The Ocean Lord Is Unusually Powerful

Chapter 439 Pernilai’s Confidence, Ocean God

Pernilai, who had just disembarked from the ship, was immediately shocked when she saw the Crown of the Ocean port.

Not because of its prosperity, but because of its clutter and bustle.

Pernilai, who has been living in the Elf Kingdom since she was a child, has never seen such a chaotic place.

Shirtless sailors, sweaty sailors, shouting merchants, carriages carrying goods, all races walking on the streets, the air is filled with the smell of sweat, the fishy smell of the sea breeze and other strange mixtures smell.

This reminded her of the Kingdom of God.

What is it like in the Kingdom of God?

Green trees, flowers and grass are everywhere, and beautiful buildings are scattered everywhere in a regular and appropriate manner, so that residents can have the best living environment.

The people who come and go are all the people of the Kingdom of Elf who have transcended the realm of mortals. Their words and deeds are elegant, polite, and modest. The atmosphere of art permeates every inch of the land. They often hold art salons during times of peace to exchange paintings and music created by each other. Enjoy communicating with others.

However, here, the island known as the most prosperous island in the Mediterranean, turned out to be in such a chaotic and disorderly manner, which shocked Pernilai and was stunned for a long time.

It took a while before he came back to his senses.

However, in the short time she had been there, many people had noticed her presence.

However, this female elf is also quite beautiful.

The people of the Kingdom of God are a life group selected by the gods to enter the life of the Kingdom of God. Compared with ordinary beings, their life level is higher, and naturally it is easier to give birth to descendants with better physical fitness, appearance, etc.

In Blue Star terms, that means their genes are better, so among them, Penilai, who can reach the level of demigod and serves Ilúvatar, is the leader among them, and her appearance is naturally better.

Even if it is placed in the Elf Kingdom, it is an extremely outstanding existence, let alone in this main world, only the small group of top Elf royal families at the top of the Elf Empire can rival it.

Such an outrageously beautiful female elf suddenly appeared in a port full of fish and dragons. It was impossible not to attract attention.

If this were in other countries, uneasy and well-intentioned people would have already approached him with the intention of causing some unpleasant things to happen. However, this is the crown of the ocean, a powerful territory independent of countless kingdoms.

No one dares to do even the slightest bad thing, because many people have provided them with bloody examples before, and the Heraklion guards who can see through people's hearts are everywhere.

When Penile came back to her senses, she saw many people looking at her with big eyes and small eyes, and couldn't help but frown.

Could it be that she was discovered? This was impossible. She had gone through a professional disguise, removing all the features of a citizen of the Elf Kingdom, leaving only an appearance that was no different from that of an Elf.

According to the information she received, there are many elves living here, so it shouldn't be strange or unexpected for her to appear here.

After thinking for a while, Pernilai still believed that she had not exposed anything, so she confidently walked towards the port area and started her plan.

Why not just hide and wait until that human being is in danger before taking action?

But while walking, Pernilai suddenly stopped, her brows furrowed deeply, and her breathing stagnated.


Does the main world need a kind of transaction called gold coins to support life?

In Ji Chen's induction, Penile caught his attention as soon as he entered the Crown of the Ocean.

Although suppressed, the powerful power fluctuations in his body are as conspicuous as the only color in a black and white picture. No matter how disguised he is, he cannot escape his gaze.

And its impressive appearance is also a breakthrough point.

The higher the appearance, the stronger the strength, which can be applied to this world.

As the strength increases, the genes of the creatures will continue to adjust and evolve, and their physical fitness, appearance, etc. will naturally be optimized.

Therefore, powerful people such as Elf Queen Latifah, Elf High Priest Heli, Serena of Dragon Island, Samuel and other legendary, epic and even epic levels all have outstanding looks and abilities without exception. body shape.

Rather, an excellent body and appearance are the standard features of a strong person.

It can be said that the strong are not ugly. This is the truth.

However, the origin of this extraordinary female elf has not yet been confirmed, but there are not many places where she came from.

Either they are from the Elf Empire, or they are from the Kingdom of Elf God, and nowhere else.

But Ji Chen prefers the latter.

After all, Latifah had no reason to risk offending him by letting a strong elf sneak into the Ocean Crown.

The latter is obviously more likely.

It is not yet known what Ilúvatar is planning, but to say that she has ill intentions towards him, based on a series of performances, it is extremely unlikely, and it is more likely that she is on good terms with him.

