The Mythical Races I Created

Vol 2 Chapter 185: Fantastic Animals: Griffin

The two of them walked out of the city gate with the orc guards to the place of dispute.

The place they were fighting over was a large farmland behind the Creek Fortress.

The Creek Fortress is not only the last fortress leading to the plateau, but also the guardian city that guards the vast arable area in the rear.

There are some pebbles rooted in the soil on the inside and outside of the Creek Fortress.

These pebbles, half under the land and half above the land, are actually city-level [spell enchantment] infrastructure.

As long as the enemy comes, these pebbles that surround the Crick fortress will release spell barriers.

The energy is provided by the Philosopher's Stone given by God the Father in the city center.

The magic stone contains powerful magic power, which comes from the connection of the whole city's air machine.

Severus and Dylan, when they came to the place of the accident.

The place was already full of orcs and pigs, and both sides maintained an attitude towards each other. If they hadn't been afraid of the laws of the Creek Fortress, they would have been fighting already.

Dylan walked over and found the orcs and pigs involved.

He angered: "If you have anything, you can find the law enforcement agencies and patrol teams in the fortress. Why do you want to fight? Who did it first?"

The pigman involved held a black eye and pointed at the orc's nose immediately. "My lord, he beat me first."

"My lord, my field is always trampled on by people for no reason. I was wondering. Today my hired worker saw him walking out of my field, and I knew that he had been deliberately destroying my field."

The pigman involved stared at Dylan and Severus. "Please two adults call the shots for me."

The orc involved over there blushed when he heard this, he walked forward and raised his fist, and immediately wanted to beat the pigman again.

"Screw you."

Dylan's face was cold, his eyes flashed with anger.

Since he dared to hurt people in front of him face to face, there was nothing to say.

He was about to use druid spells to stop the orcs involved, but Severus had already used [Arcane Imprisonment] to control the orcs.

A rune appeared under the orc's feet.

Dylan looked at Severus. "Thank you. Now things are very clear, and people get the money."

"And since this orc dared to hurt people face to face, it is enough to show how arrogant and domineering he is."

He looked at the orc. "I want to banish you from the Creek Fortress."

The orc involved in the incident was blushing, his eyes widened at the moment, and his mouth was muttering curses.

Severus shook his head and coughed. "Dylan, cough cough cough, you should at least give him a chance to speak."

He looked at the orc. "I ask you, why do you want to destroy other people's fields."

The orc blushed and was angry, but just didn't speak.

Severus's tone eased slightly. "Now, I may be the only person here who believes in you. If you have any grievances, I am willing to give you a chance to speak."

The expression of the orc moved, and his emotions eased.

He gasped for a while, and when his breath subsided, he finally spoke. "My lord, I didn't trample on his farmland at all."

"When I came here, the fields had been trampled on. I just went in and got some potatoes, and wanted to take them back to eat."

"I think it's been trampled anyway. I just grab a little bit and there is nothing wrong with it."

"Then his hired worker saw me and called this pig-headed pig man. This pig-headed pig man has been scolding me and he didn't give me a chance to speak at all. I said it wasn't me. He said he wanted to call in the patrol team."

The orc stomped his feet and said, "When I saw that he really called a hired worker to call in a patrol, I was so angry that I punched his pig on the head."

"Next, a lot of people came here."

"When everyone saw me, they said that I had trampled on this pig-headed man's field."

"They didn't listen to me at all, they just scolded me and looked at me with contempt. I was so angry that I lost control, but it just made them even more convinced that I was the saboteur."

Severus nodded.

The people around were all talking at the moment, saying that the orc was lying, he must have done the thing, after all, he had beaten the people.

The pig man involved even knelt directly at Severus and Dylan, crying and said: "My lord, I'm just a poor pig with a little money, how dare I provoke him? If not for him I have trampled on my field for two years, how dare I make trouble for him."

"Please be fair to me."

When Orc Dylan heard such tragic words, his eyes were full of contempt at the orc involved.

Dylan said to Severu: "Old friend, I can't listen anymore. I can't stand someone bullying the weak with their physique!"

Severus shook his head. He looked at Dylan and said with a serious face: "Then I can't tolerate it either. Just because someone is relatively weak in physique, they can gain a superior position in justice."

"Sympathy should not appear in the process of dealing with affairs."

The orc involved seemed to have found the savior. Holding the arcane wall that imprisoned him, he complained to Severus: "I swear under the witness of God the Father, if the field of pig's head is really broken by me, I am willing Struck to death by lightning."

Those who hear it are all moved.

Because in this society, all the oaths made in the name of the spirit of creation must be prudent.

