In Wu County, Sun Jian's wife Wu fell ill.

His father Sun Jian was not here, and his brother Sun Ce was not here either. Only Sun Quan stayed in Jiangdong.

At this time, Sun Quan was only nineteen years old, but he was already able to stand alone.

Sun Quan sent people to various counties in Jiangdong to find famous doctors to treat his mother.

But after the doctor saw the situation, he also prescribed medicine. Not only did the condition not improve, but it actually got worse.

Of course, if we could find the miracle doctor Hua Tuo or Zhang Zhongjing, we might be able to find out the cause of the disease and prescribe the right medicine.

Sun Quan sent people to look for Hua Tuo and Zhang Zhongjing, while taking care of Wu day and night.

It's just that my mother has been coughing a lot recently, and she has no appetite. She can barely eat a bite of the soup she cooks every day.


After Sun Quan came out of Wu's room, he sighed again.

In fact, Wu's illness was a heart disease.

Her husband Sun Jian was fighting in the field for many years, and when the news of Huang Gai and others' death in battle came back to Jiangdong,

Wu's heart felt. It was like being pressed down by a huge boulder, and he was almost out of breath.

And because the cold evil entered the body in winter, the cold syndrome worsened.

If the mind is restless, the disease will occur.

Sun Quan was under great pressure at this time.

The news of Sun Jian's northward journey has been spread back to Jiangdong.

After running thousands of miles, he must be defeated by the general.

Sun Jian's departure may be in danger.

And his brother Sun Ce, his whereabouts are unknown at this time, and his whereabouts are unknown.

Sun Quan received Sun Jian's appointment last year , to manage Jiangdong on his behalf.

Sun Quan did not have Sun Ce's bravery, let alone Sun Ce's courage.

Now rumors are spreading in Jiangdong, saying that Sun Jian is about to die, and Sun Ce is already in the rebellion.

Moreover, it is rumored that his cousin Sun Fu seems to be colluding with Liu Biao , and cousin Sun Hao also wanted to take the opportunity to stand on his own.

Li Shu, the prefect of Lujiang, seemed to have the idea of ​​​​taking refuge with Yuan Shu.

Shanyue, which had been suppressed, seemed to be showing signs of trouble again.

According to the scouts, Huang Zu was also secretly mobilizing troops, It seems that he wants to take revenge in Jiangdong.

As long as people encounter bad things, bad things will come together.

Internal and external troubles are the difficulties Sun Quan will face soon.

Suppress possible rebellions and guard against enemies that may invade at any time.

This This is what Sun Quan wants to do.

Although Sun Quan is not as brave as Sun Jian and Sun Ce, he is indeed quite good at selecting talents. The generals he selected, such as Pan Zhang and Ding Feng, can be trusted.

As for civil servants, Lu Sulu Zijing was already making suggestions for Sun Quan.

However, Sun Jian and Sun Ce left most of Jiangdong's elite troops when they went on an expedition.

Now there are less than 20,000 troops and horses in the entire Jiangdong.

20,000 people seems like a lot, but they are divided into various counties. After that, there were few possibilities.

Last autumn, Zhou Cheng led his army southward, using the name of the emperor to attack various princes, which shocked the world.

However, Liu Biao only sent 20,000 troops and horses northward.

However, Huang Zujun in Jiangxia did not mobilize at all.


Just when Sun Quan was very busy, Lu Su brought good news.

"Young Master, Young Master. Lu

Su walked in excitedly.

Sun Quan asked,"Zijing, why are you so happy?"

Lu Su replied:"Congratulations, young master, Huang Zu can be destroyed!" Hearing this

, Sun Quan subconsciously opened his mouth slightly. It took him a while to react and said,"How do you say this?"!"

"This is a letter from Zhang Wu and Chen Sun, please have a look at it."

Lu Su handed a letter to Sun Quan.

After reading the contents of the letter, Sun Quan's pupils dilated and his face showed excitement.

Sun Quan asked:"Is this true?

Lu Su said:"It is rumored that Huang Zu was jealous of talented people and many of his subordinates were dissatisfied. He privately led an army to attack Jiangdong, which angered Liu Jingsheng.""

The letter was indeed sent by Zhang Wu and Chen Sun of Jiangxia.

Zhang Wu and Chen Sun were dissatisfied with Huang Zu and wanted to rebel. Therefore, they sent someone to secretly deliver the letter to Jiangdong, hoping that Jiangdong would send troops to cooperate.

However, Sun Quan was still hesitant.

Jiangdong Only five thousand troops and horses can be mobilized.

If they are sent out, there will be no troops to mobilize in Jiangdong.

Moreover, Sun Jian, Cao Cao, Liu Biao, and Yuan Shu are now an alliance.

If you attack Huang Zu at this time, it will be equivalent to attacking an ally.

Sun Quan thought He thought, shook his head and said:"This matter needs to be discussed further. Sun

Quan did not want to have a war with Liu Biao at this juncture.

Lu Su persuaded him,"My lord, if we can defeat Huang Zu's navy, even if Liu Biao wanted to lead his army to attack Jiangdong, he would be helpless.""

Destroy Huang Zu's navy, and there will be no large-scale navy in Jingzhou.

No matter how Huang Zu feels about Liu Biao's heart,

Liu Biao can't cross the river if he wants revenge.


Sun Quan choked on his words.

Lu Su went on to say:"Sir, Huang Zu is very ambitious. He did not obey Liu Biao's orders and mobilized troops and horses without authorization. If our army eliminates Huang Zu, Liu Jingsheng may not hold him accountable."

Sun Quan nodded thoughtfully.

Lu Su said:"If the lord and the eldest son are defeated in the north, Liu Biao will not miss the opportunity."

The world only knows the bravery of Sun Jian and Sun Ce, but underestimates Sun Quan.

Therefore, Lu Su persuaded Sun Quan to prepare for the worst

"Well, then I will respect you."

Sun Quan still agreed.

Under Lu Su's persuasion, Sun Quan mobilized five thousand troops and sent troops to Peng Ze to spy on Jiang Xia.

If the rebellion of Zhang Wu and Chen Sun caused turmoil in Jiang Xia, and Huang Zu had no way to control it, then Sun Quan would Take the opportunity to send troops and destroy Huang Zu directly._Fei

Lu reminds you: Three things to do when studying - Collection

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