This can be seen from the fact that he sent a ghost ship to remind him. It is impossible for Ilúvatar to help him and want to harm him, right?

Ji Chen thought about it and decided not to ignore or deal with it for the time being when he didn't show his intentions. He just told Velus to pay attention and observe him at all times.

Attention then turned to the construction of Coral City.

Ten thousand residents of Ocean Crown have been invested successively, including humans, lizards and sea tribes. After several days of construction, the Coral City has now begun to take shape. The seabed silt has been cleaned up to expose the seabed bedrock, and then repaired. A series of processes such as paving, and then starting to lay the foundation, build the house, etc.

Being under the sea, its architectural style is naturally different from that on land. The houses in Coral City will be built with reference to the buildings of Heracleion City that Ji Chen once saw in the dungeon, and local materials will be selected from nearby seafloor stone mountains for construction. Material.

Construction of the second undersea settlement also started yesterday. This settlement was named Haiyuan City by Ji Chen. It is located in a giant trench that stretches for tens of miles and is several miles wide on the north side of the Crescent Islands. From above Looking down, it looks like an abyss, hence its name.

The size of Haiyuan City is slightly smaller than Coral City, but because it is surrounded by rock walls and deep trenches, its defensive capabilities are much better than Coral City, which is left open on all sides.

Ji Chen also proposed a bold idea to Tomodo and Dredd. Whether the underground workshop can produce hollow tubes that connect Coral City, Abyss City and Ocean Crown, so that residents can not rely on deep-sea wanderers. , alchemy submarines travel freely among the three places.

This idea aroused great interest in the two dwarves, and they immediately stated that they would try to start research and manufacturing.

Similar to the two rapidly developing underwater settlements, Ocean Crown is developing at a high speed, becoming stronger every day than the previous day, and the military, economy, and people's livelihood are all on the right track.

The purpose is to deal with the crises that may exist or are bound to come in the future.

The fighting between the armies of the Kingdom of God from various pantheons on the continent became more and more intense. Initially, they were somewhat restrained, but as their own side gradually fell into a disadvantage, they gradually let go of their hands in order to regain the disadvantage.

Although the army of the Lawful Kingdom tried its best to keep the battle site as far away from the settlements as possible, once a fight broke out, it was difficult to take too much care, and countless lives were lost in the mutual conquests between the two sides.

The casualties were not even much less than those caused by demons.

In addition, more and more players have taken control of small powers and are getting involved in the battles between the Kingdom of God's armies. The situation has become increasingly chaotic, and the fighting has gradually spread from the wild to the city.

Even recently, several armies of the Kingdom of Darkness directly entered the city where the army of the Lawful Kingdom lived. The aftermath of the battle instantly killed 70% of the city's residents, and the remaining residents fled in panic, including Seventy percent were killed in subsequent battles.

There are not even ten residents left alive in a city, and corpses are everywhere.

The war between the demons and the lawful camp on the other side is gradually coming to an end.

The Elf Empire, the Marcus Empire, the Light Church army, the dragons of Dragon Island who later participated in the war, and the huge armies of various national forces in the Eastern Continent were divided into several armies to counterattack and could not attack the Hog Mountain defense line for a long time, and lacked stamina. Void Legion.

Under the command of the Marcus Empire, it launched a large-scale military operation called "Lightning".

Attacks were discovered from three aspects: sea, land and air, and on the scheduled date, 60% of the Void Legion's strength was successfully wiped out, and more than 100,000 miles of land were recovered.

The remaining Void Legion was defeated and retreated to the Fallen Hills at the southern end of the Eastern Continent under the command of the Void Demon King.

And here, this is where the Void Legion first arrived and showed its fangs.

After a long and arduous struggle, the lawful camp finally drove these hated invaders back here, which greatly boosted their morale.

There seems to be some pride in the heart. Ji Chen is not the only one who can defeat the devil and the devil. They can also use the weapons in their hands and their perseverance to take back their homeland.

Although the losses in continuous battles along the way were considerable, they took advantage of the high momentum that reached the base and launched another attack without giving the enemy a chance to breathe.

Soon, they launched a campaign called "Lightning Chase".

Millions of troops from the Eastern Continent stretched for hundreds of miles. With the intention of winning, they launched a huge offensive on the fallen hills across the southern end of the Eastern Continent almost at the same time.

There was no suspense about this battle from the beginning.

