Reference 2697

So much that she started begging and wanted to go to the toilet.

But nothing worked.

In the end, he exhausted his whole body and was afraid to speak.

I was afraid that as soon as I talked, I would let out my energy and urinate.

The other person's meaning was obviously that if she couldn't hold back, she would urinate her pants.

What a shame!

Where can the unvoiced sound stand.

However, this kind of thing is not something she can tolerate.

In the end she couldn't help but didn't need her.

She didn't even dare to exert a little effort, but the stinking liquid flowed out by herself.

She couldn't stop trying.

Finally, he urinates a whole pair of pants.

Lian Qingyin was pale and hated.

She had never been so humiliated.

Even in the face of the person, he urinated a pair of pants.

Suffering such humiliation, Lian Qingyin gritted his teeth even more.

She has paid so much, even on the brink of collapse, that she can never admit it.

I didn't expect to be released this morning.

It's hot in summer and the trousers are already dry.

But still couldn't stop the thick stench from her body.

Although the pants are dry, the taste is still there.

Even the voiceless voice walked out of the police station.

His face was pale, his eyes were covered with red blood, and his lips were not bloody.

Fortunately, it's early and there are no people outside.

Can't see the wolverines in her pants.

Because she was so embarrassed now, she didn't even dare to call someone to pick her up.

Do not dare to call a car.

Moreover, she did not dare let Lian Shitao know the cause of this incident.

She thought about it and called her assistant to drive her over.

Because of this time, there were few cars on the road, only 20 minutes, the assistant drove her over.

But after coming, he did not see Lian Qingyin.

Instead, I received a call from Lian Qingyin.

Lian Qingyin was hiding in the corner and said, "I see. You can just park your car there."

"That car key ..." the assistant hesitated.

"Let it be in the car," Lian Qingyin said.

She ideally said it was not safe, but since even Qingyin asked for it, she didn't care much about it.

Don't ask too much and get scolded.

Besides, early in the morning, it was Sunday rest time, but was called by Lian Qingyin and drove the car over to her. The assistant was in a very bad mood, and was full of resentment.

Looking at it now it seems that there is no need to send Lian Qingyin.

Of course the assistant was happy to go home quickly and sleep again.

So the assistant did not pull out the key and got out of the car.

Lian Qingyin watched the assistant call another car while guarding against someone approaching her car.

Five minutes later, watching the assistant leave, Lian Qingyin got into the car in a hurry.

How can she let others see this embarrassing look now.

Lian Qingyin restarted the car and went home.

At this time, there are very few cars on the road.

Even the voiceless voice stepped on the accelerator to speed up the car.

Just want to hurry home.

As for what to do next, she needs to think about it.

The thought of something on her trousers, even her own, was disgusting and unconscious.

There are no cars on the road anyway, and even the unvoiced acceleration is even more unscrupulous.

Seeing not far away, the signal light had 10 seconds left, and it was about to change to a red light.

I don't want to delay even a second now.

Speeding all the way, Feiye had given his heart long ago.

(End of this chapter)

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