"My lord, twenty more trebuchets have been damaged."

Listening to the report, Zhou Cheng remained silent.

Zhou Cheng's investment in the arsenal in the early stage was the most important in the production and storage of stirrups, high bridge saddles and horseshoes.

Now the stirrups, high bridge saddles, and horseshoes have become large-scale.

Zhou Cheng began to climb the technology tree, and the direction of development was towards crossbows and trebuchets with longer ranges.

However, limited by the times, there are still some deficiencies in materials.

He doesn’t know when he will be able to see the sky. The cover is smashed.

Of course, the trebuchet is so good that the work of the heavy troops is greatly increased.

The first is the collection and processing of stone bullets.

Each stone bullet needs to ensure the size and weight.

It is too big or too small. , too light or too heavy will affect the range and accuracy.


No need for Zhou Cheng's requirements, craftsmen will also have strict requirements.

Such a siege equipment that far exceeds conventional power and accuracy.

It amazed Guan Yu and others.

This requires How many skilled craftsmen have spent so much time and financial resources on research and manufacturing, this is a huge expense.

Now it is a headache for all the princes to maintain weapons, armor, and feed the soldiers.

After this battle, You must remind your brother.

Guan Yu thought in his heart.

If he fights with Zhou Cheng in the future, he must change his mindset.

Because Zhou Cheng has new concepts in field warfare and siege.

Because of the continuous bombardment by trebuchets, the people in the city A large number of houses were burned.

Then Zhou Cheng changed the target again.

This time the target was the city head.

Since Cao Ren liked to set fire, he continued to burn.

A large number of fire oil cans were thrown towards the city head.

The arrow tower on the city head, Being burned by the fire made Cao Ren's defenders exhausted.

However, the Zhou army collected a large amount of data in the process.

The new trebuchet was not so much used to attack the city as it was being calibrated and tested.

Every time the fire oil tank After being thrown out, craftsmen will record it.

The recorded data will be adjusted on the spot.

Chenliu is rich, and there are many defensive equipment in Chenliu City.

However, it has no effect against the Zhou army's siege equipment.

The bed crossbow is powerful and can destroy well railings and impoundments, but the range is not as good as a trebuchet.

The truth is within the range.

Zhou Cheng built on the concept of later generations of combat.

It does not matter how fast the projection frequency is, the focus is the range, and more Large range.

Bombing for five days.

Chenliu City and the city were scorched, and soldiers and civilians suffered heavy casualties.

Moreover, after a large number of houses were burned, the residences of soldiers and civilians became more crowded. There was a lack of bedding, and heating was also a problem.

In Chenliu City, reserves Although there are a lot of supplies, they are now somewhat stretched.

Zhou Cheng said:"We will continue to attack the city tomorrow.""

"Here!"The generals replied.

On the second day, Zhou Cheng put out a new siege ladder.

When Cao Ren saw the new siege ladder, he knew that the situation was not good.

At this time, the Rouran cavalry and the Xianbei cavalry were both Asked to dismount and go up to the well railing, Linchong, and siege ladders.

As the trebuchets stopped bombarding



Tens of thousands of archers shot arrows at the city.

But Cao Ren could only grit his teeth and deal with it.

Guan Yu also had to admire Cao Ren, who was indeed good at defending and able to keep his composure.

However, Zhou Cheng After another two days of fierce attack, Cao's army was already suffering terribly.

If Cao's army did not reach the top of the city, they would not even be able to reach the enemy.

However, once they reached the top of the city, they would surely suffer losses from the kerosene tanks and arrows. Tragic.

Cao Ren was also very conflicted at the moment.

Cao Ren knew that even if he withdrew his crossbowmen, the Zhou army would not necessarily send troops to attack the city.

In fact, Zhou Cheng did not move his troops.

Even though Dian Wei, Zhang Meng and others asked for battle many times.

Zhou Cheng is not in a hurry to attack.

Because Chenliu is a dead city.

Cao Cao's army will die if they stay in the city, and they will die if they leave the city.

And what should Cao Cao do?

Sun Jian is dead.

Cao Cao goes north alone? Even if there is someone to respond, there is no Sun Jian. Attracting frontal firepower, would Cao Cao still go north?

Zhou Cheng didn't think that Cao Cao would have the consciousness to fight to the death.

At this time, new types of carts were rolled out.

These carts had cowhide and The wooden boards can block arrows.

At the same time, there are earth bags on the vehicle.

Zhou Cheng said:"This is an earth-filling vehicle."

The new products of the arsenal are the absolute top secret.

Even Jia Xu, Li Ru and others cannot know about it.

At this time, the heavy soldiers carried a bag of soil to the car.

Not only did they have to fill the moat, but also It needs to go straight to the city wall.

If Cao Ren doesn't send troops out of the city to stop it, it's only a matter of time before the moat is filled.

Cao Ren's face turned from livid and angry at the beginning to pale and helpless.

Cao Zhen said:"Uncle Ren, let me lead the army out of the city. , burned those cars!

Cao Ren said:"The Zhou thieves want to force our army to go out of the city to fight in the field!""

Guan Yu glanced at Cao Ren. He knew it was difficult to make a choice now.

But sending people to burn the earth-filling trucks is the most important thing at the moment.

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