This is the only red hair on his body! The most beautiful one is the red one, the front of Qiao Xi! !

Even if it is a hologram, Qiao Xi will not allow any mistakes in this hair!

"I know!" Chris was sitting behind Qiao Xi for the first time. He didn't expect to encounter such a situation. He gritted his teeth and said, "I'm trying to restrain myself!"

"Actually, his self-control is pretty good. Qiao Xi, don't let the other members of the Three Meow Alliance be behind you, otherwise your red hair will definitely suffer!" Jing Yi stared at the game holographic screen, said while saying.

As soon as Qiao Ximao exploded, he immediately turned his head vigilantly, and swept to the remaining princes of the Three Meow Alliance sitting in the front row, only to feel that their backs were full of primitive wildness.

"Hey, they were all trained by Jing Yan!" Chris also sighed, "I think I was also a leopard who couldn't help but pounce when I saw something moving. The tail that wiggles back and forth has developed endurance!"

After all, when he rushed to Jing Yan's tail, he would be pressed by Jing Yan once on the ground. After a few times, he started to learn to restrain himself.

Qiao Xi was stunned for a moment, thinking of Jing Yan's flexible tail, clearing her throat, she felt a little funny.

Speaking of Jing Yan, Chris and Jing Yi also complained about other things, obviously feeling that this guy is full of grooves.

For example, Jing Yan's howl.

Don't look at him howling like the same thing, in fact, Jing Yi doesn't know what he is howling, after all, the láng people don't láng howl at all!

Jing Yan's set of howls were completely created by him, and he always added tones, making his howls up and down, and he didn't know who he was talking bad about.

There is also Jingyan who will always pay attention to his hair loss.

There has been a bald láng in the royal family of the láng family. It is a genetic problem. Although Jing Yan has done a genetic test, there is nothing wrong with this aspect, but when he was a child, he saw a bald láng uncle. I was frightened, and since then I have become very aware of this aspect, rarely staying up late, very self-cultivation, and trying my best to keep my hair smooth and smooth.

Qiao Xi laughed to death, laughing and subconsciously thinking, what terrifying things can such a lovely Jing Yan do.

There must be some misunderstandings in the rumors about Jing Yan in the palace, plus...

Qiao Xi pondered, someone must have deliberately exaggerated and smeared him and Jiaoyue.


Chris and Jing Yi complained about Jing Yan for a whole class, and they were both overjoyed after they complained. After the get out of class, Chris became extremely happy and sad.

His twin brother, Ed Huabao came over after he went online and said gloatingly: "By the way, you don't know yet, my parents and I are going to visit the palace of the Láng clan, next week."

Chris slipped under his paw, the character was dead, he raised his head in shock and asked, "What?!"

Ed spread his paws: "Who told you that you don't want to go home, if you don't go home, Mom misses you, so she can only run over to see you."

Chris was still shocked, he opened his mouth and whispered: "They... they didn't come to catch me home, right?"

Ed said deliberately, "Who knows."

After saying that, he stepped on his paws with great grace and left.

And Chris suddenly lost the mood to play games, lying on the table like a waste leopard.

The Leopard Queen called after class, and when Jingyan came back in the evening, he confirmed the arrangement.

Chris' parents, Queen Shòu of the Leopard Clan of the Three Meow Alliance, plan to visit the royal family of the Láng Clan in a week. The essence is that the Queen Leopard misses her son, so come and have a look.

"My mother didn't say anything, but I always thought her tone was terrifying. They won't take me away. I don't want to go home yet..." The little leopard rolled on the ground in annoyance, and rolled to Jingjing. Beside Yan, he begged, "Jing Yan, if my mother talks about this at that time, you must speak for me! If you help me, I will let you lick me!"

Saying that, he turned his feet to the sky, revealing his hairy belly, and in those round eyes was written "Look, my belly is for you".

The humanoid Jingyan slapped the small dishes in his arms one by one, and Mo De said emotionally, "I don't have a hand to slap you."

"!" Little Leopard collapsed, "Then you won't help me?!"

"Your mother is teasing you, if you really want to take you away, just send someone over, why run over by yourself." Butterfly Heiyu said.

The little leopard actually knew this was the truth, but he still lay on the grass in a sullen way, and said sullenly: "But my mother will definitely talk about letting me go home, I just... I just don't want to go back... "

Qiao Xi was curious about the question again - Chris and Hei Yu are obviously foreign princes, why do they live here?

But just like before, Qiao Xi thought that this might involve personal matters, and was embarrassed to ask, so she could only hold down her curiosity.

"Anyway, a banquet will be prepared at that time, everyone has to go, and you are not alone, so don't make any noise." Jing Yan said lazily.

"Are you all going?" Chris got up immediately.

Jiaoyue said: "There is a banquet in the palace, and Xue and I would have received an invitation letter."

The two of them are the second of the four major families of the Láng family, and he and A Xue are the eldest sons in the family, so they will definitely be invited.

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