The port area in the morning was full of vitality as always. When Song Qingge came out of the room, he saw destroyers playing in the playground, while Kaohsiung and Atago were honing their sword skills with Noshiro in a corner.

With light steps, Song Qingge came to the cafeteria first. Because I got up late, there was no one in the cafeteria.

"Good morning, Commander." Yixian greeted Song Qingge when he saw Song Qingge walk in.

"Yixian, good morning, it's still the same."

Yixian smiled and helped Song Qingge make breakfast and handed it to him. Song Qingge took the plate, "I heard that King George V worshiped you as his teacher?"

"Well, she wants to learn Donghuang cuisine, and I have time, so I will teach her. But she insists on being a teacher, and I have no choice but to agree." Yixian said this with a hint of helplessness.

"It's okay, George V is like that. For her, food is heaven, and anyone who can teach her how to cook food is definitely an angel. Therefore, Yixian is the angel of George V." Song Qingge joked.

"Hey..." Yixian was a little surprised.

Song Qingge winked, then turned around with a smile, found a seat and sat down.

After breakfast, when Song Qingge walked to the office, all the secretaries were here. He greeted with a smile, "Good morning."

Everyone smiled and agreed, "Good morning, Commander."

Song Qingge sat down in his seat, looked at the ship girl present, "Now let's summarize the gains from the previous world! Let's talk about the points first, the total points obtained in the previous world plus the remaining points before, now there are 534,000 points. Now we can exchange F35 carrier-based fighter equipment for the aircraft carrier mother-in-law. I just checked, it is 2000 points, and it can be mounted on any carrier-based aircraft. And this is the evolution potion for the commander." Song Qingge said A transparent vial appeared in his hand, and the blue liquid in the vial shone like fluorescent light.

The eyes of all the ship girls were attracted by the vial, Bismarck took the vial and looked at it, "It's amazing."

Song Qingge smiled, drew out the system panel, and showed them the instructions of the medicine.

"Evolution potion for the commander: it can make the commander evolve, thereby greatly improving the body, strengthening strength, endurance, agility, intelligence, spiritual power, etc., and awakening certain abilities, strengthening vitality, without any side effects."

Although the introduction is still a bit vague, the information revealed has excited all the ship girls. Bismarck handed the potion to Song Qingge, "Commander, use it now."

Song Qingge took the potion, looked at the girls with firm eyes, drank the potion, and smacked his lips after drinking it, "Hey, the blueberry's delicious."

Everyone couldn't help laughing at Song Qingge's cuteness.

"Commander, how is it? Has there been any change?" Enterprise asked.

Song Qingge said with a smile: "I haven't felt any changes yet, maybe...wait." A burst of pain that seemed to tear the body came, and Song Qingge's face turned pale instantly, the veins all over his body bulged, and there was a buzzing sound in his ears. hum. This feeling came and went quickly, and disappeared within a few seconds.

"Congratulations to the host for taking the evolution potion to evolve successfully and gain the ability of the spiritual network."

Song Qingge couldn't help lying on the chair panting, looked at the company and other people surrounding him, waved his hands and said, "It's all right."

"Commander, what happened just now, why do you look in pain." Enterprise asked anxiously.

Song Qingge breathed a sigh of relief, "The potion has taken effect, and it feels like my body is being torn apart, but it only lasted for a few seconds, and I'm fine now." He grabbed the handle of the chair and was about to stand up, but there was a "click" , The handle of the chair was scratched off just like that.

Song Qingge looked at his hands a little dazed, the effect must have been too violent. Turning to look at the company and the others, he raised the sawdust in his hand, "...what should I do."

Bismarck smiled and said: "It seems that the effect is unexpectedly good, Commander, come and grab my hand." Then he handed Song Qingge his hand and pulled him up from the chair. "This is a performance that I am not familiar with after the power surge. Commander, take it easy, it's fine."

Song Qingge let go of Bismarck's hand, slowly tried to move his body, and could clearly feel the changes in his body, "The power has become stronger, the body is full of inexhaustible strength, and the whole person is like rebirth. It's very easy." After speaking, he closed his eyes and tried to use the ability of the mental network that the system told him.

The moment the ability was deployed, the states and positions of all the ship girls in the port area clearly appeared in Song Qingge's perception.

Yixian is teaching King George V cooking skills, Ning Hai is teaching Ping Hai who stole buns, Akashi is excitedly watching Yubari typing on the computer, Kaohsiung Atago and the others are training, the destroyers are playing with Manjiu, Eugen The prince and Kaga were drinking together, viciously still lay on the bed and did not get up...

Song Qingge tried to contact Essex who was practicing launching and launching the carrier-based aircraft at the pier, "Jiaozi, can you hear me?"

While at the dock in the port area, Essex, who was training, suddenly felt Song Qingge's voice, looked around and saw that there was no one around, and said strangely: "Why do I feel that I heard the voice of the commander? It can't be an auditory hallucination, right? Didn't you get sober from being drunk yesterday? Hehehe...the commander said I was a princess yesterday...hehehe..."

Song Qingge helplessly perceived the delusional Jiaozi, and continued to contact, "Jiaozi, my princess, I am now talking to you through my new ability spirit network."

"Ah... is it really the Commander? Commander, you heard it all?" Essex was embarrassed.

"Okay, come and cooperate with me. I will bless you with my spiritual power now. You start to simulate the usual combat and see how much you can improve."

Essex said seriously: "Yes, Commander!" As a warm force rose from Essex's body, she began to release the carrier-based aircraft to simulate combat.

The simulated combat was completed very quickly, and Essex excitedly reported, "Report Commander, I feel that with your blessing, my ability has increased by almost 50%."

"Well, thank you my princess."

"Oh... I hate it, the commander is still teasing me..."

"Okay, I'm going to discuss things with the company and the others. You should do your work first."

"Yes, goodbye Commander."

Song Qingge took back the spiritual network, opened his eyes, and looked at the enterprise and others in front of him. "I just tried my newly acquired ability, the spiritual network, and that feeling is really magical."

Everyone wondered: "Commander, what kind of ability?"

Song Qingge explained: "It's an ability to communicate with you anytime, anywhere, and bless your abilities. I just tried it with Essex on the pier. According to her, it can increase her strength by nearly 50%. And I think This kind of blessing will also grow as my ability grows in the future."

"Ah, it's so powerful... Essex is a full-fledged ship girl. The 50% blessing is too powerful, even better than our leader flagship's use of faction skills." Richelieu was very impressed with this bonus. It was shock, and the others were also shocked.

Song Qingge smiled and said: "You will all have the opportunity to experience it in the future, let's discuss how to use these points next."


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