The Military Female Soldier With Unwavering Stubbornness

Chapter 1753 Do you believe in past lives

Hearing what he said, Ye Jian felt a sense of embarrassment in her heart. After a while, she said softly, "Captain Xia, do you believe that people have a previous life?"

Those things have been stuffed in my heart for too long. I thought that I would forget them with the passage of time and live again, but I found that those disgusting eyes and those shames will not be forgotten because of this. It is more fermented, moldy, and finally like a gnat, which cannot be removed no matter what.

So, wouldn't it be better to say it?

But will you believe it?

Xia Jinyuan, who picked out the thorn, answered her, "You want to tell me that the reason why you are late today is because of a dream?" He raised his eyes slightly, and the searchlight on the helmet illuminated her bright and beautiful face. Xia Jinyuan's pair seemed to be able to see through The deep black eyes of people's hearts, but they can't see through the deepest secret in the heart of the person in front of him, "Let me tell you what kind of nightmare I had."

Ye Jian, who restrained all her thoughts, looked at the man who lowered her head to criticize her again, her straight lips turned white, and said softly, "I dreamed that I was being molested."


Xia Jinyuan frowned, looked up at Ye Jian again, and said calmly, "Is it me?"

"No." Ye Jian shook her head, the bitterness in her heart only increased. If it was him... Ye Jian felt that she could still accept it. After all, he looked so pleasing to the eye.

But I didn't know him in my previous life, so if it was him, I would still resist.

Xia Jinyuan, who frowned even tighter, stopped what he was doing, and stared at his beloved girl for a moment, "If it wasn't me molesting you, who was it?"

The major, who didn't know the truth, had only one concern: he didn't dream of him molesting her, but another man!

"One..." Those memories were very painful, so painful that as long as she recalled them for a while, she would feel her stomach churning, and she felt so sick that she wanted to vomit, "Very disgusting guy."

No matter how capable Xia Jinyuan was, it was impossible for him to guess that the dream Ye Jian mentioned was actually something that happened in her previous life.

So, he raised his hand and flicked his forehead, "If it wasn't for me, Blue Bird, you could just take out the dagger, silver wire, pistol, and rifle in your hand and kill him directly!"

When it was over, he asked worriedly, "Did you kill him? If not, continue to dream in the second half of the night, and then dream me into it, and let me kill this guy with my own hands!"

"Dare to moleste my girlfriend, court death!" Even if it was a dream mirror, Major Xia said it with murderous intent.

The sad Ye Jian was amused by him all of a sudden, looked at him with such a handsome profile, and replied with a smile: "I killed him, pierced it directly into the heart, and then pulled it out..., I got rid of him .”

"That's right, that's what it has to be. Don't be afraid in the dream, you can solve it however you want!" Major Xia felt relieved immediately.

Looking at him, the smile on Ye Jian's delicate face deepened a lot. With him, everything is so beautiful.

At this moment, Principal Chen, who had been in the hospital for a few days, had only one thought at this moment: Get out of the hospital!

"Why can't I be discharged from the hospital? I know my own body. Is there any problem? Maybe I haven't figured it out yet? Lao Yan, you have to listen to me about this matter!"

After being hospitalized for a week, President Chen had no choice but to stay there any longer. As long as he thought about the affairs in the army, he was eager to return home, and he didn't want to waste even a second.

Good night

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