The Military Female Soldier With Unwavering Stubbornness

Chapter 1741 Major Xia's Excellence

They completed the search in a "triangular" manner, gathering at a certain point each time they cleared an area, and then searched in a large area.

This is a search mode that does not disperse, and once a comrade has a problem, any comrade on the triangle point can go to support immediately.

Ye Jian and another member of the storm commando team completed the clearing together. The two received Xia Jinyuan's order, one was in charge of guarding the surrounding area, the other was in charge of assault, and hurried to the assembly point.

The two teams will not give the wolf troops a chance to shoot bullets. Since it is an anti-annihilation method, let them decide how to use it. Besides, it is a waste of bullets to shoot in heavy wind and snow. The aim is not accurate, so it is better to use it at close range. It is only right to complete the anti-annihilation with cold weapons or bare hands.

Judging from the fact that the ambushes in the remnant hills might be the "Wolf Troops", Xia Jinyuan did not intend to engage in direct fire. Among the special forces of the major military regions, only the "Canglang Troops" are the most powerful, and what is even more impressive is their marksmanship. .

One and two are like owl eyes, and the accuracy of their marksmanship is nothing to say. It is not a problem for them to complete a snipe in such a big snowstorm!

Let them confront the famous "Wolf Troop" with their rifles that they don't know when something went wrong, unless Xia Jinyuan was out of his mind to do such a stupid thing.

"Devil King, how's the situation over there?" While waiting for Ye Jian to come over, Xia Jinyuan contacted the Demon King.

As an out-and-out southerner, Li Jinnian encountered such a heavy snowstorm when he entered the army and completed special training since he was a child. After he was assigned to the navy, he never encountered such a storm.

Now that they met, it had more or less influenced him.

For example: the tip of the ear has been frozen to the point of frostbite, and the flexibility of the hands and feet has decreased.

But as a special soldier, these influences are nothing, no matter how heavy the wind and snow is, it can't stop him from leading his team forward.

"Fortunately, it's about 400 meters away from the destination." He replied lightly. At the same time, he raised his hand and lowered his hands behind his back, signaling the team members to lie tight. Ahead, there is a situation.

At that time, it was already six o'clock in the afternoon, and the operation began for two hours.

Whether they can succeed in the anti-annihilation mainly depends on whether all personnel can pass through the hills smoothly. No one can be missing, and one person missing is considered a failure.

This is what the military requires of them.

Li Jinnian led a total of eight team members including himself to complete the front response, mainly to save clearing time for the team members coming from behind, and it was also equivalent to clearing a way for the team members coming from behind.

After discovering the situation, he directed the team members to hide, and then spread and approached, giving the opponent a heavy blow.

The snow fell heavily, but only for a short period of time. The snow on the ground was not too thick, and it hurt people to fall off their shoulders and hit their bodies.

And the fist collided with the fist, and the temperature of how many degrees below zero seemed to be able to smash the bones into a comminuted fracture.

"Get in touch with the company commander, they've all been touched!"

Someone stopped Li Jinnian and the others, and asked their comrades to quickly contact their company commander. These are all soldiers from the Canglang Army, and each of them is very skilled. A punch is strong enough to knock people down. count steps.

Li Jinnian looked at the soldier with the communication equipment on his body, and suddenly his slender body leaped into the air, like a snow leopard jumping from the snow, hugged the soldier in an instant, and rolled continuously on the ground.

The movement was done in one go, fierce and smooth, without giving the soldier a chance to contact their company commander.

night and night

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