The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 673: cough

Bai En cursed and tried to stop his cough, but it was useless. His lungs were fighting the stench from the cellar. Tears poured out of his eyes. He had never smelled such a bad smell in his life. As if he had smelled all the foul-smelling ingredients in all the wards and all the dissection rooms. As long as he took a breath, he felt uncomfortable, and he had to restrain his urge to leave and vomit.

Seeing what was happening in the tomb did not calm his stomach. He glanced into a room illuminated by the light of a strange magic stone lamp. In a long room, there were a dozen of the dirtiest and most leprosy-like ratmen he had ever seen, lying lazily among the open sarcophagi of a group of dead noblemen.

The huge stone casket lay flat on the floor of the room. Their lid was opened, and the contents were scattered all over the place. Skulls and bones are everywhere. Lying among them were the ratmen, weak and ugly, lying in their pools of pus, vomit, and feces, nibbling the bones of the dead. At the other end of the room, the most disgusting and evil guy that Bai En had seen was stirring a cauldron on a blazing fire. He stopped from time to time, just to spit into it, or from a worm Some rotten carrion was ripped from the dead body.

Just as Bai En watched, a finger of that thing fell into the bubbling evil brew, and the guy didn't even blink his eyes. It just stopped for a moment, took a breath, and added another layer of glowing dust that might be magic stone powder, and then continued to stir. Then, Bai En witnessed a strange ritual, a live mouse was put into this stench of brew, and then woke up again. Even Gray Logan seemed to be stunned and stood there staring blankly, watching the rat man's every move, as if to remember it forever. Bai En knew that everything he had witnessed was related to the spread of the plague. He didn't quite understand what was going on or how it was done, but he was convinced that this was the case. These **** depraved rats and their ugly cauldrons with runes must have something to do with this disease.

Just glance at their dirty look, he knew it was for sure. Then he felt an uncontrollable urge to cough. He tried to control it, but the more he did it, the more itchy his lungs and the greater the risk of an outbreak. Finally, he suddenly coughed. Unfortunately, it happened to be one of the rare moments of silence in the tomb.

Now, the rat-man leader stood motionless, his nose twitching, and seemed to feel the presence of Bai En-despite the harsh cough, round fart, and harsh breathing that filled the room. How could it be possible to feel the existence of Bai En, and Bai En could not infer how it was done. . However, when it pointed his direction with a rotten claw, all doubts disappeared. Bai En prayed whispering to the unknown **** who had been protecting his life, hoping that he would still be protected, and raised his sword to the proper position. Beside him, Grerogan woke up from his cold fear, raised his axe, and issued his battle slogan.

Intruder, Villebris-Nule thought! Mankind has found a way to this holy place. This sacred place was enshrined in the most holy image of the devil ’s humblest servants. He did not know what the mean tricks brought them here. This is not important. Those stupid human beings will soon pay the price of their stupidity, because the monks of the Pestirian clan are the deadliest of all the ratmen warriors, especially when they are awakened to a violent state dedicated to the devil ’s cause . And even if he fails, he can summon the powerful mysterious power lent him by his evil god.

As Bae was watching, the plague priest raised his staff above his head, and then knocked on the ground suddenly. It reads a series of spells aloud in the rattle and harsh language. These words seemed to break free from the depths of their hearts and turned into a fire shape on their tongues. When it spits them out, they become burning runes, burning, bending, flashing on the retina, then jumping out, touching each of its followers in turn.

As they did so, a huge sick halo surrounded the flesh of the Rat-Man family and then seemed to be absorbed by their bodies. The scabies on these ratmen's fur erected, their tails stiff, and their eyes shone strangely. They jumped up with a shocking style and energy. There was a growing challenge of challenge in their throats.

Grey Logan strode into the warm, misty room, and Bai En followed. The ratmen hurried to get up and picked up their nasty, old weapons. Guerrerogan's axe attacked from side to side, killing while walking. Nothing can hinder his axe. No one who is not crazy or wise will try to resist it. However, these ratmen did not turn around and run away like other ratmen. They did not even hold their ground. On the contrary, they launched a crazy offense that was as insane as Guerrerogen. Bubbles poured out of their mouths, their eyes wide open, rolling wildly. For a moment, Guerrerogan was blocked by their rushing force, and then they swarmed, biting, grabbing, and poking at him.

Bai En slammed towards the nearest one, and he turned around, facing him like a snake, meandering and meandering, hissing between his teeth and showing a crazy look in his eyes. He could see a yellow pus staining the bandage around the creature's chest. He poked the place with his sword, and the sword sank with a terrible sucking sound, almost like Bai En stabbed into the jelly.

The pain didn't stop the ratman in front of him. It rushed straight at him, rushing forward with Bai En's sword, ignoring it stabbing into his chest. If it can feel pain, it shows no signs. Bai En watched in horror as he opened his mouth, revealing yellow teeth and a white, leprosy tongue. It was then that he realized that of all the bad things that might happen here, it was the worst to let that guy bit himself.

He slammed the plague monk's nose with his left fist, knocking his jaw to the side. The force of the blow caused several rotten teeth to fly out of his mouth, stalking on the dirty floor. It turned around and stared at him fiercely with big evil eyes. Bai En used this opportunity to divert his center of gravity, hooked the creature's own leg with his leg, and let it fall to the floor.

