The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2554: Want to face?

Chapter 2554 Shameless?

Lian Shitao's face became more and more ugly. After listening to Lin Liye, Lian Shitao looked at Lian Qingyin fiercely.

Originally, I thought it was Han Zhuo Ling's trivial problem. Who knew that even the unvoiced voice really lost all his face and face here.

"We do n’t dare to ask for such a person. And we already have Xiaoya and have no interest in others." Lin Liye said in a cold voice, "Lian Zong, I hope your daughter can take care of herself. I have never met someone like her It ’s so incomprehensible to others! ”

Lian Shitao's face turned red.

To be honest, at this age, he has never been pointed at his nose like this.

But this is the situation today, and even Shi Tao cannot really refute it in a single sentence.

He looked down at Lian Qingyin, "What else do you have to say!"

Lian Qingyin winced, still stiffly, and said, "Dad, they are too bullying. What did I do wrong?"

"I just proposed to have a meal together, and came home courteously today. Such normal communication turned out to be a harassment and annoyance in their eyes. Is there such a bully?"

Lian Shitao's head was straight, even Qingyin said so lightly.

But Lin Liye just said so clearly.

Even Li Qingye can retell in detail what even the unvoiced voice said, and looking at it can't be edited.

Han Zhuoling said coldly, "Lian Zong, solve your daughter, otherwise I will solve it for you."

Lian Shitao was upset.

No matter what Lian Qingyin did, but Han Zhuoling was so threatening, it was too much!

Lian Shitao dragged Lian Qingyin, "What are you still doing here! People will fix you! You are still here, do you want to be shameless?"

After speaking, he dragged Lian Qingyin away.

Being dragged by Lian Shitao, even the unvoiced voice couldn't do the look of the disgusting person before.

Why is it impossible to stay here today, Lian Qingyin had to follow Lian Shitao to leave.

Lian Shitao dragged Lian Qingyin into the car, before Lian Qingyin had time to speak, Lian Shitao's slap slaps on the face.

"Whatever you eat, what you see, you really are a fool! People don't wait to see you, it doesn't matter how nice you are!" Lian Shitao angered. "My face made you lose everything!"

Lian Qingyin covered his face, and the place where he was hit was hot and painful. "I like Han Zhuo Ling."

Lian Qingyin calmly said, "I have finished my studies, majors studying abroad, and occupations I chose after graduation are all due to Han Zhuoling. I have liked him for so many years, in order to be with him, help him, and be able to I have the opportunity to meet him often in the professional circle, and I work so hard. Even if he is married, I think that as long as I can help him, I can see him. I can bear loneliness and work hard outside for many years."

"Now I can finally talk. I have a place in the company and can help him, and I will come back quickly. Probably my devotion is in my eyes and I am moved. He was divorced. Lian Qingyin moved and smiled happily. "Isn't this my chance? Let me stand by him and be with him. He has Han Bang, and I have a pivotal position in the door snow. The two of us United, who else can fight? "

"I'm the one who can really help him. What about Shi Xiaoya? Only blindly benefit from Han Zhuo Ling. It has always been Han Zhuo Ling who helped Shi Xiaoya and made Shi Xiaoya profit."

(End of this chapter)

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