The Ocean Lord Is Unusually Powerful

Chapter 266 Condensing water into a soldier, occupying or returning

After just a moment of daze, Hardman's eyes flashed with a hint of ecstasy.

This is what you said yourself. We have already given you a chance. If you insist on pursuing that unrealistic reward, we will have to keep you here forever.

After you are dealt with, deal with all the people around you who saw this, so that all this can be covered up.

At that time, they will claim to the outside world that Star City has repelled the sea beast tide, the merchants will return, and the Star Islands will regain their previous prosperity.

In an instant, Hardman had planned all the arrangements for the future.

Thoughts return.

A fierce look appeared on his face, he raised his right hand and waved it down heavily, "Seal this place and kill them all."

The private army belonging to his family suddenly moved into action. Seeing this, other council members also sneered and also issued the order to attack.

The gun barrel of the battleship cruising on the sea was slightly raised, and the well-trained sailors immediately loaded the ammunition, and then suddenly pulled the rope.

After a brief pause, streaks of orange-colored fireworks burst out from the muzzle, and the shells drew a straight arc, about to plunge death into the enemy group.

Ji Chen looked at the congressman's private army that was slowly pressing in front of him and sighed softly.

"Get rid of them."

These words were like an instruction, and the Ocean Champions suddenly started to move.

All the troops dived quickly and disappeared on the surface of the water in half a breath, leaving behind circles of turbulent ripples.

The next second, artillery fire spread across the water, but no body could be seen under the spray of water in the sky.

Just as the sailors of a recent warship were preparing to drop depth charges, they wanted to prevent the enemy from approaching from underwater.

Suddenly, they were shaken by the violent shaking of the battleship and lost their balance. They fell everywhere. Before they could stand still, they heard frightened shouts from the cabin.

"Water leaked into the cabin and those damn things ripped holes in the boat!"

"Then repair the damage control quickly! The bombing team quickly uses depth charges to kill those ghosts!"

The sailors looked pale. The enemy must have arrived too quickly. They arrived at the bottom of the ship in just ten seconds?

They didn't even have time to drop the depth charges!

Those who carried out the ship-cutting task were none other than the fastest Dragon Blood Legion among the Champions of the Ocean. The moment they dived into the water, they divided into dozens of teams and rushed towards the enemy ship in a tacit understanding, using their tridents to strike cleanly. Several holes were drilled out of the bottom of the boat.

In just over ten seconds, the entire bottom of the ship was cut into a sieve, and seawater was poured in desperately.

When the sailors stood up from the shaking and dropped the depth charges into the water, the dragon blood murlocs who had completed the task of drilling the ship had already evacuated to a safe distance, watching the depth charges explode meaninglessly.

And soon discovered that they could no longer stop the seawater from pouring into the cabin, and if they didn't leave, they would also sink into the sea.

They could only endure the pain and escape, return to the deck and jump into the sea, swim to the distance and then watch the battleship sink.

But at this time, they suddenly discovered to their horror that there seemed to be something in the water...

Watching the warships sinking rapidly, countless sailors were flopping on the water like dumplings dropped into a soup pot, being dragged down by unknown enemies, and then a dazzling blood stain emerged, and screams and wailings continued. .

Hardman and the congressman were stunned, and then felt distressed.

It’s not the sailors who feel bad. For just a little money, sailors can recruit hundreds or even thousands from the Nightingale Tavern in the port area. It would not be a pity to die.

But a warship, even if it is just made of wood, is worth hundreds of thousands of gold coins, and it takes a lot of time to manufacture them.

Coupled with the various artillery and bomb-delivery devices equipped on the ship, no amount of sailors' lives can make up for it.

For them, this is a lot of money!

They also realized at this time that their own navy seemed to be unable to defeat those native marine soldiers who were as comfortable as a fish in the sea.

Focusing on Ji Chen and Alice not far away.

In this case, let’s capture the thief first and capture the king first.

They can't defeat the Sea Tribe and they can't catch them, so let's catch you, a human who doesn't seem to have much fighting ability.

I believe that with their leader under control, the rest of the army will be defeated!

"Catch him!"

The private army came in force, their weapons sharp and sharp.