You can't just talk nonsense.

Some people have already started to discuss privately, is it true that things are not done by orcs?

The orc involved looked at everyone angrily, "It can't be because I am an orc, so all conflicts are my fault."

The pig man involved glared at him. "Then you're done, God the Father will definitely condemn you."

"I didn't do it. I want to take your pig's head off."

"You evil and terrible orc, listen to what terrible things he says. This guy is a dangerous man. He wants to kill me."

"Fuck you! Roar! Roar!" The orc uttered a string of angry words.

The pig man involved continued to spray him. "With adults present, they will definitely be the masters for me."

When they were quarreling, Severu had already walked into the farmland and squatted down to observe the land.

When he stood up and walked out of the field, he shook his head and said to Dylan, "It shouldn't be the orc that really did it."

Dylan's expression was moved, and everyone looked at Severus. The two orcs and pigmen involved were all listening to Severus.

Severus ordered the people to remove the leaves of the vegetables in the field to show everyone the paw prints left in the soil.

These paw prints are so small that if you don't look carefully, you really can't notice them.

Severus said: "These paw prints should be the footprints of a cave-dwelling dinosaur called Dendrosaurus."

"This kind of porymosaurus originally lived on the highlands of the spirits, and would not appear in the lowlands, and because it is a carnivore, it usually does not offend the farmland. But it seems that because we have turned a lot of fertile land into farmland, it has been disrupted. The original laws of nature."

"So here, these hole mouse dragons ran into the lowland farmland area and destroyed your farmland."

Severus looked at the pig man who was very embarrassed at the moment.

The pigman involved felt unable to raise his head at this moment. If that was the case, it took a long time for him to make a big oolong himself.

Not only that, but he also attracted the senior officials of the Creek Fortress to make the matter so big.

He insisted: "But my lord, why did that orc appear in my farm?"

Severus looked at the orc and asked the orc where he put the stolen potatoes.

The orc said that he had been frightened before and felt that he was involved in a major incident, so he threw it on the side of the road. He led everyone over, and he saw a small handful of potatoes on the side of the dirt road.

Things are clear.

The pigman’s field was trampled on by the hole rat dragon, and it was already destroyed. Today, the orc just picked up a few potatoes and went back. After being seen, he was misunderstood as the person who trampled on the land. , So things will get worse.

Severus looked at the orc. "If you don't ask, you just steal."

"You were misunderstood today because you couldn't control your own hands. Because you stole things, you were asked to do two weeks of labor."

He looked at the pig man involved. "You don't ask about the situation carefully, just quarrel with others, this will not help you solve your problem. Please pay attention to it in the future, after all, you are occupying public resources like this."

"For the sake of you being beaten, there is no need to fine."

The pig man involved quickly apologized to everyone, saying that he was wrong.

He even apologized to the orc involved, and the orc involved admitted that he shouldn't just take away the things from other people's fields.

Severus looked at everyone. "Today this incident taught everyone a lesson."

"Don't just label others casually in everything. If you don't understand, just use words to hurt others together."

"Your behavior is extremely shameful and will interfere with normal order."

The orcs and pigmen bowed their heads and fell into deep thought, reflecting on their previous behavior.

They all blushed.

Severus turned and left here, Dylan immediately chased after him, excited. "Old friend, you see, you are really suitable for an important position in the kingdom. If it weren't for you, I would have misjudged a good person today."

"I will study your fair behavior."

Severus shook his head. "No matter what, I can't change my decision."

"I don't want to continue to be a veteran."

There was a sharp cry from the horizon, and the setting sun, a golden afterimage flew away from the setting sun.

A big lion with golden hair fell from the sky.

It has powerful, streamlined eagle wings on its back. Its body is the body of a lion, its head is the head of an eagle, and its neck is even more majestic white hair. This white hair resembles a crown and a scarf, making the entire griffon a king. The momentum.

Griffin-a mixture of the lion king of the land and the eagle falcon the king of the sky, representing that it is king in the sky and the Griffin symbolizes [just and justice].

Severus and Dylan both looked at the Griffins falling from the sky in surprise, and the expressions on their faces turned into surprises.

Dylan admired Severus and said: "Your just behavior has attracted the griffon."


The Orc Territory was in a corner of the plateau.

The five-headed giant prawn monster stood under the high mountains on the plateau. They were fascinated by the language of the ancient city under the sea. As a result, there was a small earthquake in this high mountain and a canyon split open.

The octopus head lobster monster said: "We are using Suleiman's power to use this ritual."

"So strictly speaking, we and the pigmen are all just part of the ceremony."

"But with this Grand Canyon, we can do something that evil gods can do."

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