Nuan and Nalan Jinnian both left overnight with 10,000 elite soldiers.

Those male soldiers on the road were very happy to find that Hui'an County Master was with them!

Two long queues followed Nuannuan and Nalan Jinnian side by side.

Even in the dark night, walking on a winding mountain road, the walking speed is very fast!

And there is no confusion in the team!

Soldiers who just started walking side by side were able to run and talk to those around them.

The content of the dialogue between the soldiers is basically as follows:

A certain male soldier: "I envy you so much. You can train with Princess Hui'an. But training with Princess Hui'an must be a hundred times harder, right?!"

A female soldier: "I'm exhausted. Every day I'm drained of all my strength. I'm so tired that I can't move!"

A certain male soldier: "The same is true for our training with General Lin. Our training method is provided by Hui'an County Master. After a day of training, I am so tired that I don't want to move! How long have you been training with Hui'an County Master?"

A certain female soldier: "At first, I followed Lieutenant General Wan, and this month I only trained with Princess Hui'an."

A certain male soldier: "I have made great progress in training with Princess Hui'an for a month, and I can still keep up with our pace for the time being! But we have been training for nearly a year! This time we will arrive at Jianghuai Mansion within six days. It may only be half a day on the same road.”

It's just a month of special training, plus women are inherently weaker than men, their endurance and stamina must not be comparable to them! So this dear fellow thinks that tonight they will be able to get rid of these female soldiers by a long way!

It's not just this man who thinks that all the male soldiers now think that the female soldiers can't keep up with their pace!

A certain female soldier looked surprised: "We will be there in six days!"

The male soldier didn't believe it intuitively: "How is this possible?"

After only one month of special training, do you want to compare with those who have been special training for half a year?

A certain female soldier frowned: "Why is it impossible?! Don't look down on people!"

The male soldier immediately said: "It's not that I look down on people, I don't mean it, I'm just seeking truth from facts!"

The female soldier wanted to say something, when Wan Yun heard everyone talking behind their backs, and turned to them and said, "Don't talk, save your strength and hurry!"

The female soldier quickly said, "Let's see!"

Then there is no more talking!

The rest of the way, almost everyone didn't speak. At first it was because of Wan Yun's order, and later because they were so tired that they didn't even have the strength to speak. I was worried about saying a word and became discouraged!

Soldiers have always been tough.

Hurry up all night!

Fortunately, it is summer now, which is much better than traveling in winter when it is freezing cold.

The two groups of people drove non-stop for a night and a day. The three meals a day were dry food on the road, and they didn't stop for a moment!

Everyone thought that this road was going on until they couldn't walk anymore!

Unexpectedly, it was midnight the next day.

Wen Nuan and Nalan Jinnian found a dry hillside near the river before ordering to rest.

"Rest in place for three hours!" Wan Yun and Lin Feng, as lieutenants, immediately ordered.

With an order, many male soldiers immediately lay down on the spot without any image.

The whole body is spread out, so tired that I have no strength to move my fingers!

A total of forty-eight hours on the road, really sleepy and tired!

Even if you are walking on the official road, you will be overwhelmed by riding a horse-drawn carriage!

And they did not take the usual official roads. In order to shorten the distance, they all climbed mountains to release water, and most of the time they took mountain roads.

Not an ordinary hard walk.

The male soldiers originally thought that the female soldiers in the warm belt would be dragged back.

Of course they didn't think the warmth would hold them back!

Just because the 10,000 female soldiers have been with the Hui'an County Master for only a month or two, how can it be compared to the fine cavalry they have trained for so long with the training method provided by the Hui'an County Master!

But after the female soldiers ordered Wan Yun, they stopped in an orderly manner, and then sat down to rest in groups of five.

In fact, they were too tired to die. They wanted to spread out on the ground just like those male soldiers, but they just didn't want to be looked down upon by the male soldiers.

The female soldiers said to a certain man, "Can't we keep up?"

A certain male soldier said weakly: "Goddess! I admire it! Don't talk to me, I can't talk anymore!"

The other male soldiers also nodded their heads: "Gan Bai is defeated! Stop talking!"

Rest well!

Only three hours off!

It's dawn in three hours!

The rest of the journey has to be done in one breath, and there is no rest!

The female soldiers obviously thought of this, and they quickly shut up.

Wan Yun said at this time: "Everyone, hurry up and rest, and continue to drive tomorrow!"

A male soldier thought of something and said: "Lieutenant General Wan, you and all the female soldiers should hurry to rest! Tonight our male soldiers will just send someone out for a vigil."

"Yes, we will keep vigil." The other male soldiers said one after another.

Can't be compared by female soldiers!

They still have strength! ! !

Wen Nuan said at this time: "Everyone rests tonight, Vice-General Wan and Vice-General Lin also rest together, and King Jin and I are here to watch the night. Tomorrow, you will walk the remaining half of the journey for this General in one go!"

Hearing the words, the male soldiers immediately said, "How can that be done?! How can the Princess Hui'an and King Jin be allowed to watch the night? We take turns to watch the night, we can still endure it, and we will definitely not delay the next journey!"

Wen Nuan waved his hand: "Okay, do you think you look more energetic than me? Do you think you are more physically fit than me? Stop talking nonsense, if you still have energy, then continue on your way! Otherwise, sleep!"

Continue on your way?

Everyone was so frightened that their faces turned white, and they closed their eyes in an instant!

Do not make jokes!

Make them unable to climb for half a step!

Everyone unanimously thought: Compared with King Jin, the master of Hui'an County?

Don't be kidding, Princess Hui'an and King Jin are still able to stand and talk, they seem to be able to go to the end of the world!


Before thinking about how they were, everyone went into a state of sleep in seconds!

This night is a vigil for Numb and Nalan Jinnian, allowing the soldiers to rest well.

What Wan Yun and Lin Feng wanted to say.

Nalan Jinnian said directly to the two of them, "Sleep!"

The two did not dare to make a sound, sighed, and slept on the ground obediently.

Nalan Jinnian took a warm hand and came under a big tree: "Sit here!"

Nodding warmly: "Okay!"

The two were leaning against a big tree together, and Da Hui consciously squatted beside them.

On this journey, sometimes Da Hui carries warmth with his back, but warmth feels sorry for Da Hui, and most of the time he walks by himself.

Therefore, the warm state is also much better than others.

Nalan Jinnian had horses, but the mountain road was difficult to walk, and there were not many times when he could ride a horse, but he was much better than the soldiers!

The moonlight is a bit charming, and the snoring of the soldiers around is louder than Xia Zong.

Occasionally, a tiger roar or a wolf howl could be heard in the deep mountains in the distance!

Nalan Jinnian looked at the warm shadows in the moonlight and couldn't help feeling a little distressed. He leaned her head against his shoulder: "Hurry up and sleep, I'll just watch over!"

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