The Void Legion has fallen into decline, losing troops and generals while also losing a large area of ​​land. They advocate fighting to support war. After encountering several defeats, the resources they had previously consumed were quickly exhausted.

The army of the Kingdom of Darkness, which they regarded as their divine weapons, was entangled by the army of the Lawful Kingdom and could not take action at all. They could only watch the Void Army being defeated step by step.

The Void Demon King tried to save the situation and led his high-level combat forces to block the attack. However, Law had already anticipated this situation, and powerful men lurking in top forces such as the Elven Empire's Judgment Temple, the Dragon Island Dragon, and the Marcus Empire took action one after another.

The supreme governor of the Marcus Empire personally took action and cooperated with other lawful strongmen to injure the Void Demon, but failed to kill him. The Void Demon used his space talent to escape.

A week after the launch of the "Lightning Pursuit" campaign, the Void Legion in the Fallen Hills was basically wiped out. Only a small number of senior Void Legion officers and remnant soldiers followed the Void Demon King to escape into the void and lost their traces.

At this point, the war in the Eastern Continent basically ended with the victory of the lawful camp. This continent, which was once almost occupied by demons, finally returned to the embrace of law.

The war in the distant Western Continent ended earlier than the Eastern Continent.

After the Demon King of Decay was killed by Ji Chen, and the Modo Strait base in the rear was destroyed, the Decay Legion began to decline irresistibly, and was pushed aside by goblins, halflings and other Western Continent forces, several days faster than the Void Legion. rout.

But unlike the latter, the Decay Legion was basically wiped out. From the Decay Demon King at the top of the pyramid to the Decay Legion demons at the bottom, only a few demons escaped.

However, the countries in the Western Continent later sent a large number of troops to inspect every inch of land to further eliminate the remaining demons of the decadent legion.

The war between the east and west continents has been decided.

In the only remaining southern continent, the lawful camp is also making great progress. It has not only regained the highlands in the upper reaches of the Ronnie River, but also eliminated the source of water pollution, allowing the cities along the middle and lower reaches to have clean water sources again.

The Greedy Legion was driven back to the vast desert in the southern part of the Southern Continent. It was still using its few resources to squeeze the production capacity of the rear base and sending batches of new demons to the front line.

However, it lost a large area of ​​land and lacked sufficient resources to produce enough demons, and its decline gradually became apparent.

Two of the three continents have been recovered, and the dawn of victory can already be seen in the remaining southern continent, and the lawful camp is extremely excited.

Just like hundreds of thousands of years ago, they once again defeated the devil and successfully defended their homeland and the land they depended on for survival!

Under this shocking and joyful news, even the uneasiness and worry caused by the battle between the Kingdom of God's armies disappeared a lot, and all the countries fell into joy.

And high in the sky.

In the Kingdom of Ocean God.

Twelve ocean gods sat around the round table and talked about it.

"We can no longer be indifferent. I can feel that the number of believers is losing, all taken away by that human being who is not even a god!"

"Yes, I think he is very ambitious. The idea of ​​​​his Church of the Sea God is to include all the sea tribes and coastal human believers in his bag, and to completely cut off the faith that we rely on for survival!"

"This is exactly what those dark gods want to do!"

"This is even more abominable than the dark gods. I have never seen such an arrogant person before becoming a god. Wouldn't it be even more outrageous after becoming a god?"

All the sea gods spoke one after another, with a bit of dissatisfaction and anger on their faces, as well as ridicule and disdain for the human being.

In fact, I feel a little apprehensive.

The Ocean God System is no longer as glorious as it once was. There are only so many believers that the entire God System can influence. If one more god comes out, one more god will be taken away. What’s more, the potential of that human being cannot be underestimated. He may be directly promoted to a mid-level god. .

A middle god can "eat" many more believers than a lower god.

Twelve ocean gods, nine lower gods, and three middle gods.

This pattern of divine positions has been maintained for hundreds of thousands of years, and now suddenly there is an existence that is most likely a middle god, seizing resources in such a arrogant manner.

How could they accept it!

"I propose that the army of the Kingdom of God be sent immediately to force that human being to give up becoming a god by force. If he does not obey, he will be killed directly!"

"I second the motion!"


Soon, all twelve ocean gods voted in favor without exception.

The Ocean Divine Kingdom suddenly started to move, and powerful armies of the Ocean Divine Kingdom came out in force, heading towards the main world in a mighty manner.

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