How could Ye Jian, who was influenced by the two seniors, leave the ongoing secret training, and how could she violate the discipline of the army.

If Ye Jian really chooses to leave and go back to accompany Uncle Chen, then Uncle Chen will be completely disappointed in Ye Jian. The child he has educated for nearly ten years has abandoned the army, abandoned his responsibilities, and only came back for him. Such Ye Jian, such Uncle Chen will be as sad as he is disappointed.

So, when he told Ye Jian that there was a problem with Uncle Chen's infusion, he quietly waited for Ye Jian's choice.

Waiting for those few seconds, he was even more nervous than performing a dangerous task. He has never been so nervous since joining the army.

Li Jinnian said that she would be free to arrange 29 hours of flexible time after the end. At that moment, he almost agreed to agree, and endured until the root of his tooth almost snapped before he could bear it.

Jade Bird never needs others to make choices for her, as smart as her, she will make choices by herself.

Hearing that she finally chose to stay, at that second, he had the urge to cry.

She made the choice that a soldier should choose, which was the most correct choice, and he no longer knew how he was feeling.

Looking at the sadness in her eyes, listening to her crying blood, knowing that she made the right choice, he didn't feel relieved at all, he only felt sorry for her, the soldier who made a helpless choice for the loyalty of the country Distressed for them.

How can there be any quiet time, but someone is carrying the burden for you to move forward. The reason why you can't see the darkness in a peaceful age is because someone blocks the darkness for you where you can't see it. And Ye Jian is the epitome of all soldiers, who sacrificed himself to make the lights of thousands of families come true.

The desert is so quiet that time seems to stand still.

After a while, Ye Jian saluted the major who had always supported and encouraged her. After experiencing pain, she knew how to hide it and said softly, "Thank you, major."

"You're welcome, it's what I should do." Xia Jinyuan returned the military salute.

The distance between the two is only an arm's length. The lovers who wear the same military uniform and have the same temperament salute each other. The moonlight elongates the figure of the two people in the desert, like two poplar trees guarding the frontier standing tall.

"Uncle Chen was out of danger yesterday, and we entered the depths of the desert where even the satellite signal was not stable the day before yesterday. Even if the command centers of our two teams want to contact us, they can't contact us just by wanting to."

"Principal Chen's situation is indeed dangerous, but he was discovered and rescued in time. After the joint emergency rescue by experts from the Southern Provincial People's Hospital and the 301 General Military Hospital, after a 72-hour critical period, he was finally transferred from the intensive care unit to the special ward."

"Because of Principal Chen's special status, the military department concealed that Principal Chen was out of danger for the sake of prudence. The only people who knew the situation were Liu Tuan, Political Commissar Yan, Commander Xia, and Major General of the army. You and I in the army knew about it. Although the Demon King and the others knew about it Some, but I don't know the identity of Uncle Chen."

The two walked back to the camp from the sand dunes side by side. Xia Jinyuan did not hide what he knew, and told Ye Jian in great detail, "The military department has put pressure on the Southern Provincial Police and asked the police to investigate this matter as soon as possible. The military department will come forward. Solve it, we can't intervene at will."

Just out of danger, he was sent to the intensive care unit again because of the infusion problem. The military department's main focus is: whether there is an accident in the infusion, whether it is human error or a work error!

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