The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2568: I was scared and not hurt.

Chapter 2568 is scared and not injured

"Good!" Guo Yujie nodded quickly, but like Shi Xiaoya, she was hit so badly that she couldn't find it.

Shi Xiaoya just thought that she and Guo Yujie would search together, and whoever found it first would call the police first.

But the impact is too severe now.

Shi Xiaoya gritted her teeth and calmed herself down.

The car was hit, and naturally the bag on her leg was always either missed or knocked off, so the mobile phone was so difficult to find.

Shi Xiaoya told herself not to be afraid, clutching her bag tightly with one hand, she finally grabbed her phone.

She took out her cell phone and quickly dialed the number to call the police.

Know where they are from less than here.

"We are about to turn to Wude Road." Xiao said to Shi Xiaoya.

Lest they wait for the police to arrive, they are no longer there.

Shi Xiaoya didn't dare to hang up, she always reported her position.

Finally, a few minutes later, the siren sounded.

Shi Xiaoya was finally relieved.

"Are we saved?" Guo Yujie asked crying.

Shi Xiaoya didn't cry.

She felt that if she also cried, Guo Yujie would probably collapse.

And less than can not cope, it will bother him to drive and distract him.

So even though she was actually very scared, she kept on and didn't dare to speak.

Now hearing the siren sound, Shi Xiaoya's entire talents relaxed.

Whether they were caught in those two cars or they fled.

At least the police came and they had hope.

The two cars that had been hitting them, and saw the police car approaching, really did not dare to do anything more.

Hurry up.

Shi Xiaoya had originally called the police to say that she had been pinched by two vehicles.

So there were three police cars.

Two of them rushed after them.

Another stopped and came to Shi Xiaoya.

Less than had to park the car on the side of the road.

Guo Yujie was so scared that everyone had collapsed, and the whole person was paralyzed in the back seat.

Shi Xiaoya was also frightened.

But you still have to face the police and open the door and get off.

Who knew that when he just got up, his legs were almost soft and he almost fell down.

Fortunately, she quickly hugged the door.

Less than hurry to help Shi Xiaoya.

When the police came over and learned that Shi Xiaoya was the reporter, they asked about Shi Xiaoya.

"Are you okay now? Would you like to go to the hospital for a checkup first?" The policeman asked.

Shi Xiaoya shook her head. "I was ... just scared and not injured."

Although Shi Xiaoya was not injured, she still has soft legs.

I really did not cry until I endured it.

Anyway, things have passed, and crying now is useless.

It was just that terrified emotion, not that she could control it.

Guo Yujie finally came back a little bit, and got off the car before the tears on his face were wiped away.

Seeing Shi Xiaoya, she helped her, "Why did you get out of the car? Let's rest in the car."

Guo Yujie shook his head. "It's okay, but I'm a little scared in the car. I'd better come out and stand with you."

Because the police were called, we couldn't leave like this.

So the police still have to ask them some questions.

While asking, the two police cars that had previously chased the two cars also returned.

"I didn't follow it," said a policeman who came back. "Go back and adjust the monitoring, and always find it."

Shi Xiaoya didn't know who attacked her.

"Will it be a competitor?" Guo Yujie's tears had been wiped away, but her nasal sound was a little bit heavy.

10 more today ~

(End of this chapter)

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