The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 350: castle

It is located on a lonely mountain on the edge of the Langde forest. The Garonne River twists and turns, bypassing the western slope, and a deep crack is drawn in the limestone, forming a grand canyon a few hundred feet deep. The river meanders northwards. The river meanders and turns northwards until it enters the sea, and the other end extends to the source of the southern high mountains.

This hill is a lifeless rock pile, and its soil was washed into the river by ruthless wind and rain. Even the most desperate shepherd cannot find pastures for his flocks on this barren mountain. Only bald eagles and black panthers will nest among dead rocks and use higher vantage points to sniff prey in the valley below.

If it weren't for its location, the barren mountain would have been abandoned until the river roaring beneath it collapsed. However, the location of this mountain is too precious to be ignored.

The advantages it provides are more valuable than for bald eagles and black panthers. In the mountains, the sentries can observe the highland passages in the hills, as well as the border of the sinister Langde Forest. The vigil on the mountain can quickly warn Aquitaine to tell the enemy to gather to attack the pastures and vineyards of the Duke ’s territory. The threat of Goblin and orcs who suddenly ran down from the mountain is common, and the existence of those beasts and monsters deep in the forest cannot be ignored either.

Therefore, in the initial period of the Duke's reign, a stone tower stood on the mountain and was entrusted to a lord, Viscount Marini, whose fief was nearby. Several generations of their family have maintained this tower, but as the years passed, and no more terrible monsters invaded, the Marini family began to ignore their duties. From a garrison composed of knights and archers, the tower's defensive strength gradually weakened into a single warrior. His main task was to collect tolls for farmers who wanted to avoid the wind and rain in this decaying fortress.

Looking up from the plain below, the Duke of Blood Eagle did not see its crumbling walls and broken gates. What he saw was what the ancient Duke of Aquitaine saw: a position that could be strengthened, a position that could defend almost any army.

Both sides of the stone tower are steep cliffs and the Garonne River, and the attacking army will find their siege options limited. Anyone who chooses to do so will be forced to turn away from the direction of the mountain, where there is a danger that a large group of orcs will attack him from behind. The longer this siege lasts, the more likely it is to lead Goblin and orcs out on the mountain. A prepared defender can do more here than resist the enemy. He could defeat them, the Duke thought.

The Duke of Blood Eagle smiled, stroking the neck of his horse without meat with his fully-armed hands. He forgot that Palomo had no mane to touch. This Istanian horse died in the magical kingdom of Ai Erbai, and its bones turned white under the scorching sun of the desert.

He is now served by the ghost of his faithful horse, which is now summoned from the shadow world after death by the terrible power under the command of this monster. Palomo has responded to the master's call and returned to the Duke of Blood Eagle, becoming a nightmare of terrible bones and muscles. The fire was burning deep inside his skull, and smoke was billowing from his mouth.

The Duke of Blood Eagle turned around on the saddle, glaring at the people following him. When his eyes fell on them, ordinary people shuddered. The undead just looked back at him with their lifeless eyes, waiting for the master's order.

The monster's gaze rested on the twisted face of Baron Huguenot de Naval. Baron Huguenot was the first victim of the bite of the Duke of Blood Eagle. The baron ’s killer was sent to kill the legal Duke of Aquitaine. Fortunately, the killer ’s life was strangled by the duke. The Duke of Blood Eagle did not intend to make Baron Huguenot de Naval a vampire.

Perhaps this explains the grotesque result of the resurrection of Baron Huguenot. The baron's skin cracked and rotted, and it looked as if he had been in the grave for months. His arm was a hard mass curled up in front of his chest, and his leg couldn't move like a piece of steel. Half of Baron's face was paralyzed, stiff like a stone, and a syrup-like liquid dripped continuously from his loose mouth. When Baron Huguenot tried to look at something, only one eye moved, and the other stared blankly like a vulture.

In addition, Baron Huguenot de Naval showed another weakness. He did not have his own will at all, and was completely dominated by the request made by the Duke of Blood Eagle. The Duke of Blood Eagle took advantage of the baron's irresistible nature, at least when he was tired of torturing the poor worm. During the interrogation, Baron Huguenot could not wait to confess the conspiracy against Ennasu-Saif, at least in the baron's broken memory. This made the Duke of Blood Eagle even more disgusted towards him.

"Bring the cow to the front," the Duke of Blood Eagle shouted at his drooling adjutant. Baron Huguenot, who had been turned into a monster, smiled grimacingly. He kicked the Spurs towards the rotten sides of his undead warhorse, and walked back along the path.

