The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 609: Forest keeper

An arrow hit the tree trunk next to Guerrero root, stopped there, trembling. The dwarf glared all around, sniffing the air and staring at the grass. Are the unicorns catching up again? Why did n’t they shoot them directly?

Bai En looked at the black feathers attached to the tail of the arrow. It could not be a beast, he thought. This arrow does not look like their weapon. Kate did not mention any of them with bows and arrows. Facing the threat of unknown danger, Bai En felt his skin start to creep. He tried hard to hear any sound. But all he could hear was the wind between the branches, the singing of birds and the sound of the river in the distance.

"This is a warning," said a rude, obviously uneducated voice. "Don't get closer."

Downwind, Bai En thought, the archer was downwind. very professional. When he glared at the sound of these words, the same thought undoubtedly appeared on Guerrerogan. Hey, one less! Like to invite everyone to collect: () Zhai Shuyuan updates the fastest.

"It doesn't sound like that beast." Another voice said, to the left of Bai En. It sounds. This voice has a joyful atmosphere, no matter how serious the situation is, it cannot be suppressed.

"Who knows-this is a weird era. But they don't look like a man." This was said by a woman behind them. By the way, there is another less! Zhai Shuyuan, update the latest chapter as soon as possible!

Grey Logan's voice was full of anger. "Are you suggesting that I might be a weak person in your race? I will let you eat these words, human. I am a **** dwarf!"

"Maybe you should be restrained until we see our ambushers," Bai En whispered to Grey Rogan, then he shouted to the front: "Forgive my friends. He is the enemy of evil forces, very Easily insulted. We are not horned beasts or aberrations, as you can see clearly. We are pure mercenaries on the way to Heidelberg in search of work. No matter who you are, we have no intention of hurting you. "

"At least he speaks fluently, which is for sure," the first voice said. "Don't shoot first, boys. Until I order."

"Maybe he is a wizard-they are said to be all educated people," the woman's voice said. "Maybe this kid is his eyeliner." Day, there is no way to look at it! One second to remember, Zhai Shuyuan ().

Bai En thinks that the situation here can easily become very bad. These people sound scared and suspicious, and they can persuade them to fill the body with arrows without much effort, and then ask the child. He racked his brains to find a way out. He hoped that Grey Logan could restrain himself from plunging into troublesome nature, otherwise they both would be over.

"Is it you, Mr. Messner?" Kate said suddenly.

May the **** who saved himself once again bless you, boy, Bai En thought. Let them talk all the time. Every word they say increases the contact between people, making it harder for them to treat us as unknown enemies.

"Don't kill them. They protect me from beasts. They are not warlocks or evil lovers." She looked up at Bai En with bright eyes. "That was Mr. Messner, a Ranger of the Old Duke. When he came to the hotel, he often sang to me and told me jokes. He is a good person."

Bai En thought, this good guy might shoot an arrow between my eyes in a few seconds. "Kate is right. We did kill the horned beast, the beast you said. We may have to kill more people. They destroyed the Lord Klein leader-they may be marching now. They are led by an evil Warriors led. "

A man with big belly **** appeared in the wood to the right of Bai En. He was wearing a leather jacket and a green-brown mottled cloak. Bai En was surprised. He must have looked at the man's location several times, but he didn't know where he was. One of his big hands was holding a bow, but he didn't point it at Guerrerogan or Baien. For such a big guy, his movements are surprisingly quiet.

He stopped ten steps away from the path, staring at them, as if evaluating them. His face was scarred and his gray hair was thin. His nose looks flat and torn. He has a pair of swollen ears, like an elderly professional boxer. His eyes were cold and gray like steel.

"No-you don't look like a child of hell, this is for sure. But if you are not, you must have chosen a good time to stroll in the woods-because every twisted soul is moving north from here."

"Then why are you here?" Asked Gray Rogan. His face was somber that he could hardly control his anger.

"Remember, I am not answering your question, but this is my job. The boys and I are looking after the old prince in the woods. I can tell you now that I do n’t like what I see."

He rubbed his nose with his knuckles and stood staring at them. Bai En tried to evaluate this person. His voice sounded like a peasant, but his eyes were sharp, and there was a sense of humor in the lazy tone, which made people think that he was a smart man, but he was cleverly hidden. He didn't seem to be angry easily, but Bai En guessed that once he was angry, he would become a terrible enemy. His quiet appearance is scary. He faced the casually standing of the oath-takers, which made him think that he was a person who believed in his authority. Bai En has also seen such people before—faithful servants or trustworthy officials whose masters trust them, and often give fair judgments immediately on their property. The good news is that Bai En knows how to deal with such people.

"We are not your enemy," Bai En said. "We just passed Empire Avenue. We don't want to cause trouble."

The man laughed, as if Bai En said something interesting ~ ~ Then you came to the wrong place, boy. Something has stirred up those old beasts. People like me haven't seen them so active in two decades. They left a path of destruction from the forest to the mountains. From what you said, they also did something for Earl Klein. It's a pity-I have always liked this place. What about Klein and his soldiers? What must they do. "

"Dead," said Gray Logan, then sneered sarcastically. The forest officer looked at him. His eyes were full of anger.

"No-that's a castle. It's been there for nearly six hundred years. The beasts never attacked fortifications. They have no strategy. It is precisely because of this that it makes us in this cursed land To survive. "

"It's true. What Grerogan said is true," Kate said. It sounds like she is about to cry.

"If I were you, I would pay attention to the next village," said Gray Rogan, and then added ironically, "I definitely will."

Messner turned to the forest and shouted, "Rolf, go west and see what you can see. Freda-gather the rest of the boys, we meet in Flensburg. I will take our Friends go there. It looks like the situation is going to get worse. "

Others did not respond. Bai En didn't even hear the rustle of the bushes, but he felt their observers had gone. He couldn't help shivering. He has always stood on the verge of death, and has never even seen its delivery person. He felt that he did not like the forest to come back; he would rather stay in a place where he could see danger coming.

Messner motioned them to follow him. "Come on. You can tell me what you know along the way. When we get to Flensburg, I want to know what happened."

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