Xiao'an Village is used to cooperating in combat.

The militia also practiced like this.

Facing Bei Rong, who was as fierce as a wolf and a tiger, he suppressed them with two long sticks, and waited for an opportunity to move with a big knife.

In fact, they prefer to use the door panel, that thing is so easy to use, unlike now, they are always worried, for fear that Bei Rong will take a cold shot and they will not be able to guard against it. Instead, when they have the door panel in their hands, they go straight down. Press, people have to be pressed, so that Bei Rong can't move, and then use a knife to stab down the head, they are all familiar with it, the speed is so fast...

But as Xiao Er said, it is really inconvenient not to carry the door panel everywhere.

They began to learn to defend, to look for opportunities to insert knives, to learn how to stab people, how to stab people, how to hurt each other... and most importantly, to wrap their sticks with some iron.

They can't use real materials like Qi Da and the others. The high cost is the second most important thing.

The portion is moderate, the cost is low, and you don't have to worry about the stick being cut off when you cut it with a knife.

In short, there are many benefits.

It's just that the iron materials in the village are in serious emergency, and there are only a few people in Xiao'an who can use such a stick, let alone the militia.

Not to mention the number of the militia, they don't even have the qualifications to buy.

With his outstanding record, Hu Er is ranked first in the village no matter what.

Right now, he was holding a half-clad iron stick, a longbow on his back, and a knife in his hand, looking very unfriendly.

But in fact, Hu Er was depressed to death.

There is nothing to say about their brother's archery, but nothing else.

The current snowstorm has seriously affected his performance.

The militia and the Beirong fought hand-to-hand again, and the enemy and the enemy got together, changing positions frequently, and the vision was blocked...

He dared to shoot arrows only when he was close.

Hu Er had to go around in circles around the fringe area, and followed him to hit a few sticks. He was really not used to it, so he simply lent it to the eldest son-in-law of the Song family.

Uncle Song was so happy that he changed the knife, picked up a half-packed iron stick, and touched it sinisterly.

Taking advantage of the unpreparedness of Bei Rong who was fighting with his brother-in-law, he stabbed him fiercely from the back.

Hu Er hissed, the location must be the waist.

That Bei Rong also hissed, was hurt so badly, his body took two steps forward uncontrollably.

The second uncle of the Song family just caught sight of Qi Da and Xiao Er throwing sticks, and he was inspired.

He quickly reversed his grip and threw it out violently.


At such a close distance, he exerted all his strength again.

The blade scratched Bei Rong's wrist, almost cutting off his hand.

Hu Er was not far away. Seeing this scene, he drew his bow and shot his arrow without even thinking about it.

Really don't need to think about it, at this distance, at this angle, Beirong's front door is wide open, and there is no barrier between him and him.

Anyone who doesn't shoot him is sorry for his good position.


The arrow flew straight into the throat.

Hu Er didn't even need to go over to check, he knew the arrow he shot was accurate.

He hurriedly shouted: "Your ones, this is not mine, it's just a momentary itchy hand, hey, I can't hold back..."

Before Eldest Uncle Song and Second Uncle Song could speak, someone called him at the other end.

"Hurry up and shoot an arrow, kill him and you'll be counted."

The Bei Rong who are still alive are all capable.

Hu Er suddenly thought of the bandit slang words that Yan Lao Er told them when they fled famine.

"Is the idea difficult?"

Luo San, who called him just now, also remembered, and blurted out: "Hand in hand!"

Hu Er is in good spirits!

He was so excited that he dropped the knife in his hand.

Holding the bow and running fast.

While running, draw the bowstring to the full, turn your feet left and right, and shoot an arrow whenever you find an opportunity.

Bei Rong, who was in a stalemate with Luo San and the others, fell to the ground with hatred.

Hu Er felt like he was doing it again!

Run all over the field!

Even the wind and snow can't stop his enthusiasm for killing the enemy!


Luo doesn't talk much, but he is a ruthless person.

Yan Yu had discovered this a long time ago.