He turned his sword on the plague monk's chest, almost ripping him up, and when he pulled it out, the monster was still not dead. It punched the surrounding slate with fists, sending out a terrible neurotic spasm. Bane knows that evil witchcraft works here, especially when such a weak and diseased creature proves to be so difficult to kill.

Bai En lifted his feet and smashed the monster's throat hard with his boots, crushing its trachea and fixing it in place. He kept chopping it, but the monster still passed It took a long time to die.

Bane withdrew his gaze from the dilapidated corpse, looked up and looked around to see how Grey Rogan was. The dwarf used his hands to resist the crazy rats, but that's all. He blocked one of them with that big hand, but the other Ratmen swarmed in, blocking his deadly axe, making his arm wielding his axe unable to move. This is a fierce dogfight. It's a wrestling game between the powerful forces of Grerogan and a group of plagued monks that have been enhanced by magic.

Bai En glanced around in despair, knowing that if the dwarf fell, he would only have a few seconds to survive. The sound of footsteps behind him told him that more ratmen were coming, returning from what insidious missions they had been performing. The chanting priest still jumped out of the flames with runes between his lips. The flame rushed over his head, and Bai En turned around, and saw the weird light appear on the fur of two other plague monks, and the terrible transformation conquered them. Bai En thought, things didn't look good. Unless any action is taken against the priest, everything is over. Deep down in his heart, he knew he was the only one capable of doing anything.

He didn't even have time to think for himself, so he jumped to the nearest sarcophagus. He then jumped to the next one, overtook the scuffle between Grerogan and the Ratman, and continued to run towards the priest who chanted the spell. More and more rune flames spewed out between the priest and his followers, and Bane was convinced that the rat-man leader still singing was the source of the power of these believers. Continuous jumps took him closer and closer to the bubbling cauldron and its terrible master. He finally stopped, frozen for a moment in fear and hesitation.

His next jump will have to allow himself to cross the cauldron and then fight the priest. This is a terrible prospect. As long as he took the wrong step, or he slipped accidentally, or there was a slight deviation in the judgment of distance, he would find himself in the boiling brew. He didn't even want to think about what would happen if he did that. Death and illness, to be honest, Bai Enning can choose to die.

At this time, he heard the sound of Grerogan's battle slogan and turned around, he saw the dwarf fighting the new ratman. It seems that he only has a few seconds to act. Bai En sighed and jumped. When he was in midair, he could feel the heat beneath, the odor in the cauldron passing over his face, and then his foot touched the plague priest's face, and then both fell to the ground.

The ratman priest's singing stopped, but it reacted at an alarming speed, jumping like a spring. Bai En slammed it with his sword, but the ratman jumped backwards and then cut its bone stick into a fuzzy arc. If Bai En did not roll over to the other side, this arc would Smash his skull.

Bai En stood up quickly, carefully circled around, looking for a flaw. From behind the cauldron, out of his line of sight, came the sound of a terrible massacre. He could only hope that this was the voice of Guerrerogan hitting the plague monk. To his surprise, unlike Bai En's previous preference for escaping in the face of most single ratmen, the ratman in front of him quickly and fiercely attacked. Bai En used his sword to block another blow of the bone staff. He was surprised at the speed and power of the opponent using the bone staff. The force of the impact almost let the long sword fall out of his hands. Then the Ratman's other punch hit his knuckle, and this attack brought him the sword in his hand. When the Ratman saw the shocked expression on his face, a nasty, greasy snicker came out of his mouth.

"Dead! Dead! Stupid human stuff!" It screamed, with a thick Marnus accent. The bone staff fell again. This time, Bai En managed to move away, and it slammed down to where he had just stood. Without waiting for the rat-man to raise its bone staff, Bai En grabbed it. In an instant, he found himself wrestling with the ratman in order to grab the weapon. The strength of its strong muscles is much greater than Bai En imagined. Its stinking jaw snapped closed in front of his face ~ ~ almost bit his nose. Seeing the saliva flowing from those bad teeth, Bai En couldn't help but tremble with nausea, but he continued to fight with a force that was born in fear.

Now he has an advantage in weight. He was much taller and heavier than the thin guy, and he used this advantage to spin around in place while he was pulling the guy. When he turned it in the right direction, he no longer pulled the bone staff, but pushed it. The surprised ratman fell backwards. It screamed because its back hit the hot metal side of the cauldron. Bai En crouched down, grabbed its feet, and lifted them up. He threw it hard and threw the cunning ratman leader into his cauldron.

It disappeared for a while under the bubbling brew, and then suddenly came out of the water, gasping for breath, and the terrible liquid spit out of its mouth. It desperately wants to crawl out of the cauldron. Bai En picked up the bone stick and hit it **** his head, pressing it back. Then he took the bone rod and poked down, feeling the movement of the struggling ratman. He quickly fixed it firmly with one end of the bone rod, then leaned forward with all his strength. The ratman twisting his body tried to push him back, but Bai En was too heavy to move at all. Its struggle stopped slowly. Finally, Bai En relaxed his repression, and his breathing became easier. He looked down from the high platform and saw Guerrero waving his axe and beheaded the last plague monk. The bodies of other people were dismembered into different shapes under his feet. He looked up at Bai En and found that he was still alive, and seemed a bit disappointed. Bai En grinned and gave him a thumbs up.

At this moment, something terrible came out of the cauldron in front of him.

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