Ji Chen looked slightly stunned, and even wanted to laugh. This was the first time that he was treated as a weakling.

Didn't these congressmen know from those soldiers the situation on the battlefield against sea beasts? You actually want to capture him with these weak private armies?


No need to say anything more, no need to ask any more questions, Alice looked indifferent, with a bit of murderous intent in her eyes.

A strange ancient rhythm that seemed to come from the deep sea suddenly sounded in the port, and penetrated into the ears of everyone around it like sea water.

The private army of a thousand men at the front suddenly stopped their march, immediately disrupting the rhythm of the following private armies.

Just when the others were confused, they all turned around like humanoid alchemy robots who had received the signal, and all took up their weapons and stabbed their colleagues.

In an instant, screams spread from the sea to the port, and the smell of blood assaulted his nostrils.

The other private soldiers did not expect that their colleagues would suddenly take action against them, and they suffered heavy losses without any precautions.

This tragic scene shocked everyone present.

Even the players who were watching the show were confused and didn't understand why the congressman's private army wanted his own people to beat his own people.

Could it be that the wages were not paid?

Hardman and the congressmen were also stunned, and one of the congressmen suddenly roared.

"What are you idiots doing!? Stop it!"

This thousand-man team belongs to his private army.

But no matter how he rebuked, this private army still attacked other colleagues crazily, and their attacks were extremely vicious.

But they also soon discovered something unusual. The eyes of these private soldiers who turned against each other were dull and their movements were unusually stiff. They were like soulless bodies that only knew how to wield weapons.

With a simple association, they quickly connected it with the singing that had been lingering around them.

Could it be that the masked woman's singing made them look like this?

Seeing that this "rebellious" private army was going crazy, other congressmen could not sit still and ordered their own private armies to kill them.

Under absolute numerical suppression, this private army of a thousand men was quickly killed.

But what made them despair was that another thousand-man team suddenly turned back and killed them by surprise.

Seeing this, they understood that as long as the singing didn't stop, there would be a steady stream of private soldiers seduced by the singing, losing their minds and taking action against their own people.

"First trap this thousand-man team, and let me attack the others."

"This song can only affect some people, but not all people. There is no need to worry."

"Everyone come together. As long as we kill that woman, everything will be fine."

As the speaker of the parliament, Hardman also had a certain degree of vision. According to the situation, he quickly noticed the influence of Alice's singing and immediately shouted in a stern voice.

With one order, ten thousand-man private troops broke away from their formation and charged directly towards Alice.

There was hatred and a little fear in his eyes.

This woman's singing voice is so terrifying. This kind of power that can confuse the soul is no different from the devil in their minds.

Seeing this, Ji Chen nodded slightly, and they responded quickly.

But it doesn't matter, he will take action.

He raised his hands, and a ball of sea water leaped onto the port, transforming into one hundred and fifty humanoid sailors.

It was his skill that turned water into a weapon.

As the level increases, the number of sailors that can be condensed and controlled also increases a lot.

A lace composed of strands of seawater connects the sailors to the ocean like a baby's umbilical cord, continuously transmitting power.

The congressman's private army looked at these sailors and waved their weapons without hesitation, trying to kill them. However, when the sword edge pierced them, it was like piercing water and penetrated directly without much resistance. .

They could even see the sword blade passing through the sailor's back!

Anyone who sees this will be confused for a moment.

However, the sailor did not hesitate at all. He swung his weapon and directly tore the armor of the private soldier. He was seriously injured with one blow. Then he ignored several hacking weapons and chopped off the head of the private soldier in front of him with one blow. Lose.

Facing an enemy that cannot cause any damage, the outcome of the battle is already known from the beginning.

The more the members of the private army attack, the more desperate they feel. Their weapons are useless. If you cut off the sailor's arms, they will grow back on their own the next second, and they will give you a knife in the backhand.

Before half a minute passed, hundreds of their men were dead, and none of the enemy was lost.

How does this work?

A mere one hundred and fifty sailors were as intimidating as one hundred and fifty mountains in front of them.

No matter how loyal and fearless the warrior is, they will feel fearful and confused when facing such a rogue enemy. They don't even know how to defeat the opponent.

