After a simple inventory, the deputy general reported the harvest to Zhou Yu.

This expedition to Shanyue resulted in a total harvest of more than 16,000 people and countless supplies of food, grass and baggage.

Everyone was overjoyed, and Zhou Yu rewarded him for his merits.

The population of Shanyue, 6,000 people, and half of the grain, grass and baggage were distributed to all the noble families, and the rest belonged to the Sun family.

No one in the family had any objections. After all, the success of the expedition was due to Zhou Yu's planning.

So after everyone packed up, they immediately returned.

Zhou Yu returned to the navy camp of Poyang Lake, and the noble families returned to their respective territories.

Han Dang, Cheng Pu, Sun Jing and others took the people and baggage by boat to Wu Commandery to resume their duties.

In Xiangyang City, Jingzhou, in the meeting hall of the palace.

A few days later, Cai Mao said that no trace of Liu Bei and Liu Qi had been found.

I'm afraid Liu Qi has encountered something unexpected. Please express your condolences to Liu Biao.

Liu Biao's face was filled with gloom and he said nothing.

Seeing this, Cai Mao felt very angry.

So he took the initiative to leave and went back to see Mrs. Cai to report the good news.

At this time, Liu Biao could not imagine the conspiracy of these people.

These are all people who sided with Liu Cong and worked together to find ways to deal with Liu Qi.

Liu Qi took the initiative to escape to Jiangxia to avoid trouble, but he still couldn't escape the pursuit of these people.

Liu Biao is not a fool. If he can become the leader of Jingzhou, how stupid can he be?

So at this moment, I am gnashing my teeth in hatred towards Cai Mao and others, and I want to chop them into eighteen pieces!

However, Liu Qi's whereabouts are currently unknown, and his only heir is Liu Cong.

Liu Biao could not do anything to them for the time being.

At this time, Liu Biao looked at the empty hall and suddenly felt that he was alone.

Yizhou, Badong County.

As soon as Liu Bei arrived in Badong County, he followed Zhuge Liang's suggestion and docked the merchant ship in Badong.

Enter the city to meet the Badong prefect.

At this time, the new governor of Badong was Zhang Song.

It was Zhang Song who had previously presented the topographic map of Western Shu and Liu Bei.

After recommending Liu Bei to Liu Zhang, he and Zhuge Liang kept in close correspondence with each other.

The two agreed on a strategy, and Zhang requested to be appointed as the prefect of Badong County.

At this moment, Zhang Song was reviewing official documents in the city lord's palace, when he suddenly heard someone coming to report.

It is said that Liu Bei, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Zhuge Liang and others have arrived in Badong County.

Three thousand men and horses under his command were stationed outside the city.

And Liu Bei personally led the generals and brought Liu Zhang's letter.

He has entered the city gate and is waiting outside the gate of the city lord's mansion.

As soon as Zhang Song heard that Liu Bei and others, whom he had longed for, had arrived, they had also arrived at the gate of the city lord's palace.

I jumped up with joy all of a sudden

"quick! quick! Come with me to meet Lord Xuande!"Zhang Song's face was red, and he ran all the way calling for his disciples.

As he spoke, Zhang Song had already ran to the door.

He saw Liu Bei, Zhuge Liang, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei and others standing at the door, looking happy and contented.

He was very happy. Feeling.

Zhang Song immediately stepped forward to salute, and expressed his congratulations to Liu Bei and others for breaking away from Liu Biao's control.

From now on, the sea and sky are bright, and the future is bright!

Liu Bei and others quickly returned the salute.

Everyone was polite and walked to the meeting hall together.

Zhang Song immediately said A banquet was arranged for Liu Bei and others to wash away the dust.

At the banquet, everyone had a pleasant conversation.

Zhuge Liang was also making witty remarks and deliberately flattering, and it felt like they had met each other for a long time.

During the banquet, Zhang Songping retreated to the left and right, making insinuations. , I wonder if Liu Shijun is interested in Yizhou.

At this time, Liu Bei was ready to move in his heart, but he did not dare to show it on the surface.

However, Zhuge Liang said, it is getting late today.

Everyone is tired from the journey, and it is not convenient to discuss official matters at this time. Why don't you wait until tomorrow for Liu Bei to hold a banquet in person and invite Zhang Song to his mansion.

Then the host and guest will have a chat and express the gratitude of Liu Bei and others.

Why can't Zhang Song hear that Zhuge Liang is afraid that there are ears through the wall here, so as not to cause trouble? Unnecessary trouble?

So he naturally agreed at the moment.

After drinking for a while, Liu Bei and others said goodbye.

Zhang Song personally sent everyone outside the mansion and reluctantly waved goodbye.

Back to the mansion, Zhang Song felt in his heart It was also a moment of excitement.

When he sent the topographic map of Western Shu to Liu Bei, didn't he want to usher in a bright master for Western Shu?

Now Liu Zhang is clinging to his ancestral heritage and not thinking about making progress, and Cao Cao is eyeing him in Brazil County.

Ma Teng is in Xiliang Quite threatening, Liu Biao blocked the development space of Yizhou in Jingzhou._Fei

Lu reminds you: three things about studying-

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