's knee. He moved his leg away.

Harold was still standing beside the seat opposite Peverley. "But Catherine has the best vision."

"The question is here, imp," Peverly answered.

"But I have priority over Catherine, I want to sit there."

"Okay, I gave that seat to Catherine. So sit here and stop complaining."

Harold hesitated for a while. He opened his mouth to complain again, but it caught Catherine's attention. She smiled and made an elegant sewing gesture in front of her lips. Harold glanced at Peverley and had to bite his lips with his teeth, but he remained silent.

Catherine looked at the square. Opposite the execution table, there was also a platform on which stood a few nobles. She recognized Ambrose's long blond hair and quickly looked away, not knowing if she blushed. Why did she feel hot and panicked just by looking at him? It was today! She had to think about something else. Sometimes, her life seems to be thinking about other things.

The open space in front of the execution table was crowded with civilians. Catherine stared at the crowd, forcing herself to focus on them. There are ragged laborers, some smarter businessmen ~ ~ a group of young men, some boys, some women. Most of them were dressed dry, and some were almost ragged, with loose hair, or simply tied behind their heads. Near her, people are talking about the weather. The sky is already hot. It is the hottest day in the month so far. The sky is pure and light blue. This is a day worth enjoying, but there are still hundreds of people here to witness someone die. New 81 Chinese network update the fastest computer terminal: https: //

"How do you think these people would come to see this, brother?" Catherine asked, pretending to be a voice I was asking a real question.

"You do not know?"

"Teach me a little. You are much more experienced in these matters."

Peffer replied in an overly sincere voice: "Well, sister. This is a sacred trinity, it drives the public and attracts them here. Boring, curious and bloodthirsty. The biggest is bloodthirsty."

"Do you think that when a noble head is about to be separated from a noble body, will this bloodthirsty desire increase?"

"They only want blood." Peverly replied. "Anyone."

"However, these people here seem to prefer to discuss the weather rather than split the person in half."

"They don't need to discuss this issue. They need to see it. They will soon stop talking about the weather. When the prisoners are brought out, you will understand what I mean. This mob wants blood, and they can get it today. . You will learn a lesson from those who betray the king. Something you ca n’t learn from books. "


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