While the sailors were blocking the enemy, the battle on the sea was coming to an end.

Dozens of warships were sunk without leaving any trace behind, hundreds of sailors were drowned and killed, and corpses with pale skin and ship debris lurked everywhere on the sea.

Facing the Ocean Champions with an absolute environmental advantage, these backward traditional warships and sailors had no power to resist.

When the Ocean Champions, who had almost no losses, appeared in front of the port and even landed, the battle was completely out of balance.

The Crown of the Ocean told them with practical actions what it means to be a soldier born for killing, and what the gap between the fifth-level soldiers and the fifth-level soldiers is.

The two thousand-man fifth-level soldiers were more fragile than paper in front of the Naga Legion and the Dragon Blood Legion, and they were scattered with just one charge.

More than 30,000 fourth-level soldiers lost their meaning in numbers under the overwhelming spell light and arrow rain, and fell one by one.

At this moment, human life is worth less than the life of a sea beast.

Especially after several congressmen and Parliament Speaker Hardman died in the chaotic and violent magic energy, the remaining private troops also completely lost their fighting spirit. Except for a few who were still stubbornly resisting, most of them were still alive. They all chose to surrender.

After watching the few remaining council members being tied up with pale faces, the players from the Starry Islands finally recovered from the shock.

He suddenly took a breath of cold air.

The sky in this Xingyao Islands... is about to change.

What happened here was immediately reported to the forum.

"Shocked! Things are going to change in the Starry Islands!"

In particular, the name of the post was in the style of a certain browser news, which made many curious players curse and click on it.

I was wondering what the hell these bastards were calling me.

But after reading the post, everyone was shocked.

Damn it? Is it really going to change?

It is common for indigenous forces to conquer each other in this unpeaceful world.

But what happened in the Starry Islands was beyond their imagination.

A passing aboriginal army helped Xingyao City resist the sea monsters. After paying a huge price to fight back the tide of sea monsters, they found that Xingyao City was unwilling to pay the agreed reward.

Then in a rage, this aboriginal army killed the Xingyao City army to a rout, captured the culprit's parliament, and occupied the Xingyao Islands.

What kind of magical plot is this?

While sand sculpture players are surfing the Internet crazily.

Ji Chen, one of the main parties involved in all this, was already sitting in the parliament hall in the center of Star City.

Looking at the parliament hall, which symbolizes the highest authority in Star City, he looked a little troubled.

Wait, didn't he come to ask Hardman for payment for fending off the tide of sea beasts?

Why did you capture Xingyao City and even Xingyao Islands in such a confused manner?

All this exceeded his expectations at the time.

But now that the deal was done, Ji Chen began to think about how to deal with it.

First of all, it is impossible for him to spend a lot of energy to completely occupy this place. Without this time, he does not have enough talents.

Building the crown of the ocean, the Great Fluorescent Sea, is already tiring enough. It is even more difficult to manage this archipelago hundreds of kilometers away.

Distance is an issue to consider.

So, return this place directly?

He quickly gave up this idea and returned it as soon as he captured it. Wasn't he fighting in vain?

Moreover, most of the members were dead, and even the Speaker of Parliament, Hardman, died under the spell, and there was no one to repay him even if he wanted to.

At least not until he gets the reward he deserves.

Of course, one-tenth of the parliamentary family's property was already at its original price, and he would not be so foolish as to only ask for this little now.

While thinking, an idea gradually emerged.

Ten minutes later, Ji Chen finished his thinking, looked straight, and gave the order.

"Pass my order to have the Naga Legion and the Dragon Blood Legion blockade the estates of the Thirteen Council families, plunder their warehouses and treasure houses, and bring me all the resources, treasures, treasures, anything valuable!"

"Gather all the ocean-going ships in Star City. I need a fleet large enough to carry these things."

"The Knights Corps and the Guards Corps maintain order in Xingyao City and the surrounding sea areas. At least while we still occupy this place, everything must not be chaotic!"

"At the same time, let Anina return to the New Moon Force as quickly as possible, and inform Sonia to lead a Coral Palace army as quickly as possible. I need their power now."


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