After Zhou Cheng stayed in Luoyang for half a month, he led his army to leave Luoyang.

Luoyang is a place of right and wrong. After staying in Luoyang, you can't help but do whatever you want.

Dong Zhuo was like this in the past, and so were Li Jue and Guo Si.

Zhou Cheng knew that his foundation was not enough, and it was not the right time to station in Luoyang.

Therefore, Zhou Cheng asked Duan Xuan to guard Sishui Pass, Wang Fang to guard Xingyang, Li Meng to guard Guandu, and Xu Rong to guard Hulao Pass.

As for Hangu Pass, it was handed over to Guo Si.

Although Guo Bang became half a puppet in this way, Luoyang was still under his control, and he could still continue to hold the emperor hostage and control the princes.

The end of January 196 AD.

Zhou Cheng braved the wind and snow and returned to the base camp.

The only ones who came back with Zhou Cheng this time were the Death Battalion, the Huben Battalion, and the Qingqi Battalion, while the Panshi Battalion and the Huya Battalion were respectively transferred to Yecheng and other places to assist in the garrison.

As the territory expanded, the army dispersed to the south.

Especially in Luoyang, if Hulao Pass and Sishui Pass are not guarded, they will fall into the hands of the princes at any time.

And Guo Si now only has more than 30,000 troops and horses left. It would be good if he could defend Hangu Pass and Luoyang.


Jizhou, Yecheng.

Next door to the recruitment hall, a new guild hall was built called 'Boya'.

The owner is Cai Yong.

In Boya, friends are made with the piano, communicated with poems and songs, communicated with words, etc.

These are all extremely elegant things among literati.

Although Yecheng was a"thieves-occupied area", when Cai Yong opened a museum, there were quite a few elegant and elegant people who came inexplicably.

Under the stone pavilion in the snow, cooking wine and listening to the piano, it is full of elegance.

The literati and poets showed off their talents, talked eloquently, and made people yearn for the mountains and rivers.

In particular, Cai Yong occasionally gave lectures, attracting countless students.

"Have you heard that the Zhou thieves have returned outside the Great Wall?"

"The thief understands destiny, unlike the thief Dong"

"Now that Huangfu Yi is really in trouble, who can bring peace to the world?"

"Although Yuan Benchu ​​was in Taiyuan, he was too selfish and unclear about hiring people, so it was difficult for him to become a great leader."

"Although Yuan Gongdao occupied the two states of Yu and Yang, he was arrogant and would be defeated sooner or later."

"The father and son of Xtai attacked Xuzhou for personal gain"

"Although the Xtai father and son are brave, they are no match for Zhou Thief."

In the elegant room, four scribes were talking about the princes.

Yuan Shao, Yuan Shu, Sun Jian and his son were all named.

As for Liu Zhang of Yizhou and Liu of Jingzhou, they were rarely mentioned.

Although Liu Zhang and Liu Biao were both members of the Han Dynasty. My dear, but both of them have been labeled as"incompetent" and"mediocre".

They are too conservative and not aggressive enough.

If the world depends on two people, how can there be peace?

"It is a pity that Cao Mengde was defeated in Zhongmou and fell short of success."

"The person you are talking about is Cao Mengde, the cannibal who slaughtered the city?"

"The talk of cannibalism is just a rumor with no real evidence."

"There was no food in Yingchuan. Cao's army had been at odds with the Zhou thieves for several months, and there was no relief from Yuan Guangdao. Where could they find food?"

"You can can go to Xuchang to look for food."

"Your words make me laugh."

These people were chatting, and the topic of Cao Cao's cannibalism came up again.

The 'slander' of Zhou Cheng by wealthy families and celebrities has never stopped.

Fortunately, Zhou Cheng restrained himself and did not do anything when he was in Luoyang. The story of sleeping in the dragon bed overnight.

Otherwise, it would really become Dong Zhuo's 2:00 version, and there would be no shortage of verbal and written criticism.

However, now Zhou Cheng is also using fishing boats to attack Cao Cao.

And Cao Cao's biggest black spot is the massacre of the city in Xuzhou , eating people in Yingchuan.

The massacre of the city is a certainty, and there is no way to clear it up.

As for the cannibalism, although there is no evidence, but after a little scrutiny, you will know whether it is true or not.

"There is an interesting story in Handan recently, you may know"

"Don't know"

"Appreciate further details."

When they heard the interesting stories, the scribes cheered up again.

"The Handan County Magistrate made a mistake in writing a word on the notice, causing the military merit to go to an eight-year-old child by mistake."


For scribes, as a county magistrate in a place, it is very shameful to make typos.

Of course, this also proves that the people around the county magistrate have limited talent and learning, or have problems with their work attitude.

Because when official documents are issued, they need to be checked , confirm that there are no errors before sending it out.

"Although the Zhou thieves set up recruitment halls, there are still many talented people in the world who are willing to use them."


"When drinking, drink a full cup."

Everything about Zhou Cheng, as long as there is a slight mistake, will be regarded as an anecdote.

In this Boya, everyone can speak freely.

Moreover, Boya is also in charge of food and wine.

At the same time, there is absolute freedom of speech here.

Because Boya There are no soldiers and horses from Zhou Cheng to guard the house.

Therefore, more and more scribes come to Boya every day.

Among them are poor scholars from various states and counties who are cash-strapped and have no money to live.

Although the Handan County magistrate made a typo and became a laughing stock , but indirectly reflects the fact that the counties and counties in Jizhou are short of scribes.

Moreover, the treatment of public officials in the counties and counties in Jizhou is not low. After some poor scholars stayed in Boya for a few days, they paid attention to the recruiting hall.

While no one was paying attention, Then he went to the Talent Recruitment Hall to apply.

This was"draining".

Zhou Chengyong used Cai Yong and"liberal arts" to lure over. He coaxed those celebrities who were proud of their reputation.

He did not force them to stay, so that they could use Cai Yong's In name, they can come and go freely in Ye City.

However, once they get used to boiling frogs in warm water, it will be difficult for them to escape from Zhou Cheng's hands.

PS: Please collect new books, flowers, recommendations, rewards, and monthly votes. I want it all( ̄ヘ ̄o)_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - close

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