Big gray ran away immediately!

When running, it was not busy greeting the wolf king and wolf queen, as well as two nearby wolf guards, and these little brothers followed behind it.

It must perform well in front of the young lady!

It's not just a pair of wings that works, and it's not worse than Xiao Hei!

Can Xiao Hei call so many wolf soldiers?

Even if it can summon a group of wings, it can't go into battle to kill the enemy!

Unlike it, when you swing your sword, you can fall down!

Soon a wolf howl sounded not far away, followed by several dog barks.

Seeing Nuan from the tree, the wolf dog turned around and ran away when he saw the big ash!

After all, how could one wolf dog beat five hungry wolves?

In the blink of an eye, it can be gnawed to the bone.

Da Hui and his younger brothers hurriedly chased after them.

Warm breathed a sigh of relief.

In this way, the enemy will not suspect that there is an ambush here.

After all, if there is an ambush, how can there be a wolf.

"Wang Wang Wang" the wolf dog ran back while barking.

A kilometer away, the general who was transporting food heard the dog barking, and his expression changed: "There is an ambush ahead, let's turn around! Quick! The others are ready to fight! Be sure to guard the food!"

When the soldiers carrying the rations heard the words, their expressions changed and they turned around immediately.

At this moment, the dog's barking became louder and more urgent!

When the general who transported grain heard it, something was wrong!

Why is this prosperous wealth called? !

Usually when it finds an enemy, it will only run back secretly to inform him!

The general who transported the grain couldn't help but look into the distance.

"Wang Wang Wang"

I saw the prosperous wealthy girl running forward, screaming that it was a hissing lungs!

There are five wolves behind it!

The general who transported the food heaved a sigh of relief: "It's okay! It's okay! It turned out to be a wolf pack!"

This proves that there is no ambush ahead.

After all, wolves and humans cannot coexist.

It's bound to fight.

"Come with me ten of you and kill those wolves! The soldiers at the back continue to move forward!"

In more than an hour, it will be dawn, but there is no time to delay.

The first ten people who followed him immediately responded: "Yes!"


"Drive!" The grain-carrying general pulled the reins of the horse, turned around and steered the horse forward.

They must cross this hill before dawn. Then build a rope bridge and transport the food to its destination!

Ten soldiers quickly followed.

So many people deal with a few wolves, they are not afraid at all!

Yangshan is also called Wolf Mountain, and it is famous for its many wolves.

Therefore, there are very few people in this area, and hunters dare not come here to hunt, otherwise it will be bad luck when they encounter wolves.

Even people with strong martial arts dare not enter this jungle alone, because no matter how powerful a wolf pack is, it is impossible for one person to defeat hundreds of wolves!

But tens of thousands of soldiers were transporting food together. There were so many of them that the wolves ran away when they saw them, so they were not afraid at all.

The wolf dog named Wangcai had already run a hundred meters away from the general.

The grain-carrying general took out his bow and arrow and aimed it at Da Hui who was about to bite Wang Cai's tail!

When Da Hui saw the grain general and the long line behind him, he let out a wolf howl in fright and turned around and ran!

The four little brothers behind it also quickly turned around and ran!

Big Ash taught its little brother to run in a zig-zag escape route so that human bows and arrows would not hit them easily.

When the general carrying the provisions saw the wolves, he turned around and ran away. He also took back the bow and arrow.

In fact, he didn't want to really kill these wolves.

After all, Yangshan is famous for many wolves. I heard there are thousands of them!

In case the cries of these wolves attract more wolves, although they are not afraid, they will also delay time.

It would be best if those wolves could be scared away!

The general who transported the grain beckoned to the soldiers behind him: "Everyone, hurry up! We have to leave this Yangshan before dawn!"

The soldiers behind quickly quickened their pace.

After Da Hui ran back with his younger brother, it stood under the tree, pointed in a certain direction, and told Wen Wen: The rabbit is here.

Wen Nuan hadn't seen the grain-carrying team on the tree at this time. She jumped, jumped down from the tree several meters high, and whispered in Da Hui's ear.

After the explanation, Da Hui went to order its wolf soldiers again.

Warm quickly climbed the tree.

At this point everyone knew that the target they had been waiting for all night had appeared.

In the darkness, everyone was staring straight ahead, clenching the things in their hands, ready to act as planned.

After a quarter of an hour, the people hiding in the high places finally saw the grain-carrying team appear.

Everyone dared not breathe.

The wolves gathered silently under the command of Da Hui.

The way is blocked!

More than 2,000 wolves are lined up, waiting for the arrival of the army of food transporters!

Seeing such an obedient wolf pack, the female soldiers admired Princess Hui'an in their hearts!

They knew that Hui'an County Master trained soldiers very well, but they didn't expect the wolves trained by Hui'an County Master to be so powerful.

This wolf actually gathered all the wolves in this Yangshan Mountain!

The lethality of wolves is very strong, and a wolf can at least top two soldiers.

And they are also the strength of one enemy two or even three enemy!

In this way, their combined strength is equal to the strength of ordinary 30,000 soldiers.

This is considered to be comparable to the enemy's troops, and the odds of winning are very high!

No wonder Princess Hui'an dared to propose this morning that she led 10,000 female soldiers to rob food here.

Now even if the enemy army has a total of 40,000 soldiers, they are confident that they can successfully intercept this batch of food.

That's right, at this moment, only Nuan is here with 10,000 female soldiers to rob food.

This morning, after negotiating with Nuan and others, Nalan Jinnian decided to act separately.

Wen Nuan took 10,000 female soldiers to intercept the food here, and he continued to carry out the previous plan with another 10,000 soldiers.

This is a warm decision, and Nalan Jinnian did not agree at the beginning.

He just looked at him warmly and said lightly: "You doubt my strength?"

She never fought an uncertain battle.

Nalan Jinnian didn't dare to make a sound!

The little girl's eyes are really scary.

He naturally knew her strength, but he knew that he still knew, and he would still be worried if he was worried.

He wanted to stay with her, but he had more important responsibilities to shoulder.

That's what he has to do as a person.

Nalan Jinnian evaluated the strength and warmth of these female soldiers, thinking that Da Hui can also help out, the odds are still very high, and then agreed.

This is where the warmth now leads people and a group of wolves to ambush here.

The grain army is getting closer.

Everyone held their breaths.

Five hundred meters left!

Four hundred meters!

One hundred meters!

At this time, the grain generals and the soldiers had already seen a dense pack of wolves blocking their way.

They stopped unconsciously.

Everyone looked at the black wolf head, and couldn't help but feel numb!

There are such a large number of wolves, with no end in sight, how many wolves are there?

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