The Qingqi Battalion brought back the battle report.

Xu Fangzhuo reported:"My lord, the city of Buyeo cannot be conquered for a long time. The people of Buyeo, men, women, old and weak, are resisting desperately, and our army has suffered a lot of casualties." The city of

Buyeo has a population of 200,000. It is normal for the city to be defended to the death and cannot be conquered for a long time..

Zhou Cheng was not surprised, otherwise he would not have continued to add troops to Buyeo and rotate the attack.

Zhou Cheng asked Zhen Xian,"Is there any news from Luoyang recently?"

Zhen Xian stood up and replied:"My Lord, a new Xiyuan Army has been formed in Luoyang, and elites from each county have been selected and sent to Luoyang. In addition, in Luoyang City, There are rumors that the emperor wants to establish the Prince Association as the emperor."

Tian Chou stood up and said:"Abandoning the elders and establishing the younger ones is easy to cause cholera, not to mention that the biological mother of Prince Bian is Empress He, and He Jin is a general who holds the military power in Luoyang. If the emperor insists on establishing the Prince Association , it might cause a military disaster."

Zhao Chen, Zhao Yuan and others also nodded frequently.

As time goes by, the situation in Luoyang gradually becomes clearer.

The purpose of Liu Hong's establishment of the Xiyuan New Army was to gain military power. After gaining military power, he hoped to establish Prince Xie as emperor.

However, abolishing elders and establishing younger ones is not recognized by the civil and military officials of the court, and the civil and military officials of the court will definitely oppose it with all their strength.

Moreover, the person who controls the new army now is Qian Shuo, and Qian Shuo is a eunuch.

If Liu Xie succeeds to the throne, the eunuch will continue to be in power!

This is something that the civil and military officials of the imperial court, as well as the scholar-bureaucrat class in the world, do not want to see.

"This is my time."Zhou Cheng said with a smile:"If there is a war in Luoyang, all the states and counties in the world will support their troops and establish their own masters. For example, Liu Yu of Youzhou is a clan member of the Han Dynasty. After Liu Qiang, Prince Gong of the East China Sea, he is lenient in government and appeases the people. , won the hearts of the people and was praised by the world."

Zhen Xian, Tian Chou and others all agreed with Zhou Cheng's statement.

Although Zhou Cheng was not good at war or reading poetry, his analysis of the general trend of the world was very accurate.

Zhou Cheng continued:"Give the order and continue to increase the number of troops. Buyeo, rotate the attack and let the infantry get used to siege operations. At the same time, order the arsenal to speed up the production of siege equipment."

"Here!"Tian Chou and others said at the same time


October 187 AD.

Outside King Fuyu City, Zhou Cheng personally led the army to supervise the battle.



Woo - accompanied by the sound of the horn.

The Xianbei and Rouran people rode their war horses, approached the city wall, and began to throw arrows at the wall.

Then, the infantry pushed the well railings, rushed forward, and slowly approached the city wall. The well railings, The archers who rushed up began to rain down arrows like locusts, shooting at the city wall overwhelmingly. Behind the city wall, they could only hide behind the battlements to avoid the arrows.


Dozens of trebuchets threw heavy stone bullets against the city wall.

Bang! Bang!

With a loud noise, the battlements were smashed, and the people behind the city were killed and smashed into pulp.

The trebuchets continued to move forward. Advancing, the canisters of fire oil were thrown out.

The city walls and the interior of the city turned into a sea of ​​flames.

"Ladder ready!"

"Brothers, come with me!"

Zhang Meng and others shouted loudly, and then the death battalion rode horses and took the lead to rush forward. The infantry behind them, carrying ladders and pushing the crash cart, rushed forward at the top of their lungs.

"The Han are attacking!"

"Bows and arrows ready!"

"Prepare kerosene!"

"Tsumugi and rolling stones are ready!"

The Buyeo people who were guarding the city stretched out their heads one after another and shot arrows downward.

Some were shot to death as soon as they poked their heads out.

And there were not only men but also women defending the city.

The falling arrows were like rolling stones and wood. , also caused a lot of casualties to the troops and horses attacking the city.

At this time, the city had been besieged for several months, and nearly 20,000 troops and horses had been lost.

This was the first time that Zhou Cheng had suffered heavy casualties due to siege since he campaigned on various grassland tribes. , and so many troops and horses were damaged.

Of course, the Buyeo people’s casualties were several times that of the Moth Thieves, which is an unreasonable number.

But facing the Moth Thief’s strong bows and trebuchets, the Fuyu people only It can be carried with flesh and blood.

The walls of Buyeo Royal Fortress need to be repaired every day.

However, the walls are repaired, and when a stone falls, a hole will be blasted out of the repaired part.

Even so, the people of Buyeo are still willing to work hard. They are dead, because there are rumors in the city that as long as the moth thieves attack the city, they will massacre the city. Guan Hai said:"My lord, the people of Fuyu are resisting very tenaciously. I have dug a tunnel and prepare to go straight into the city."

Although Guan Hai is not as brave as Dian Wei, he has a pretty good mind.

Among the many Yellow Turban Canal commanders, Guan Hai's mind is relatively flexible.

Zhou Cheng said:"How is the progress?

Guan Hai replied:"Three tunnels can be dug in three days at the latest.""

Zhou Cheng said:"After the city is broken, massacre the city for three days."

"Here. Guan Hai replied


In October 187 AD, the moth thieves continued to attack Buyeo Royal Fortress. The soldiers and civilians in the city were exhausted and suffered heavy casualties.

King Buyeo asked Xuantu County for help.

However, the letter for help fell into vain.

Later, King Fuyu asked Gongsun Zan for help, but Gongsun Zan and Zhou Cheng had a tacit understanding.

Therefore, Gongsun Zan had no intention of sending troops.

In despair, King Buyeo asked Goguryeo for help.

However, the Goguryeo people were worried about angering Zhou Cheng, and Goguryeo was already determined to surrender to Zhou Cheng, so they refused to send troops.

Finally, Guan Hai dug a tunnel, and the death camp took advantage of the night to enter the city from the tunnel and opened the city gate.




The Dawn Cavalry, the Tiger Camp, and the Dang Kou Army rushed into the city, and the massacre began.

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