Is Zhuge Liang great?

Zhou Cheng did not deny that he was powerful.

Zhuge Liang in history was able to rely on his own talents to not only defeat Cao Cao in a fierce battle at Chibi.

At the same time, it also contributed to the situation of dividing the world into three parts.

However, the strategy is for people.

Just like Zhou Yu's plan to defeat Cao Cao.

Zhuge Liang used the empty city strategy to deceive Sima Yi.

What is targeted is the character of the opponent's general.

Zhuge Liang asked Ma Su to guard the street pavilion.

Ma Su violated Zhuge Liang's rules in the street pavilion, made troubles, and even gave up water sources. He chose to climb Nanshan to defend instead of occupying the town at the foot of the mountain.

General Wang Ping tried to persuade him many times, but Ma Su refused to accept it. After Zhang He arrived, he surrounded the mountain and cut off the water source of Ma Di's army on the mountain. He launched a massive attack and defeated Ma Di's army. The soldiers were scattered and defeated.

No matter how good the strategy is, no matter how detailed the subordinates are.

If there is a problem with the executor, it will all be in vain.

This time, Zhuge Liang"tailor-made" a strategy for Cai Mao.

According to Zhuge Liang's understanding of Cai Mao.

Cai Mao was able to act according to his own ideas and plans, and he was also able to defend the city.

However, Zhuge Liang forgot one person, and that was Liu Bei.

Liu Bei influenced Cai Mao's decision-making, causing Cai Mao to choose to attack at the wrong time.

This led to the failure of the hijacking camp and the loss of the opportunity to sneak attack the Zhou army.


Zhou army camp.

Dian Wei has returned.

He pursued Liu Bei's army until Liu Bei fled back to the city in panic, and then withdrew his troops to respond.

A total of nearly 7,000 Liu Bei's troops were killed and captured.

There is no doubt that Liu Bei suffered a heavy loss in this battle.

Zhou Cheng said with a smile:"Teacher's clever plan, Cai Hao really fell into the trap."

Cai Hao defended the city, which made Zhou Cheng and others suspicious.

Cai Mao is not a person who dares to fight to the end.

Therefore, Cai Mao's defense of the city is an abnormal thing.

Therefore, Jia Xu suggested to Zhou Cheng that on the one hand he should strengthen the offensive and on the other hand set up an ambush in the camp.

Sure enough, Cai Mao fell into the trap.

Under the continuous fierce attack of the Zhou army, they could not calm down and came out to rob the camp at night.

Jia Xu shook his head and said,"Cai Degui's mastermind is not in the city."

Guo Jia, Li Ru, Pang Tong, and Xu Shuyan all nodded.

Zhuge Liang asked Cai Mao to rob the camp, but he was the one who robbed the camp.

As for Jia Xu's design, he just tried it out to see what his opponent could do.

As a result, the result was unexpected, and he was not in the city.

Zhou Cheng frowned and whispered,"Not in the city?"

Jia Xu stood up and said,"Since it's not in the city, my lord doesn't need to worry about it. Just send people to attack again."

Zhou Cheng nodded in agreement.


When Liu Bei returned to the city, the entire army was in a panic.

Some people even lost their weapons, and few flags were left.

Obviously when retreating, in order to run faster, I threw it away when I could.

When Cai Hao saw Liu Bei coming back in embarrassment, he asked,"Xuande, why are you in such embarrassment?"

"Eh. Liu Bei sighed and said,"The Zhou thieves are cunning and have an ambush for a long time.""

Then, Liu Bei briefly described the specific situation.

Huang Zhong, Wei Yan and others frowned after hearing this.

This was indeed an ambush.

"What kind of clever tricks and tricks have been seen through by the Zhou thief!"

Zhang Fei cursed angrily.

He originally thought that the tips and tricks were fooling people.

It turned out to be the same as what he thought.

With Zhuge Liang's tips, not only did he fail to defeat the Zhou army, but he almost couldn't come back.

Chen Gong frowned. , he felt that there was nothing wrong with the plan.

It was just that Zhou Jun was also capable, so he could see through it?

But when he thought about it, something was wrong.

Could it be that Zhou Jun deliberately increased the frequency of attacks to force Cai Mao to rob the stronghold? ?

If it was deliberately designed to let Cai Mao fall into the trap, then the designer is really powerful.


Liu Bei was defeated, lost his troops and generals, and suffered heavy casualties.

Cai Hao sat on the tower, feeling agitated and uneasy.

At this time, the Zhou army changed its normal behavior and did not adopt the three-miss-one strategy.

Instead, they attacked the city from all sides at the same time.

As a result, Cai Mao's pressure doubled.

The competition on the top of the city became increasingly fierce.

The white knife goes in and the red knife comes out.

The spear pierced the body mercilessly and pinned the person to the ground.

‘ah! '

One soldier was on fire and fell into the moat.

In one day, more than 4,000 soldiers were killed or wounded.

If this continues, how can this city be defended?

What's more, there's no telling when Liu Biao's reinforcements will arrive.

If Zhou Cheng captures him and Zhou Cheng wants to kill him, what should he do?

Surrender and capture are not the same treatment!

Cai Hao was upset and finally opened the third bag.

There is only one word written in the third tip bag


Do you mean to ask him to abandon the city?

Cai Mao suddenly became energetic.

Sure enough, the heroes have the same idea!

Since Zhuge Liang asked him to withdraw, he can't hesitate.

"Order the entire army to prepare to withdraw!"

Cai Mao doesn't want to keep guarding anymore.

He wants to go back to Jingzhou, he wants to go back to Xiangyang.

As for Yanzhou?

Anyone who wants it can take it._Please download the novel without underlining

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