The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 604: darling

"You failed, dear," said the demon prince Kazakitar calmly. He looked at her from his stolen eyes, and Justin felt a sense of horror pass through her body, reaching deep inside her.

She flinched because she knew what kind of punishment her benefactor would give her when she was upset.

She instinctively grasped the ruby ​​handle of her black sword with her fingers. Then she shook her head. Her thick black and white hair swayed with the movement of her head. She felt powerless. Although there was a small group of horned beasts around her, she knew they could not help her. In front of her master, no one can help her, no one. Glad the old tauren shaman-Mote and his entourage had retreated to the outside of the black altar after the call. She didn't want anyone to see her embarrassment.

"Everyone in the village is dead. As we both hoped," she lied, although she knew it was futile. Her gorgeous armor had strangled her tightly like a vise. The faint pain stimulated her nerve endings. If the devil is so eager to do so, she knows that she will soon swim in the painful ocean. Hey, one less! Like to invite everyone to collect: () Zhai Shuyuan updates the fastest.

Justin tries not to look at it as much as possible, because she knows how seeing it will affect her. She knew that it had begun to transform the body of the victim of sacrifice to something more like its true form.

She looked around. Above the head, the two moons joined together evilly, shining brightly. One of the moons gradually became round. The other is sickly. So tonight and the next two nights, evil forces will become powerful in this land, strong enough to summon her demon asylum from his kingdom beyond hell. Strong enough to allow it to occupy the body of the person they worshipped on the altar deep in the forest. By the way, there is another less! Zhai Shuyuan, update the latest chapter as soon as possible!

The old count is a fighter. He waved a spiked mace to the yard to greet her, wearing half-hurried armor. He cursed her for being a **** dark beast. When he saw the barbarian Gosor and Unger tribe behind her, pouring out of the broken gate of his castle, she saw fear written on his face. She was almost sad for the old fool with a beard. She has always liked him. He deserved the death of a warrior, and she quickly gave it to him.

The young man stood behind his father, his face pale with fear. He turned around and fled into the **** yard, where her followers were slaughtering the half-sleeping soldiers. She followed him effortlessly and mercilessly, the black armor fused with her body, giving her extra endurance and strength.

The chase in the dark castle ended in Chavez's bedroom, she always knew it was necessary. After all, this is where everything starts. He shut himself in the house, howling and praying to the gods to save him. Her foot in armor boots kicked the door open and strode in like a vengeful demon.

This place looks similar to what she remembers. The same huge bed dominates. The equally delicate Burtanian rugs covered the floor. The walls were covered with the same deer heads and hunting loot, as well as the same pennants and weapons. Only Chavez changed. The nervous, thin young man has grown into a crying fat man. Sweat trickled down his cheeks with double chins. His eyes narrowed in horror, but his face looked very childish. Yes, he changed. After so long, another person might not recognize him, but Justin still recognized him. She will never forget his eyes, those glass-like eyes, and since the first day she came to the castle seven years ago, his dull eyes have been watching her. Japan, I ca n’t read it, and I ’m short of it! One second to remember, Zhai Shuyuan ().

On his face, like two swollen pink maggots wet his lips.

"You will die," she said.

"Why?" He gasped. Then she took off her helmet. When he finally recognized her face and her distinctive long hair, he moaned loudly.

"Because I told you seven years ago, you will. Do you remember? Then you laughed. Why don't you laugh now?" She pushed the blade harder. Blood bloomed on his white silk shirt. He reached out and pleaded.

For the first time in years, excited tears stung her eyes. She felt a wave of anger and hatred again. It flows through her blood vessels, turning her face into a mask. She pushed the sword down, reveling in the trembling of the flesh and the piercing squeeze of flesh and blood on the hellish metal. She leaned forward and pressed him on the bed, where he had entangled her seven years ago. The sheets were stained with blood again.

She was taken aback by herself. After years of careful planning, after so many slow, thoughtful, and delicious tortures, she killed him all at once. Somehow, revenge seems less important. She turned and left the room to supervise the looting of the town. She ignored the pleadings of the two men, and they both made them in a creepy joke that she didn't understand and intended to use them on the gallows. Then she was there, in the village, and met the child.

Now, she tried to forget the child.

"You shouldn't let that girl go, dear." There was a hint of anger in the devil's voice. The commitment to eternal suffering emphasizes every word of it.

"I didn't let the kid go. I left it to the beast. I'm not responsible for killing every dull village urchin."

The devil's words stung her. "Do n’t lie, my dear. You did n’t do it because you were too weak. For a moment, you let your human weakness bind your hands and push you away from the path you chose. I ca n’t allow it. Nor can you Because if you change direction now, you will lose everything. Believe me, if you let the girl survive, you will regret it. "

She looked up, and, as usual, its smooth, shelly, and beautiful appearance impressed her and attracted her. She saw its black armor, and her terrifying beautiful face emerged from under the rune helmet, shining with light. She met its red glowing eyes and saw its power. It does not know what is weakness and what is compassion. It is flawless. One day she will be like it ~ ~ She plucked the idea out of her heart, and showed an obvious smile of joy.

"You understand, dear. You know the nature of our agreement. My Lord's path to warriors is only a test. Follow this path to the end, you will find strength and immortality. Deviate from it, you will find There is only an eternal curse. The great Korhoun rewards the strong, but he hates the weak. The wars we participate in and the wars we wage are nothing but a test, a melting pot, and burn our weaknesses and perfections. The test of our strength. You must be strong, dear. "

At this moment she nodded, hypnotized by its beautiful sound of melting, tempted by a promise that neither knew pain nor weakness, was tempted by a promise of omniscience and perfection, tempted by a The promise of letting the horror of the world infiltrate any gaps in her armor was tempted. The devil held out a clawed hand, and she touched it.

"A **** and dark age is coming, an age of terror and anger. Soon, our Lord ’s army will start from the wasteland, the fate of this world will be determined by steel and dark magic. The victorious party will own this world, dear human The victor will have eternal domination. The planet will be cleared of dirty humans. We will transform everything according to our own image. You can stand on the side of victory, dear human, a privileged warrior. You just Be stronger and lend your strength to our Lord. Do you hope so? "

At that moment, when she stared at the creature's burning eyes and heard its soft and persuasive voice, she was convinced.

"Do you want to join us, my lord's darling?"

"Oh yes," she said breathlessly. "Yes."

"That child must die."

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