The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 682 He doesn't understand the world of rich people!

After hearing this, Feng Dachun gave her the prescription: "Be careful, you told the old village chief grandfather to pay the money later."

"Got it!" Feng Zitong ran out again.

On credit! She's used to it.

There are only a dozen wen at home now, how can I have enough money to pay for medicine?

Wen Nuan didn't say that the doctors in the village should not be able to find all the medicinal materials in the prescription.

Because of her young age, her medical skills depended on accumulation, and letting the little girl take the prescription to the doctor to see it would reassure the other party.

After Feng Dachun finished speaking, he said to Nuan Nuan and Nalan Jinnian: "The two of you are laughing, that child is impatient."

"That's good!" Why did Nuan come to see her brother? It was because she saw a gentle and warm shadow in her!

Back then, gentleness and warmth were the same as the elder sister.

At such a young age, knowing how to earn money to save his younger brother, he must be kind in his heart.

A kind-hearted person, she doesn't mind pulling a hand!

Warm picked up the pen and started to draw those bamboo baskets.

Nalan Jinnian talked to Feng Dachun about the harvest in the fields this year, and learned how the people in these nearby villages made a living.


Feng Zitong ran to the village chief's house with the prescription. The village chief's daughter-in-law ran out of the stove and said anxiously, "Is the prescription written? Your great grandfather is waiting for you in the house! Go!"

When the village elder father heard that someone could cure his heart disease, he subconsciously did not believe it.

"Hey!" Feng Zitong responded and ran in.

The village elder's father had been waiting anxiously for a long time. He heard the sound and walked out immediately. When he saw Feng Zitong, he immediately said, "Give me the recipe!"

"Grandpa, give it! Grandpa helps me get the medicine! I'll go back and fry it for my brother."

The village elder father took the recipe, glanced at it, and was amazed by the word: "Good word! Who wrote this recipe?"

"Beautiful sister!"

"How old is the pretty sister?" It should be a teenage sister!

"I don't know, it's not yet time!"

Village Chief Dad: ""

He practiced such a handwriting before he was ready, and he couldn't help being awe-inspiring and looked at the prescription seriously.

After finishing, the village elder clapped his hands: "Wonderful!"

How could he not think of such a prescription!

However, this medicine is wonderful, but it is hard to say whether it can cure heart disease, you have to try it to know.

Seeing the village chief's reaction, Feng Zitong said happily: "Grandpa, can my brother's illness be cured by taking medicine? Then you quickly get my brother's medicine!"

The village chief's father said angrily: "You girl, if you say you want to take medicine, take medicine! There are a lot of precious medicinal materials in this medicine. , but a dose of medicine is estimated to cost about 150 yuan!"

He usually prescribes the medicine for Lin Lin's child, and the general medicinal materials are collected by him in the mountains. Because Tongtong often helps him to collect medicines in the mountains, he does not receive any money.

For the medicinal materials he bought, he also charged the purchase price, or half-sold and half-delivered, so he only charged them 20 cents for a pair of medicines.

It's just that the situation is more dangerous. I went to the big pharmacy in the capital to buy the heart-saving pills, and it cost fifty taels.

This can take out Dachun's family property!

Heart disease, when the situation is dangerous, is to burn money!

Feng Zitong was also startled when he heard it, but when he thought that his mother could earn 100 cents a day, and he could earn 50 cents a day, wouldn't the total be 150 cents?

"Grandpa, we have money, can you help me get the medicine? My mother can earn 100 cents a day now, and I can earn 50 cents, as well as my father's!"

The village elder's father was surprised when he heard it: "You can also earn fifty cents?"

"Yes, I'm going to help open the pearls, and the steward will give me fifty cents a day!"

"Okay, then you work hard to earn money. After I finish my meal, I'll go to the city to get medicine for your brother!" He knew people at the pharmacy, and the medicine was relatively cheap, and he knew the quality of the medicine.

"Thank you grandpa!"

The little girl, after thanking her sweetly, jumped home.

By the time Feng Zitong ran back happily and warmly, he had finished painting the bamboo products that he needed to use.

There are various shapes of dessert trays, simple and elegant trays, and two types of steamers.

There are also several hollow patterned cushions, hollow funnels, mini dustpans, rectangular food baskets, round food baskets, flower baskets of several sizes and styles, etc., a total of 30 styles.

The dimensions are also indicated above.

Let Feng Dachun open his eyes!

Bamboo can still make such beautiful things?

Feng Zitong looked at the bamboo products drawn by Wennuan: "Sister, you are so good at painting! These things are so beautiful! How can you not think of it!"

Feng Dachun didn't have the heart to pay attention to his daughter. All his thoughts were on those bamboo products.

He was looking at the warm paintings. The more he looked, the more surprised he became. How could he not have thought of these styles before!

This thing is so beautiful that if it is sold in the capital, many nobles are willing to spend money to buy it!

But there are some things he doesn't know how to use.

Like that hollow funnel, so small, what is it used for?

He couldn't help but ask: "Girl, is the size of this thing wrong? It's so small, what can it be used for?"

"No, I used it for decoration when I served it on a plate!"

Feng Dachun: ""

He doesn't understand the world of rich people!

Wouldn't it be good to serve dishes well on a plate?

Putting these things on for decoration, don't you think it's too troublesome to pick up vegetables?

It was only later that he realized that decorating it like this would be pleasing to the eye, and it would greatly increase the appetite!

"Uncle Feng, can you do it?"


"Those styles of food baskets will be made a thousand pieces each for me this month, fruit plates, mats, these small things, can I prepare a thousand pieces of each kind?"

Small things can be knitted quickly, and a skilled person can knit one in a minute!

Dessert trays, tea trays, etc. are simple and generous, and they are not difficult to make!

A thousand pieces?

Feng Dachun was taken aback: "Do you need so much?"

Nuan Wen: "One thousand pieces is too few. You should prepare like this first! There may be more in the future. Let's see how much you can do in a month. If you can't do it by then, you can ask someone to help."

Wen Nuan took out two ingots of silver: "This is the deposit!"

"No, no! I'll do it for the girl for free this time, and treat it as Lin Lin's consultation fee!" Feng Dachun waved his hand hurriedly.

Feng Zitong nodded: "Pretty sister, you don't need money! You help us heal our brother! We thank you for being too late!"

"I said that the consultation fee is enough for one meal. I asked you to make up more than one hundred taels. Besides, isn't the little brother's disease still cured? Get someone else to do it!"

Having said that, Feng Dachun is not easy to refuse!

He needs to repay, but he also needs to live. So where would you be willing to lose this job, earning more than one hundred taels every month, this is a big business that you can't even dream of!

"I do, but the girl doesn't have to pay such a high price, half is enough! Really, half is enough!"

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