The Mythical Races I Created

Vol 2 Chapter 115: It's almost certain to go to war

The elves and the orcs once again reached a fragile peace agreement.


   Only, this time, both sides realized that sooner or later the war would come again.


   The plateau, the Senate, and the high elves waited for the results of the negotiations brought by Severus.


  Berry Creek nodded. "Although the cost is beyond our budget, this sale and purchase agreement was originally formulated to prevent the orcs from attacking our city-state."


   "The rest of the benefits are surprises."


  He looked at Dylan, "In the future, we can also cultivate our own wolves alone. I think the orcs must not have foreseen this."


   Dylan nodded, full of joy.


   Severu's face is a bit ugly. "Head of State, I don't want to provoke a war between the two races. But Father God testified that Dillon had no intention of reaching a permanent peace. Our treaty is more like an armistice treaty."


   "War will happen again."


   This remark triggered unprecedented discussions in the Senate.


  A elven elder suggested. "The team researching the Wind God Curse series applied to us for the highest level of research conditions. They wanted people and resources."


   "I originally thought that the elves should focus on development now, but now I think the kingdom also needs to invest in the research of these warfare spells."


   Uncle Ben frowned. "No way, we have just ended the war, why are we going to start the war again."


   "Are we misunderstanding the orcs?"


   "Maybe, they didn't dare to fight us at all."


   Little Augustus said suddenly: "No, they will definitely go to war against us, it's just a matter of time."


   Suddenly, the Senate fell silent.


   Seeing that everyone was looking at him, little Augustus hesitated. He didn't know if he spoke at this moment. It was in compliance.


  Berry Creek gave him an encouraging look.


   Little Augustus swallowed and looked at the elders, full of self-belief: "I said the orcs will definitely fight us for a reason."


   "When General Severus and I entered the territory of the orcs, I saw a totem called a green totem on the side of the road."


   "I have studied orc language with sister Marlinni for a few months. Their language is not difficult, but it is equivalent to a dialect of our Elvish language."


   "So, I asked the Orc Prophet, but I don't know why, this guy triumphantly told me the secret."


   "He told me that the green totem is a fertility totem ordered by Dillon."


   "In the past few years, the newborns of orcs and pigs have doubled because of the green totem."


   Little Augustus looked at Severus. "General, you can calculate, how many years later their population will double to the point where they must go to war against us."


   General Severu looked ugly, "I don't know their specific birth conditions, but I think it will be between 30 and 50 years."


   After receiving the news, the elders exploded.


   "You must prepare for battle."


   "The orcs are really wolfish ambitions, you must guard against them."


   "Not only should we provide resources for [Wind Feather Curse], but also the recent large-name [Golden Sword] mage research group. I think we need to provide resources to them."


   "We must upgrade our war spells as soon as possible to form a civilizational gap on the orcs."


   These elders seem to have imagined the military power of the orcs, and somewhat exaggerated them.


   An elven elder exaggeratedly said: "One million orc cavalry plus Dillon and the Prophet, their iron cavalry is enough to threaten us."


   "There is also the soul body of the giant blue fish we saw in the tsunami a few days ago. If we are confronted with that kind of thing, how can we kill it?"


   The veterans became scared.


   Under the influence of the orc threat theory, they immediately passed the proposal to provide resources to the team researching war spells.


  Berry Creek felt helpless, the orcs were indeed a new force, but the elders had not seen the orcs in only three years, and they had already begun to speculate about the situation on the orcs.

   But this is also good.


  Because I was not prepared to prepare for the war, I can't say whether this is right or wrong, so if the Senate insists on investing resources in developing war spells, that's not bad.


  Berry Creek said: "It is our basic policy to persist in building cities and purifying the contaminated soil on the plateau."


   "However, the Senate passed a proposal to invest in war spells."


   "Preparation and construction are carried out at the same time, which proves the superiority and advancement of our system."


   "The meeting is over."


   The Senate adjourned.


   Diana sorted out the papers. She got up and said to Boli Kerry: "You know that we and the orcs have killed the swarm together. If the war is allowed to go on like this, I think you have deviated from the right path."


   Berlicky blinked and smiled bitterly. "Oh, I thought the post-war head of state was a leisure job. I could still find the opportunity to hide in my study and read books for an afternoon. What a wonderful day like that."


   "Diana, it's not that I want to go to war now."


   "It's the orcs just about to move."


"I will try to send messengers to maintain our peace through diplomacy. I have signed a special paperwork order to make Marlinie stay in the orc territory and act as a bridge between the elves and the orcs. I watched. She is already quite prestigious among the orcs."


   "I also want to advise her to tell Dillon that the orc population can no longer expand like this."




   Orc Territory.


  The Whale Demon Totem has killed 14 people in seven consecutive days.


   Everyone was flustered.


   Most of the dead were pigs, 13 in total, and one dead, even an orc.


   All the creatures within 1 kilometer of the whale demon totem would seem to be bewitched by the whale demon. The whale demon would make him desperate, without the will to survive, bewitching him to hit and die on the whale demon totem.


   Dillon had to order the whale demon totem to be buried in the northernmost uninhabited place in the long and narrow lowland. There is a saline-alkali land, and no one will usually pass by.


   But whoever moves the whale totem is a problem.


  Ordinary orcs can't stand the whale totem.


   Therefore, he chose the eight strongest orcs, and ordered the pig craftsman to cast a coffin nearly two meters thick with molten iron and copper juice, put the whale demon totem in it, and then let the eight orcs carry the coffin.


When moving the whale totem, one hundred shamans danced the dance of prayer, one hundred shamans sang the song of the shaman, and suppressed the whale with the dance of soul care and the song of soul resurrection. This is the whole ceremony. Surprisingly, let the coffin with the whale demon totem smoothly enter the and be buried in the soil.


   The orc prophet is a little bit painful, such a powerful totem is actually buried like this.


  He walked to the small mound where Dillon was and said to him, "Maybe, we can find a way to use it."


   Dillon shook his head, "It's not the time yet."


   "The whale demon is too dangerous. I saw it swallowed the souls of tens of thousands of pigs. It is completely different from the spirits of the ancestors."


   "I want to seal it up, just to conquer it in the future."


   "Now is not the time."


   The orc prophet frowned. "Then how do we deal with elves?"


   "Quantity." Dillon laughed and said: "The more we have, the more scared the elves. As long as we have more births, we can deal with them."


   He left with a big laugh and went to preside over the end of the shaman ceremony.


   The prophet watched his departure, his eyes flashed with contempt.


   "Dillon, I really want to be a king by myself, just like the elves of the past, but if it weren't for you, I wouldn't think so."


   "You can't lead the orcs to glory at all."


   "For this, whether I am for myself or for this country, I must become a king, so that my name will always be recorded in the legend."

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