The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 507 What kind of medicine is in her gourd?

It has been more than an hour since the dumplings were cooked.

The crystal dumplings need to be chilled separately to taste better.

It's hard to wait until the crystal dumplings can be eaten, and it's time for the moon to be in the middle of the sky.

And at this time, the Eighth Princess didn't give Wen Hou a good look.

Warm head to big!

Princess or something is too difficult to serve!

Sure enough, only women and villains are difficult to support!

The ancients never lied to me!

At night, the lanterns were already lit.

The elders were all talking in the house.

Young men and women sat in the pavilion to enjoy the shade, chatting, waiting for the crystal dumplings to be frozen and trying it out.

It didn't take long for Aster to come with a tray, and then put several plates of colorful and crystal clear crystal dumplings on the stone table.

These crystal clear dumplings immediately attracted everyone's attention.

"It's really a transparent zongzi! It's like a crystal!" The Eighth Princess exclaimed.

Crystal rice dumplings are made of sago and extracted glutinous rice fiber, and the fillings are high-end ingredients such as bird's nest, sweet-scented osmanthus, rose, matcha, chestnut, and purple potato.

After freezing, a layer of transparent jelly is formed on the outside, and the inside is filled with colorful fillings such as purple, red, yellow, and green.

The whole zongzi is crystal clear, like a block of colorful gems, very beautiful!

He smiled warmly and said, "Everyone taste it and see how it tastes. If there is something you feel bad about, say it, and I will change it."

Crystal zongzi is a new variety of zongzi. It looks exquisite and luxurious, and it is high-grade.

With the appearance, it's time to see what everyone has to say about the taste.

She will promote this zongzi in Tao Ran Residence and Health Building.

The Dragon Boat Festival is just around the corner, and it is considered a festival food.

Nuan plans to make a fortune through the Dragon Boat Festival!

Therefore, Zongzi is not only supplied by Tao Ranju, but also made into gift boxes and sold to the outside world.

As for the price taking the high-end route, the extraction of sago is also troublesome, and naturally it cannot be cheap!

However, the gift is decent and atmospheric, and there are definitely many people who buy it!

The Eighth Princess couldn't wait to pick up the silver hairpin, forked a piece of purple rice dumpling, and put it into her mouth to bite.

The purple hearty fillings flowed out.

Sweet but not greasy, in addition to the aroma of purple sweet potato, there is also a faint fragrance of sage leaves.

One sip, and the fragrance remains on the cheeks.

"Delicious!" The Eighth Princess nodded fiercely.

Others also picked up their forks and picked their favorite colors to taste.

Warm plans to try every flavor, so that she knows how to adjust the flavor of the zongzi.

But a zongzi is also the size of her fist!

Try one of each flavor, it's definitely enough to eat.

So Nuan Nuan handed the plate to Nalan Jinnian every time he took a bite of the zongzi.

Nalan Jinnian silently ate the leftover zongzi.

The eighth princess also wanted to eat each flavor of the zongzi. She glanced at the gentle person beside her, and then decisively put the remaining zongzi and the plate into his hand!

"If you reward you, you should make amends! I'm not angry anymore!"

Gentleness: ""

After the eighth princess finished speaking, she forked a yellow zongzi to taste.

After taking a bite, I put the rest on the plate in Wenhou's hand.

Gentleness: ""

At this moment, Ning Huaijie and Lin Tingxuan also shared Zongzi with Gentle and Warm.

Because everyone had just eaten, they were not really hungry.

Liang Ziyun looked at the various kinds of rice dumplings on the plate, she was embarrassed, she also seemed to want to try every taste!

Which one should I choose?

Just at this moment, Liang Ziyun placed a plate in front of her.

There are rice dumplings of various colors, cut in half.

She looked at Wen Chun.

Wen Chun said calmly, "Half one person!"

Liang Ziyun's heartstrings seemed to be plucked by something.

in the pavilion,

The breeze is slow, the fragrance of the rice dumplings is faint,

Boys and girls, the beginning of love,

The years are quiet and live up to the youth.


The next day, the family sent Mrs. Wang, Mr. Xu, Wen Chun, Wen Qian and Wen Ling out of the city early in the morning.

Outside the ten-mile pavilion at the city gate, a group of horse carriages from Shichanghou Mansion pulled over and stopped.

Where was Wen Wan waiting early in the morning.

When she saw the carriage of the warm family appear, she rushed forward: "grandma, uncle, aunt."

Warm lifted the curtain of the carriage and looked over.

Yuanshan's dark eyebrows are slightly twisted, and Qing Jun's beautiful face is thoughtful:

After so many entanglements, what was she thinking?

Instead of being entangled with her all day, Nuan felt it was better to see what her intentions were!

With a decision in my heart, I got off the carriage.

The others also got out of the carriage.

Sending you thousands of miles will have to say goodbye, and the family planned to send it here.

Wen Jiarui glanced at Wen Wan: "Why is Sister Wan here?"

Wen Wan smiled and said, "I know Grandma and Brother Chun, as well as Sister Qian and Sister Ling, who came back to Ningyuan County today and came to see them off specially."

Wen Wan turned around and took a basket in the hand of the maid behind him: "Dragon Boat Festival is coming soon, I made some sachets for everyone, to keep away evil spirits and filth, not to be invaded by poisons, and to live a long and healthy life."

Wen Wan picked up a dark green sachet, embroidered a wormwood pattern, and buckled it with five-color silk threads. It looked mature and delicate, and was suitable for mature and stable people to wear.

"Grandma, this is a sachet that I made by myself. I hope you don't dislike it."

Reaching out his hand not to hit the smiling man, Mrs Wang took it and said, "I have a heart."

Wen Wan then handed a plain blue spice to Wen Jiarui and a dark red sachet to Wu.

They all took it and said thank you.

Next, Wen Wan gave sachets to each of her peers, according to the order of males and females, the older and the younger.

So the last one is the warmth standing on the edge.

Because of the absence of sister Ran, Nuan became the youngest girl in the family.

"Sister Nuan, this is yours, see if you like it or not." Holding the colorful silk thread in her gentle hand, she handed the sachet to Wen Wen.

The warm sachet is light purple with auspicious cloud pattern embroidered on it with yellow silk thread, which is very pretty.

I have to say that Wen Wan's little gift was prepared with great care, and the style and style are suitable for everyone.

It's just that the sachets are the easiest to poison since ancient times, but Nuan also thinks that she will not be stupid enough to poison in the sachet!

Putting so many sachets together, the aroma will naturally be more intense, but the warm smell is normal.

What kind of medicine is in her gourd?

Nuan couldn't understand, so he reached for the sachet.

She looked at Wen Wan, Wen Wan looked at the warm eyes, smiled, and her eyes were full of sincerity.

As soon as the warm hand touched the sachet, Wen Wan affectionately stretched out the other hand, and grabbed the warm hand together with the sachet: "Sister Nuan, both of our sisters are married into the royal family, and we will definitely do so in the future. Let's support each other!"

The warm fingertips were stabbed by something.

She quickly grabbed Wen Wan's hand with her other hand and twisted her backhand: "What did you put in the sachet?"

Wen Wan's wrist hurt, she let go, and her purse fell to the ground.

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