The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 339: Raymond

When the tumbled door of the tavern was kicked open, every customer in the tavern turned his head and a few planks fell from their previously closed door. But when they saw that the intruder was a knight, they quickly lost interest in his violent behavior. Everyone knows that there is no benefit in asking about the nobles. These smart people use a pot of beer or a pot of wine to mediate their curiosity.

The pub owner twisted his hands nervously about his door being broken, but he did n’t even think about raising the voice of the heavily armed knight standing at the door. Instead, he lifted the log used as the bar door, ran out from behind the bar, and hurriedly served the noble guest.

"Sir Raymond de Toulouse!" The pub owner cried with excitement. "It's a great honor for such a noble character to come to my hut as a guest!" This chubby little man wiped his sweat-soaked palms on his apron, trying to be as cautious as possible, thinking if Robert Bell The count knew how much the pub actually earned last year, and how much he should owe to Earl Robert.

The knight did not pay attention to the tavern owner. His eyes swept across the tavern hall and looked at the peasants crowded on the bench. None of the farmers were willing to look at Sir Raymond—they accepted the knight ’s eye examination and carefully focused their eyes on the wine in front of them. Their attitude did not bother the Cavaliers. He doesn't need to look at his face to find the person he is looking for.

"I'm worried that my humble family is too shabby to provide the exquisite food you are used to, my host." The pub owner continued to chatter. "But if you allow it?"

Sir Raymond walked past the tavern owner, and when the knight walked to a table at the back of the tavern, the tavern blinked in confusion. There was only one farmer on that table wearing a dirty cloak that looked like it had been cut from a horse blanket. He was curled up on a clay pot filled with savoury wine. He didn't raise his head until the knight put his hand on his curved back.

The countryman avoided Raymond's touch, and a curse came from his lips. When he saw that the person talking to him was a knight, his curse was stuck in his throat. The farmer's face became pale, and he began to back away until his hump was pressed against the wall.

"The people in the kitchen told me that I might find you here, oatmeal." Sir Raymond said. "They also said that Earl Robert and you and his two knights left the castle five days ago. Since then, my uncle and his knight have never appeared. Where did they go, oat straw?"

The oatmeal flinched on this issue. He reached out subconsciously to get the jug of cheap wine on the table. Raymond's fully-armed hand patted the farmer's trembling fingers after grabbing the cup and hit it against the wall.

"Where is he, you **** guy!" Raymond growled.

"I didn't go with him!" Oatmeal insisted. Seeing his words increase the anger on the knight's face, he quickly gave up this stupid and ignorant excuse. The oatmeal glanced at the tavern and lowered his voice. "I took him to see that smart woman Giselle," he whispered.

"Are you talking about witches?" Raymond took a breath in surprise. He was shocked that a lord of Aquitaine would go to meet such a lowly and mean character.

The oatmeal nodded. "I don't know what Earl Robert wants from her. God, I swear I don't know! When I found ... I left him ... I slipped while he and other adults didn't pay attention."

The knight's complexion turned black. He looked away from the trembling oat straw and stared angrily at the tavern owner. "Your shop is closed now! Remove every dirty farmer in this pigsty, including you and your servant! I want to talk to this **** bug alone."

The farmers were pale, and they vacated the dilapidated tavern without the urging of the tavern owner. When they left the tavern, they huddled together. Soon, there was solitude as requested by Sir Raymond. Talking about his uncle's shame is the kind of topic that will attract others' attention. He cannot allow others to hear this, even those who are just farmers.

Raymond grabbed the front of the oat straw top and pulled up the crying man. "A farmer who abandons his master will be hanged!" He growled.

"Gosh! Please be kind!" Cried the oat rod, kneeling at the knight's feet. "I don't want to abandon the old man! If I knew why he wanted to see her? Why did he need a witch?"

"Why did Earl Robert meet Giselle?" Raymond asked, but he was afraid to hear the answer. A knight in Burtania was so humbled to find a witch to use black magic to retaliate his enemies, which would not only damage the reputation of the count, but also the reputation of the entire Toulouse family. Raymond thought his uncle must be crazy before he embarked on this infamous path.

The oatmeal shook his head and gave an unspeakable moan from his trembling body. "I can't tell you! I can't tell anyone! Don't force me, my master!"

Sir Raymond yanked the man up suddenly, raised him in front of him with one hand, and glared at the face of the oat straw. "If I had to drag you into the dungeon of the manor, you would tell me!"

He felt a trace of sympathy when he thought about the impact of the torture room in the castle of Toulouse on oat straw.

The man's twisted body was almost on the shelf. "No! No! I will say ~ ~ Master!" Oatmeal murmured. "Strangle me and cut off my head, but don't send me to the dark room!"

The oatmeal glanced guiltily at the tavern. He did not want to live up to the trust of Earl Robert. He was sufficiently loyal to his lord, and if possible, he would not expose Count Robert to such insults. The oatmeal rod reduced his voice to a weak whisper, forcing Sir Raymond to work hard to capture every word he spoke.

When he heard what the oatmeal said, the knight understood the reason for his silence. "Count Robert is looking for the grave of Duke Bloodhawk," said Oat Rod. "He hopes to use the power of the Duke of Blood Eagle to deal with the Du Lancaster family."

Raymond let go of his grip on the coat of oat straw. The cold feeling of horror slipped down his spine, and he couldn't help shivering. First the witch, now the monster! The desire for revenge drives his uncle crazy!

"The Duke of Blood Eagle was wiped out by the righteous King Charles." Raymond said, both as if he wanted to persuade himself, but also to prove that the oatmeal was a lie. "That monster was burned to death with his evil army."

The oatmeal shook his head vigorously, staring guiltily at the floor. "The witch in the forest, Giselle said, they built a monument for the Duke of Blood Eagle to pin his soul. That's where she took Earl Robert.

Sir Raymond raised his head and glared at the humpback guy. "Then take me there," he said to the oatmeal. Deep inside, Raymond began to pray to the lady, praying that he could stop his uncle in time. However, five days had passed, and he knew his actions were too late. Unless there is a miracle, any evil that Earl Robert's madness can bring has already begun to act.

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