Xuzhou seems to be getting more and more chaotic.

After Sun Jian gathered his troops, the situation in Xuzhou did not improve at all.

On the contrary, after Sun Jian gathered his troops, the wealthy families in Xuzhou were all ready to take action.

Rich families have a large number of slaves, and these people can quickly form troops. In addition, there are the tribes of the wealthy tribes themselves, as well as the local braves recruited from the countryside.

It is not difficult to raise thousands or nearly ten thousand troops and horses in a short period of time.

Of course, in front of Jiangdong Army, this improvised force must be a mob.

However, there is more failure than success.

While Jiangdong's army was busy dealing with Yuan Shu, these rabble-rousers attacked Jiangdong's army's supplies, which simply added fuel to the fire.

"I heard that Huang Zu had defeated Chaisang"

"My home is in Chaisang, and I don’t know what’s going on at home."

"When did the Lord give the order to rescue Jiangdong?"

"Hush, keep your voice down, General Huang is here."

After nightfall, Sergeant Jiangdong, who was having dinner, couldn't help but talk about his hometown.

Although they were not in a desperate situation, they were eager to return to their hometown immediately.

These are troubled times, and after the city is broken, soldiers often appear. The situation of looting.

Jiangdong Army was no exception. They also looted.

Therefore, they were also worried that Huang Zu would do this.

Mother and wife at home, are they okay?

Just when they were thinking hard, they heard the sound of whipping skin and flesh. , and there were screams.

The screams were from the deserters who had just been captured.

These soldiers were not afraid of death when they attacked the city, but they have no intention of staying in Xuzhou to fight now.

Compared with Xuzhou and Jiangdong, naturally Jiangdong is more important.

If the people's hearts are scattered, it will be difficult to lead the team.

Sun Jian was cruel and killed a group of leading deserters.

However, can killing the leading deserters really stabilize the situation?


Inside the Boya Museum.

Shi Taozheng and Pang Tong chatted about the general trend of the world.

Like Sima Yi, Pang Tong also believed that Zhou Cheng would not be able to conquer the world so easily.

Although Zhou Cheng already controlled the north.

According to Pang Tong's views and opinions.

The success or failure of a battle depends on nothing more than the right time, place, and people.

Northern and Southern weather.

At the same time, in terms of geographical environment, there are many mountains and woodlands in the south, which is not conducive to cavalry charges.

The boat in the south and the horse in the north.

The south is not conducive to cavalry charges, nor is it conducive to a large army fighting.

Although Zhou Cheng is good at fighting, due to the differences between the north and the south, it is difficult for Zhou Cheng to use his most powerful cavalry and his current strength advantage.

Moreover, it is difficult for northerners to adapt to the weather in the south and they are not accustomed to the climate.

Secondly, people's hearts. With the migration of wealthy families and scholars from the north to the south, more talents have gathered in the south.

Once a heroic and benevolent ruler appears in the south, the unification of the south will surely gain the support of the people.

Shi Tao admired Pang Tong more and more.

However, at present, in the Boya Museum, except for Shi Tao and Pang Tong, no one is discussing the hero and the benevolent king.

The hot topic recently is Xuzhou.

In Tao Qian's hands, Xuzhou was originally a corner of the city, an option for scholars to study abroad.

However, Xuzhou now has become the place of the Fourth War.

First, Cao Cao defeated Tao Qian, and Liu Bei helped Tao Qian defeat Cao Cao.

Then, Cao Cao ran away, Tao Qian died, Liu Bei was defeated, and Yuan Shu came.

Not long after, Yuan Shu was defeated and Sun Jian occupied Xuzhou.

However, Xuzhou had not been peaceful for a while, and Yuan Shu came back again.

Now Xuzhou is in war again.

There was a fire in Sun Jian's backyard. If he didn't send troops to rescue Jiangdong, Sun Jian's wife and children would all become Huang Zu's prisoners.

"Although Sun Wentai is brave and brave, he may not be able to accomplish anything because people in Xuzhou do not support him."

"This time Yuan Shu raised 100,000 troops and advanced in three directions, but Sun Wentai and his son were unable to cope with it."

"Xuzhou eventually fell into the hands of Yuan Gongli. It is a pity and a shame."

"If Da Sima sends troops to Xuzhou at this time,"

"If troops were sent to Xuzhou at this time, Sun Wentai and Yuan Gongdao would definitely stop their troops, and the wealthy families in Xuzhou would inevitably rely on Yuan Gongdao, which was unwise."

These scribes spoke loudly, impassionedly, and gave pointers to the country, as if they were the strongest counselors today.

Shi Tao saw them all quarreling, frothing at the mouth, blushing, and then asked:"Shiyuan, what do you think? How will Sima behave?

Pang Tong drank a glass of wine and replied,"I don't know either.""

"Deceptive words. Shi

Tao shook his head and said.

In Shi Tao's eyes, Pang Tong's talent was unfathomable.

However, Pang Tong still insisted on his opinion.

While the two were chatting, a familiar figure walked in outside the Boya Museum.

It was Xu Shu.

Xu Shu looked around in the pass and finally found Shi Tao by the window.

When Xu Shu saw Pang Tong, he was stunned at first, and then he was surprised.

How could Pang Tong get rid of him here!

As Pang Tong's friend, Xu Shu, The Way of Nature, Pang Tong's talent.

Although Pang Tong has always boasted that he has the talent to"assist the emperor," Xu Shu does not think that Pang Tong is bragging.

PS: Please collect new books, flowers, recommendations, and fights. Reward, please give me a monthly pass, I want everything( ̄ヘ ̄o)_Please download the novel without underlining

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