The Mythical Races I Created

Vol 2 Chapter 200: Orcs never give up!

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In the conference hall, Atoman read out the contents of the letter in public.

The content of the letter is very long, and the content is shocking.

In the lower right corner of the letter, I stamped the lacquer seal representing the Senate, and under the lacquer seal was written the name of Pericles.

Atoman spoke in Elvish language with a dialect, saying: "Dear Prophet, I have read your letter and had a serious discussion with the Senate. But our kingdom has decided to withdraw from this land, let's go Later, the right to dominate this land belongs to you and your compatriots."

"Because we have given you the legal right to rule this land under the witness of God the Father in a legal way."

"The elves are about to leave with all the subjects belonging to them."

"From then on, the plateau and the lowlands close to the highlands will... completely disappear from your sight."

Although Atoman had known that the elves were creating a moat, he still swallowed. "Dear brothers, we leave not because we want to stand by, but because we believe that you-as the creation of God the Father who already has its own country, are fully capable of destroying any civilization destroyer, and regret what they have done. What it did."

"Because of this, before we decide to help you, God Father will ask Diana to sacrifice to the Lord and order us not to interfere in the affairs of the orcs."

"And the elves have always followed the will of God the Father."

"Orcs, free your fists."

"This time, you can only rely on yourself."

After Atoman finished reading the letter, he placed the letter in his hand at a loss.

The orc leaders present were silent.

There was horror in their eyes and they didn't know how to react.

An orc chief awakened like a dream. "The elves... are you leaving?"

"Are the elves gone?"

"We actually left, we will never see the elves in the future!" Another orc leader stood up and sat down again. He couldn't relieve himself from the news for a while.

The elves are the most powerful enemies and the most reliable allies.

This letter tells the orcs that from now on, they can only rely on themselves!


When shocked by the content of the letter in the orc territory.

On the boundary between the Orc Territory and the Elf Territory, two hundred elven mages and two hundred elven druids settled in it. Under the leadership of a veteran of the Three Cities Alliance, they cast spells on the boundary.

The two hundred elven wizards cast a concealment spell—the isolation fog spell.

Among the two hundred elven druids, the treant druid uses the [wisdom enlightenment] to awaken one after another, and the demon lizard druid uses [disorderly direction], the druid spell It will make it impossible for people in the casting range to recognize the direction. Among them, the [Giant Tyrannosaurus Rex] casts [Move Land] on the land. This spell will move the earth, so that the person who enters will add an illusion that the space has become larger out of thin air. .

[Isolation Fog Curse], [Wisdom Enlightenment], [Disorderly Direction], [Move the Land].

These four spells formed the great moat in the southern part of the Elf Territory today.

The Isolation Fog Curse is used to prevent outsiders from entering the elven territory. The treant forest composed of [Wisdom Enlightenment], [Direction Disorder] and [Move Land] can be used to prevent powerful enemies from accidentally passing through the army level cast by two hundred elven wizards. After the spell [Concealment Curse], directly enter the elf territory.

In the future, Pericles will come here to enlighten some ordinary treants as ancient war trees and increase the strength of the treants forest.

Since then, the orcs belong to the orcs, and the elves belong to the elves.

The pigmen and orcs living near the border are all surprised at the disappearance of the Treant Forest on the border...

The entire border was shrouded in mist.

I can't see the foggy side again.

Pigmen and orcs ran into the fog with panic, but soon they would run out of the fog by themselves, but they just returned to the orc territory.

The pigs who did not accept the status quo looked at the fog blankly.

A pig woman muttered to herself blankly. "From now on, no matter what happens to us, we won't do anything about the elves."

Above the sea, the pigman on the boat was fishing, and suddenly he looked back and saw that the elven territory behind him was completely shrouded in mist.

The pigman fisherman staggered and almost fell, he looked at the fog behind him in surprise. "This……"

The Isolation Fog Curse and Treant Forest on the border are not just on the border between the Elf Territory and the Orc Territory.

This sky moat also covers the entire coastline!

The fisherman didn't care that he had just been out of the sea for a long time, so he quickly set up his oars and rowed all the way along the Elven Land.



There is mist everywhere.

The end of this mist is the boundary line of the orc territory. The fisherman drew on the coast, and he immediately ran to the boundary line on the land, but he still saw the mist.

The fisherman stayed, letting his harpoon fall on the ground. "The elves... left."


The meeting hall on the third floor of the Orc Castle.

The atmosphere is dead.

No one speaks.

An orc leader suddenly stepped on the ground and smashed the blue bricks on the ground. He made all the orcs react from shock. "We can't live without elves? Don't we always live on our own! If we can't live without elves, what's the difference from being slaves to others?"

"We are orcs!"

"We can still win this war without elves."

"Isn't it just some invisible enemies? Isn't it just being attacked by some invisible enemies, do we have some losses? Are you all cowards?"

The eyes of the orc leaders burned with spirit.

They are not cowards.

Even if the orcs do not have the support of the elves, they are still not afraid of any race.

"We are also the creation of God the Father, and we are as good as the elves! We used to rely on elves too much, and felt that everything needed the help of elves, so now we can't accept the elves disappearing before our eyes forever! With the support of the elves, we can still defeat the enemy!"

"That's right." An orc raised his axe, which broke the ceiling and caused some bricks to fall.

However, the orc leaders were indulged in enthusiasm, and didn't care that bricks fell from above and would hit them.

"The orcs are invincible."

"The orcs are invincible!"

"Orcs are never slaves."

Atoman's eyes lit up when he saw the dust falling on the orc leader's head. "I know how to deal with the invisible things that sneak on us. Since those invisible things can be invisible, then we will sprinkle white ash on them, can't we see them?"

The orc leaders discussed.

When everyone was full of confidence, some tribal leaders stood quietly behind, and their eyes became weird.

They whispered in the back.

"The Prophet now has no support from the elves. He really deserves it. He is not Dillon. Why should we listen to him?"

"But he has managed the territories very well in these thirty-six years."

"A few days ago another tribe leader's family was destroyed by him. I heard that all three little orcs of that family were arrested by him and hanged alive with a rope. The reason is just that That chief’s family has been bullying the pigs for a long time. But I ask you, were we so aggrieved when Dillon was in power? Did we just do what we wanted?"

"Now he doesn't have the support of the elves. Does this mean that we can also usurp power?"

"But... Father God's side..."

"The prophet himself usurped power. Did God the Father say anything? As long as we have faith in God the Father, in the eyes of the great God Father, who rules the orcs and does not rule?"

"I think I have to wait."

"Wait for us, we will be completely powerless! The old fox, the prophet, will divide and kill us one by one."


In the wilderness of the orc castle, the orc prophet stood in the grass, calming down.

"I should transplant some peach trees."

"I miss the peach grove behind the holy city."

The orc prophet raised his head and looked at the sky, his eyes firmed. "What am I thinking about, since I have the ambition to conquer these ancient invaders, why should I have the idea of ​​relying on the elves!"

He made up his mind.

Assemble the army, sweep the villages polluted by spiritual attacks, gather shamans, and enshrine the whale totem to restore the whale to its peak strength as much as possible, and then face the destroyers of ancient civilizations who are still in position!

The Orc Prophet hesitated, "Should also be prepared to repair the Red Dead at any time, just in case."

"Although the restoration cannot be completed now, because of the aggregation principle of the Land of All Souls, now that the restoration is completed, the whale demon will definitely turn against me."

"However, you can prepare first to prevent me from lacking skills."


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