In September 189 AD, after Dong Zhuo entered Beijing, he annexed He Jin's brother's army and horses, and proclaimed himself Sikong, wielding power in both the government and the public.

Dong Zhuo's troops also ran rampant in the city, regardless of law and order.

Since Dong Zhuo held a large number of troops, the ministers of civil and military affairs in the DPRK dared not speak out in anger.

Dong Zhuo became even more arrogant when he saw that his ministers were weak and could be bullied.

So Dong Zhuo held a banquet at Wen Mingyuan, summoned all officials, and decided to discuss the matter of deposing Liu Bian and making Liu Xie the emperor.

When all the officials were seated, Dong Zhuo entered the table with his sword in his hand. He had just drank a few glasses of wine and said:"The emperor is the lord of all people. He cannot worship the ancestral temple and the country without dignity. I am weak now, but I am not weak. King Chenliu is smart and studious. I want to abolish him." Emperor, what do you think of the establishment of King Chenliu?"

Although the ministers did not dare to say anything, Ding Yuan was not used to Dong Zhuo. He stood up and reprimanded:"The emperor is the legitimate son of the late emperor. He has no fault, how can he dethrone him casually? Don't you? Want to usurp Ding Yuan?"

Dong Zhuo became angry and drew his sword to kill Ding Yuan.

However, Li Ru saw someone standing behind Ding Yuan.

This man was majestic and majestic, holding a Fangtian painted halberd and glaring at Dong Zhuo angrily.

Li Ru still had good eyesight. He was worried that something would happen to Dong Zhuo, so he hurriedly reminded him:"Don't talk about state affairs in the banquet today. The final decision will be made in the court hall tomorrow.""


The next day, Dong Zhuo and Ding Yuan led troops to confront each other outside the city over the matter of abolishing Li.

Ding Yuan took advantage of Lu Bu's presence and directly asked Lu Bu to kill Dong Zhuo.

Dong Zhuo's generals were no match for Lu Bu and were easily killed by Lu Bu. Dong Zhuo was killed and forced to retreat to the stronghold.

Although he was defeated today, Dong Zhuo was still thinking about Lu Bu.

It is easy to get a thousand armies but hard to find a general.

Dong Zhuo said to him,"Lü Bu is a very good man. If I can get him, the world will be safe."

At this time, Li Su stood up and claimed to be a fellow countryman of Lü Bu, and said,"I am a fellow countryman of Lü Bu. Knowing his bravery, I He has no plan and forgets his loyalty at the sight of profit. The lord only needs red rabbits and horses, as well as gold, pearls and jade stones to make Lu Bu surrender."

Dong Zhuo was overjoyed when he heard this, so he prepared a thousand taels of gold, dozens of pearls, and a jade belt. Let Li Su hand over to Lu Bu and promise Lu Bu a future.

Lü Bu was the chief clerk under Ding Yuan. He was dissatisfied with Ding Yuan's contempt for him, so he killed Ding Yuan and recognized Dong Zhuo as his foster father.

Ding Yuan died, and Dong Zhuo no longer threatened Luoyang.

Soon, Dong Zhuo summoned hundreds of officials in the front hall of Chongde and forced the Queen Mother He to issue an edict to establish Liu Xie as emperor, depose the emperor as King Hongnong, and return the power to the Queen Mother.

Although Queen Mother He was sad in her heart and her beauty was pale, there was nothing she could do.

Yuan Wei trembled, took off the seal ribbon Liu Bian was wearing, and presented it to Liu Xie, king of Chenliu. Liu Xie succeeded to the throne.

"His Majesty. Yuan Wei said in a low voice.

Liu Bian's body was trembling, and in anger and fear, he was helped down the hall by Yuan Wei. And, at Yuan Wei's reminder, he professed his vassalage to the new emperor sitting in the north.

"Woo woo woo~~~"

Empress Dowager He finally couldn't bear it any longer and burst into tears, choked with sobs and unable to speak.

When the court officials saw this, they felt sad and angry, but they dared not speak out.


The news from Luoyang spread to the grassland.

In order to obtain information about Luoyang as soon as possible.

When Zhen brought the information out of Luoyang, he handed it over to the Qingqi Battalion in civilian clothes, who sprinted across the grassland day and night.

After Tian Chou learned what happened, he couldn't help but sigh:"He Jin really deserved his death."

He Jin lured the wolf into the house, which made Dong Zhuo powerful in the government, deposed Liu Bian, and established Liu Xie, the king of Chenliu, as emperor.

If this happens, the world will be in chaos.

As Ding Yuan and others said, Liu Bian was the eldest son and had no fault.

Therefore, Dong Zhuo's move is no different from treason.

What's more, Dong Zhuo's monopoly of power and lack of moral integrity will inevitably arouse dissatisfaction in the civil and military affairs of the court.

Zhou Cheng said:"The time has come. As long as the Central Plains is in chaos, our army can march south."

When Zhao Chen, Zhao Yuan, Zhen Xian and others heard this, they all smiled and were full of expectations.

Zhou Cheng said:"But before going south, we need to crusade against the foreign tribes so that the foreign tribes do not dare to covet our army's camps.""

"The Lord is wise.

Tian Chou and others said in unison. Zhou Cheng ordered:"Guan Hai, you will lead 5,000 fine cavalry to patrol the Tianshan Mountains. If you encounter Wusun people, kill them all.""

"Here. Guan Hai replied loudly.

Zhou Cheng looked at He Man again:"He Man, you will lead 5,000 elite cavalry to patrol the land of Beihai. If you encounter any Ding Ling people, kill them all.""

"Here." He Man replied.

Zhou Cheng looked at Zhou Cang and said:"Zhou Cang, you will lead 5,000 elite cavalry to patrol Fuyu and Goguryeo. If you encounter Fuyu and Goguryeo's troops, kill them all."

"Here."Zhou Cang stood up.

Zhou Cheng continued:"Wen Sheng, send envoys to the Qianman and Rouran tribes, and order Xianbei and Rouran to send another 10,000 troops and horses to assist in the battle. If they refuse, we will send troops to attack today."

"Here."Wen Sheng replied.

If he wants to send his army south, the rear camp will inevitably be empty of troops.

Even if Zhou Cheng leaves a main force of 20,000 to 30,000 people, he still has to guard against those foreign races.

Moreover, the foreign races in the north have a history.

The southern Xiongnu, Xianbei, and Wu Huan and others all surrendered many times and then rebelled when they found an opportunity.

Zhou Cheng did not want to worry about the security of his rear when he went south. If necessary, he even considered attacking Qianman and Rouran before going out..

It’s just that we need to get rid of the roots, otherwise there will be endless troubles.

If the Qianman and Rouran people are not wiped out, it will inevitably make the aliens collectively fall to the Han Dynasty, which will be more troublesome for Zhou Cheng.

PS: Please collect the new book and ask for flowers. Asking for recommendations, asking for rewards, asking for monthly votes, I want them all( ̄ヘ ̄o#)

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