The Duke of Blood Eagle stared at Baron de Huguenot for a moment, then turned around to face one of his dangerous and deadly vassals. The knights flocked to the banner of the Duke of Blood Eagle in droves, and they were attracted by his heroic warfare and stories of attempting to usurp his territory with such cowardly means.

Vampires are very willing to use such people, but he knows the strict guidelines these knights follow. No matter what oath they swear to him, there are other oaths that might shake them while serving him. Fortunately, he also found other servants, who were not so strict with honor issues.

Sir Kobinen was such a person, a refugee who had escaped from the domain of the Duke of Alençon. He was a wanted criminal, declared a criminal by his own angry father, and charged with atrocities committed against a female prophet of Ms. Liming. Sir Kobinin escaped imprisonment, killed his brother in the process, and fled to Aquitaine alone. The knighthood possessed by this knight had already died in his heart, replaced by a cruel sadistic desire, which made him a perfect servant of the Duke of Blood Eagle.

The Duke of Blood Eagle said to the expressionless knight. "You will take your soldiers to surround the mountain. Let these scumbags know that as soon as a worker leaves the scene, I will send ten people to take their place." The monster looked back at the mountain and noticed On both sides of the mountain are steep cliffs. "If any workers want to leave, they are free to choose the river."

The wailing cry and the lash of lashes foreshadowed the return of Baron Huguenot. This monster enslaved a group of panicked Aquitaines, flanked by rotting zombies and grinning skeletons. There are hundreds of people in this team. They are in ragged clothes, from the peasant's shawl to the wine merchant's cloak, to the merchant's bright coat, all tightly attached to them. Even on the trembling bodies of the Duke of Blood Eagle, the colors available to the nobles can be seen. As the crowd marched, the drunken mercenaries lashed them hard with leather whips, urging them to move forward.

The Duke of Blood Eagle raised his hand, and the team stopped following the Duke's movements. The Duke closed his eyes, savoring the breath of fear and despair emanating from the poor people. He was immersed in the weeping of women and the crying of children, which were fascinating.

It is correct to do this, and these parasites should suffer pain; to do so, they should know the pain and despair burning in his chest. It was these scumbags that left Baron Huguenot de Naval's conspiracy to succeed and believed his lies in support of the King's request for Aquitaine.

How many of them have witnessed his wife leap from the railing of Aquitaine Castle? How many of them have seen her broken body lying on a slate? How many of them have heard of her Night after night crying in despair, crying for the lie that told her that her husband was dead?

Thinking of this, Duke Blood Eagle's hand clasped his hilt. He can cut off all their heads. He can slaughter the Al-Ebais like they did in the Battle of Margarita. He can let their bodies be scattered in Aquitaine and be used as feed for coyotes and crows. Yes, he can kill them all, but then their pain will end.

For these parasites, their suffering has just begun.

"There is an ancient quarry at the foot of the mountain," the Duke of Blood Eagle pointed to the rugged foot of the mountain. "First of all, you have to climb this mountain and tear down that ruin. You will bring the stone back from the mountain and build a new castle for your legal master. Whether day or night, regardless of the weather, you will Work, you have to build my castle. Forget the gods and the lady ~ ~ Their words are meaningless to you now. The only thing you can hear now is my engineers and architects Instructions. If you let them down, you will know what real pain is. "

A whisper of fear came from the crowd, the women cried out in pain, and the old man knelt on the ground and began to pray. One of the slaves was wearing a broken noble robe on his shoulder and squeezed forward.

"Please, Your Majesty, we beg you to show mercy." The man sobbed. "Your Majesty, we have not offended you, begged you for your grace. We will serve you loyally, as we have been loyal in the past."

"Like when I am alive?" Duke Blood Eagle asked after listening to the nobles. In the eyes of the monster, he was not forgiven.

The noble turned around and grabbed the stirrup of the rotten horse of Baron Huguenot de Naval. "At least spare the children and women!" He begged loudly. "Poor pity them!"

The baron's answer was a crazy smirk. His half-functioning mouth pulled back, revealing a gleaming inspection. The enslaved monster reached out and grabbed the rude slave.

"No," Duke Bloodhawk's harsh voice froze his slave, which drove the nobleman who spoke away from the baron. "This person should not die so fast. He will stay here and be harmless, let him watch his friends and neighbors work. He will watch them sell their lives for my castle, watch them die one by one . When the last stone is built and the castle is built, he will be tied to a horse, and then sent to the mountains for the Goblins to have fun. "

The monster's pale face blossomed with a malicious evil smile. "Before Bleach finds you, you will want me to let you build my castle."

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