The New Order of Azeroth

Vol 2 Chapter 662: boy and girl

Their titan bodies were hit by countless energy streams, Sargeras was no different, Vanessa was slightly hurt from the beating, but she was able to persist. Then the speed increased, like a long rainbow penetrating the entire universe, the galaxy shattered, and many stars were displaced. When the speed reached the extreme, huge energy engulfed them and pierced through time.

Aman'Thul used a method that surpassed the Titans, using Vanessa to steal the power of Argus, and Sargeras robbing Azeroth's heritage by force, amplifying the probability of certain things happening, artificially creating There was a time difference, and the two Titans were sent to the back of time.

The price is that his star soul is on the verge of being broken, and he has no strength to speak anymore.

He sat on his seat and soon fell into a deep slumber. The rest of the Titans were also in a similar state. The Pantheon quickly fell silent. Except for the little stars on the seat, there was no A little turmoil.


Twenty-five thousand years ago, the home planet of the Eredar, Argus.

After sleeping for an unknown amount of time, Vanessa finally woke up from countless questions about who I am, where I come from, and where I am going.

This was like an extremely long dream to her, and it took her some time to reorganize some broken memories.

She recalled the previous events, and also thought of what Aman'Thul told her to go to the back of the long river of time, and defeat Sargeras with the unique restrictions of the rules there!

"Uh..." Her consciousness sank into the deepest part of the planet, and the long time flow had a certain impact on the star soul. The projection can be projected within the scope of the planet, but it takes a considerable amount of time for the main body to go out of the planet. a month of Sundays.

She is like this, and so is Sargeras. It is difficult for both sides to use their bodies to fight now. Aman'Thul created a new timeline in the back of time and reset the speed of their respective titan bodies.

This is equivalent to pulling them to the same level, level 10 is washed into level 1, and level 99 is also washed into level 1.

Everyone starts over.

This duel is neither fair nor fair. Sargeras is undoubtedly much stronger than her. Under the impact of the time flow, it is certain that the opponent will wake up early, but the gap will not be particularly large.

"Argus?" Vanessa looked at the surface of the planet.

I also felt the connection between myself and this planet. She is still a Titan. There is no doubt about it. Argus.

"Alas..." She couldn't help sighing, she was forced to come here, but it's not good if she doesn't come, even if she knelt down and surrendered, Sargeras would not let her go, instead of being forced It is better to stand up and resist than to kill with a sword.

Her sight cannot be projected beyond the planet, but she knows that her enemy is at the far end of the universe.

Aman'Thul has already told her the plan and some of the key links. The planet Sargeras himself was born on has long been pulled to a higher level. Not to mention that Aman'Thul and Vanessa cannot reach it, even he I'm afraid I can't touch it myself.

Now Sargeras will only be stored on one planet, which is also his destination before being imprisoned in the original timeline, Azeroth!

Vanessa and Argus formed Vangus, and the current Sargeras is also a combination of Sargeras (Sarge) and Azeroth (Lars).

The name seems to have not changed, but the essence has changed a lot.

Sargeras, Azeroth, and her Vangus, three 's', three titans who have or will have bodies in the future, will start a deathmatch in this unique timeline.

The three of them are working hard here, and the six paper figures can watch the excitement from a distance. This is Aman'Thul's plan, a typical Yang conspiracy.

Vanessa began to take stock of the combat power of both sides. Both she and Sargeras were trapped in their respective planets, and it was difficult to use their bodies to participate in the battle in a short period of time. Now they rely on the life forms on the surface of the planets.

Use these intelligent life forms on the surface of the planet to capture the opponent's planet and destroy the opponent's recovery operation. If you can't do it twice, you can't do it twice, and you can't do it twice. If you delay the birth of a Titan on one side, you will win.

She looked at the surface of the planet, and felt relieved. The outcome of this battle can be said to be unpredictable.

There are many masters in Azeroth, she is very clear about this. But she is not without the ability to fight back. Argus has two invincible generals waiting for her to recruit...

Archimonde and Kil'jaeden!

And half a bastard, Prophet Velen!


"Son, believe in the Holy Light, the Holy Light will protect us!" At this time, the Prophet Velen looked much younger than the old man Vanessa knew. Velen looked like a middle-aged eredar.

His heart is full of light and he is very patient, but his son Lakish is young, impulsive, lacks awe, and simply disdains the so-called Holy Light teachings.

After reading the teachings of the Holy Light perfunctorily, Lakish walked out of the city alone and went to the wilderness, regardless of the disappointed eyes of his old father.

The Eredars have established an outstanding scientific and technological civilization. Their research on arcane, nature, and holy light has reached the peak. Their own strength is strong, and their clansmen have a long life span. Some Eredars who are not good at extraordinary powers use their intelligence Wisdom, developed and gave birth to a scientific civilization that can be called a miracle.

The eredar triumvirate is not opposed to the power of science.

Archimonde, one of the consuls, never hides his But his ambition is for his own group, as long as it is beneficial to the eredar, whether it is extraordinary power or technological power , he supports both.

Enlightened policies have always been the mainstream of the planet Argus. In the eyes of intelligent life in the surrounding galaxies, they are like the Protoss, enlightened, just, and selfless.

Archimonde is enlightened, Kil'jaeden is brave, and Velen is wise. The three consuls combine their respective characteristics to **** the peaceful development of Argus.

It's not that Lakish doesn't like this atmosphere, he just feels that his father, Velen, relies too much on those so-called prophecies, and neglects the people and things around him.

"Fool, what are you looking at?" The pretty eredar girl came to sit next to Lakish, and the two looked side by side at the crystal mountain range in the distance.

The Eredar girl named Akali is Kil'jaeden's direct subordinate.

In view of the deep friendship between the two big brothers, she is naturally very familiar with Lakish. The Eredars do not shy away from their feelings. The mutual love between boys and girls is not a secret, and they have a long life span. They are not afraid of further matters. in a hurry.

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