The uncles in Xiao'an Village have all been tempered now, and it is unambiguous to kill Beirong, but at the beginning, she was the first to adapt to it, and she was Uncle Luo.

Others' knives go straight in and out.

He was the only one, for fear that he would not die enough, so he would have to wring it out.

He didn't care about the blood splattered on his body at all.

Apart from Butcher Guan and Uncle Luo, who practiced sword skills by slaughtering livestock, Uncle Luo is the best knife user in Xiao'an Village.

There are no fancy ones, just the basic knife skills taught by those veterans.

Frontier soldiers practice like this, straight stabbing, diagonal chopping, picking, blocking, chopping...

Luo Er knows how to do this.

I don't know how much hard work has been done behind the scenes. He himself is not afraid of Shang Beirong, and he will not lose the wind when he fights with swords and knives.

It's even easier to kill someone with a stick nearby.

Picking out the key points is really one knife, one knife.

Kill all the way from the back to the front.

Seeing the donkey that Xiao Er was riding, he could kick Bei Rong to death with a kick.

Luo Er was stunned.

He grabbed the knife in his hand.

I still have to practice hard, I'm not as good as a bald donkey if I don't work hard!

Yes, Yan Yu was lazy.

The remaining three melons and two dates are so bold that they dare to stand behind the donkey...

She snapped her fingers to send him on his way...

Luo Er looked around.

I didn't see Qi Wu, only Qi Da.

"Where did Qi Wusha go?"

"Uncle Qi, go and chase those runaways." Yan Yu pointed to the distance.

The location of Jiuxiao is the location of those fleeing the enemy.

Yan Yu has already made it clear to Uncle Qi.

The Northern Rong killed the Xizhou soldiers and kept them alive.

Luo Er couldn't see clearly either, so he nodded.

Seeing that there were no people from other villages around, he lowered his voice and asked, "Xiaoer, those Xizhou soldiers...do you want them?"

Luo Er raised the knife in his hand.

Yan Yu understood what he meant.

shook his head.

She has her own thoughts.

The private transaction between Xizhou and Beirong is collaborating with the enemy, but it is delusional to think that such a trivial matter can detain King Qi.

Killing these people would certainly erase the traces of their actions.

But keep them, if the king of Qi really happened, this is the real witness.

It just depends on whether they dare to take the risk.

She didn't dare to make decisions about this matter, it was related to the whole family and had a wide impact, so she wanted to discuss it with her father and uncle.

"Xiaoer!" Yan Xiangheng ran up to him before whispering, "Those Xizhou soldiers thought we were first-class bandits..."

He learned the original dialogue with him.

Yan Yu's eyes flickered slightly.

"This misunderstanding, really... Okay!"

Thought they were bandits? Isn't that great!

Think about it, it's really not that far from Leshan Mansion.

This is coal from a private mine again...

In the case of official mines, bandits dare not make up their minds, private mines can be robbed if they are robbed, does Xizhou dare to speak?

Yan Yu saw bloodstains on her elder brother's body, so she hurried forward to check.

Yan Xiangheng was a little embarrassed, obviously Xiao Er was younger, so he was the one who should be worried more.

"Brother is fine, these are all splashed, I am not injured..."

Yan Yu grabbed his hand.

See the bloodstains on his palm.

It was caused by holding a half-clad iron stick too hard and being accidentally scratched.

I took another small job, and the code word time has been postponed~

I don’t want to pick up at home, I don’t actually earn much, but, I spent too much money when I went out a while ago, so I just wanted to make up for it, hehe~

Today is Zhai Zhai Online who likes small money again~

Ask for a monthly ticket ~ ask for a monthly ticket ~ ask for a monthly ticket (`) than heart

Let me share the list of books I'm chasing recently: Get out of the big "Secret Dead End", the first few chapters are really slow to enter, but fortunately, the nerd is full of patience, and the wonderful part after waiting is the background of biochemical science fiction, which is weird and dangerous. Dead corner, struggling to survive until every step is strong~ If you like this kind of suspenseful thriller, you can go and see~

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