Zhang Ji presented the Ten Strategies for Pingliang, and after Zhou Cheng agreed, they began to implement them.

Zhou Cheng doesn't care about the process, he only wants the results.

After Han Sui's living space in Liangzhou was continuously restricted, he finally fled to Yizhou through the territory of the Di people.

As Han Sui fled to Yizhou, the war in Liangzhou left only Yuan Shang in Anding City.

So Zhou Cheng dispatched Ma Chao, Zhao Yun, Yuan Xi and others to Anding County to annihilate Yuan Shang.


There are only seven cities in Anding: Linjing, Yinpan, Quaigu, Wushi, Gaoping, Chaona and Pengyang.

Yuan Shang now holds Linjing.

While Yuan Tan stationed his troops in Yinpan, Ma Teng stationed his troops in Gaoping.

Ma Teng and Yuan Tan were inferior to Yuan Shang in terms of military strength, and Yan Liang and Wen Chou were brave and good at fighting. Wen Chou even challenged several of Ma Teng's generals.

In terms of counselors, Yuan Shang even made suggestions according to the circumstances.

But Guo Tu and others around Yuan Tan were not as good as Feng Ji.

However, the deadlock in the confrontation was broken with the arrival of Zhao Yun, Ma Chao, Yuan Xi and others.

Ma Chao and Zhao Yun came this time, bringing with them 10,000 Xianbei cavalry, 10,000 Rouran cavalry, 5,000 Hu Ben camp and 10,000 Dawn cavalry, and 2,000 Zhou warriors.

Yuan Xi brought nearly 20,000 Yongzhou soldiers.

As a result, Yuan Shang was at a disadvantage in terms of military strength.

At Feng Ji's suggestion, Yuan Shang immediately reduced the defense line and took back all the troops and horses sent to various places to collect grain.

Today, there are nearly 80,000 troops and horses in Linjing City. At the same time, there are sufficient grain, grass, cattle and sheep, enough for the army to hold on for more than half a year.

Moreover, Feng Ji also offered advice to Yuan Shang, asking Yuan Shang to summon the wealthy families in the city to let them understand the cost of destroying the city.

When the city of Chang'an was captured, all the powerful families who supported Huangfu Li were massacred and their entire clan was wiped out.

The wealthy families in Linjing City were all afraid of being slaughtered, so they decided to defend Linjing City with Yuan Shang.

The wealthy families also publicized to the residents in the city that if the Zhou army entered the city, everyone's children would be sent outside the wall to be slaves.

The people in the city, in extreme panic, participated in the defense of the city.

At least in terms of morale, Yuan Shang has been mobilized.

Outside Linjing City.

Ma Chao and others have reunited.

Ma Teng and Yuan Tan also led their troops to the outside of Linjing City again.

This time there were reinforcements from the Zhou army, but there was no Yuan army in the city.

The person responsible for commanding this battle was Zhao Yun.

This is the first time Zhao Yun has commanded such a battle.

Our total strength reaches 100,000.

Commanding 10,000 people and commanding 100,000 people are completely different concepts.

Just like Han Xin believed that Liu Bang's command of 100,000 people was the limit, but Han Xin's command of troops and horses was that the more the better.

If there are many troops, various mobilization problems will arise.

If the general's orders cannot be effectively issued and executed, the whole army will be in chaos.

Zhao Yun took a deep breath, and then said with a cold face:"Now Han Wenyu has fled to Yizhou, and only Yuan Shang is left in Liangzhou. If Yuan Shang is destroyed, there will be no more war in Liangzhou, and all the kings will serve their lord with their lives.""

"Here."Everyone stood up and said in unison.

Zhao Yun looked at Yuan Xi and said:"When we attack the city tomorrow, we will take the Xianyi tribe first."

Yuan Xi was stunned for a moment. Although he had known that he would be used as cannon fodder, they had just arrived, so it was too soon!

However, people had to bow their heads under the low eaves.

If Yuan Xi wanted to survive, he had to learn how to Obey.

Yuan Tan looked at Yuan Xi, knowing that he would also be used as cannon fodder.

How to save his return gift became a question that Yuan Tan needed to think about.

In this regard, it is best to ask Guo Tu


Early the next morning.

Yuan Xi then asked his general Song Jie to take the lead in attacking Linjing City.

In order to show his determination, Yuan Xi mobilized three thousand elite troops.

Accompanied by trumpets and war drums.

Yuan Xi's elite troops pushed the well railings and Linchong, and under the cover of trebuchets, they desperately approached Linjing City.

The trench bridge, crash car, and ladder are also ready at this time.

However, what greeted them were arrows, crossbows, and pots of fire oil.

Arrows were like locusts, landing on the top of the city and shooting around the moat.

The moment the fire oil tank burst.

Fire oil splattered everywhere.

The ladder he was driving was hit by a can of fire oil, and the soldiers climbing on the ladder were grilled by the fire like meat skewers.

And below, the soldiers who were trying to climb up the city wall were hit by rolling stones and trees. Their brains were ripped open, their plasma burst, and their deaths were horrific.

Above Linjing City, thick smoke was billowing, and screams were heard from below. Zhao Yun was indifferent and continued to order:"Attack again!"

Yuan Xi looked at the Yongzhou soldiers under his command, and could only bite the bullet and organize another attack.

Yuan Tan felt chills running down his spine.

This really treats them as cannon fodder!

In fact, the order Zhao Yun received this time was to attack the city only secondarily, and the focus was to weaken the forces of Yuan Xi, Yuan Tan, Ma Teng and others.

Anyway, fighting will kill people.

Killing people with a borrowed knife and eliminating threats is the power of power.

In less than three quarters of an hour, Yuan Xi had already suffered nearly 2,000 casualties.

At this time, Zhao Yun ordered Yuan Tan to attack in succession.

At the same time, Zhao Yun also ordered Huben Camp and Dawn Cavalry to keep an eye on Yuan Tan and Yuan Xi at all times. If the two brothers had any objections, they would be eliminated immediately.

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