Thinking of Xiangzi Bridge, Warm seems to see the prosperity of "eighteen shuttle boats and twenty-four continents" and "one mile long bridge, one mile city".

He smiled warmly: "There is a solution for the width of the river! Your Majesty, let's see how this bridge is designed by the ministers and daughters."

The emperor was very interested when he heard the words: "Okay, Princess Hui'an can also design bridges, so you can draw them for me to see!"

"I can only draw what the bridge looks like. How to build it is still up to the people in the Ministry of Works to figure out a way."

Nuan can't design bridges, but she knows that after she draws it, there will naturally be bridge experts in this world to make it!

And about the mechanics, she can also give some advice.

Eunuch Lin immediately waited for the pen and ink.

Wen Nuan painted on the side, and when she finished painting, she explained it again.

The emperor exclaimed again and again: "What a '18 shuttle boats and 24 continents'! What a 'one mile long bridge and one mile city'! It can not only facilitate the passage of the common people, but also does not hinder the passage of merchant ships! The people on both sides of the strait can also do it on it. Buying and selling! One bridge is used for two purposes, without delaying each other! Haha, after this bridge is built, people who watch Beiming will say that no one in Nalan knows how to build bridges!"

Eunuch Lin couldn't help but praise: "The Princess Hui'an is so powerful, I can think of such a bridge."

Warm: "Haha, it's not what I thought."

But no one cared what she said, just thought she was humble,

After the emperor was excited, he thought about the question of money again: "But ah! Princess Hui'an, isn't it too expensive to build this bridge? This expansion of the outer city will cost a lot of money. The treasury is empty! I also think about it. Build this bridge, but wait three or five years! When the outer city is expanded, the national treasury will wait for a while.”

Still building pavilions on the bridge, my darling, Hui'an County Master really dares to think about it!

This pier is worth hundreds of thousands of taels!

Tens of millions of taels have built a bridge, and the wharf has not yet been built, and the emperor could not help shivering!

Don't look for him to build, look for her husband!

When he abdicates to become a sage, he will propose it, and then let the seventeenth emperor complete it!

In this way, the credit of this bridge in the history books will also have its own name.

The emperor thinks so well!

He waved his hand warmly: "I'm here to donate to build this bridge!"

If Wen Jiarui successfully obtained the two salt cities from Dongling Kingdom, the emperor could give Duke Ango a piece of salt, and she would soon be able to take out the money for that bridge.

This time the emperor was really shocked: "Is this the truth of Hui'an county master?"

Nodding warmly: "Saving the emperor's salary and taking care of the emperor's worries, the ministers and daughters are considered half of the royal family! This thing that benefits the common people is naturally true! It's just that the ministers and daughters didn't have so much money for a while, so We need to wait! We can only take it out when there are enough food in Nanyang Prefecture and Nanning County, but the emperor can arrange for officials to think about how to build it.”

"Haha good! If there are more people like you in Hui'an County, I can sit back and relax!" At this moment, the emperor was truly moved!

He glanced at Nalan Jinnian, and suddenly he was extremely disgusted!

What's the use of the younger brother coming, he will try his best to use his own money, or the younger sister-in-law is more reliable.

Princess Hui'an is really a sweet little padded jacket.

At this moment, the emperor looked at this long bridge with carved beams and painted buildings painted by Wennuan, and the more he looked, the more satisfied he became!

It would be nice if it could be built before the Longevity Festival, but the emperor knew that it was impossible. It is estimated that such a bridge will take at least five or six years to complete.

The water conditions of the Qinglong River are complex. Every year during the flood season, the rivers of the two rivers meet, and the rolling river is very urgent.

So I really have to ask the people from the Ministry of Industry to study how to build this bridge.

The emperor thought about the Beiming Kingdom, and the Beiming Kingdom would definitely make things difficult for him on the Longevity Festival. At that time, he would take the initiative to attack and compare the bridge with the Beiming Kingdom to build a bridge!

Ha ha

Beiming Kingdom is much stronger than Nalan Kingdom in shipbuilding or building bridges and paving roads. Therefore, Beiming Kingdom will be rich and strong. It has prospered for more than 200 years and there is no sign of decline, and it even almost unified the world!

Thinking about it is really envy and jealousy.

Nalan Jinnian: "Brother Huang, what kind of reward is there for Hui'an County Master to share your worries and relieve your worries?"


Check it out!

Are you disgusting, brother or something?

However, the emperor smiled: "Haha, there should be a reward."

My sister-in-law is so generous, and she often shares her worries and solves problems for herself, so he can't be too stingy as an uncle.

The emperor pondered for a while: "What reward does the Princess Hui'an want?"

Warm didn't say anything.

Nalan Jinnian said: "Brother Huang, if Duke Ango successfully obtained a Yancheng in Dongling Kingdom, how about you give her the seal of the Director of Salt Transport and Yan Yin?"

Yan Yun Secretary Zhang Yin and Yan Yin?

The salt transportation department is the official in charge of the salt field, and the salt index is the certificate issued to the merchants to receive and sell salt.

No salt officer is not rich!

Rewarding it to the Hui'an County Lord is also considered to be fat and water that does not flow into the fields of outsiders.

Moreover, Hui'an County Master earned money, and he was not like other people who came in and did not come out!

Besides, Princess Hui'an made some money, could this bridge be built faster?

The emperor said generously: "Okay, I will give you the palm print and Yan Yin!"

In fact, officials are not allowed to do business, but their family members and relatives can, and the emperor turns a blind eye to this matter.

When the water is clear, there are no fish!

After all, the salaries of this court are not too much.

He said warmly and happily, "Thank you for your grace!"

With Yanzhangyin and Yanyin, she can reward the boiled sea as salt in Nanyang Prefecture.

Of course, boiling the sea for salt has to wait until it is successful.

Warm intends to give this to the emperor as a longevity gift!

The emperor waved his hand: "You're welcome, Princess Hui'an! In the future, if you make money, don't forget to benefit the people."

Thinking of the silver emperor, he sighed:

"Master Hui'an, the seventeenth emperor's younger brother, this time I asked you to enter the palace to discuss the Mid-Autumn Palace Banquet and the Longevity Festival."

The emperor showed a warm look at the menu of the Mid-Autumn Palace banquet and the menu for the Longevity Festival drawn up by Concubine Li.

The warmth took over and looked at it carefully.

Nalan Jinnian didn't dare to be interested after looking at it: "It's not worth it!"

For the first time, the emperor agreed with Nalan Jinnian's words.

"Master Hui'an, you look at the two menus, what do you think of the dishes of the palace banquet? I think the dishes made by the chefs of Anguo Gong's mansion are really delicious, with all the colors and flavors, so I want to hear your opinion. "

The annual palace banquets are all these delicacies of mountains and seas, birds and beasts, showing the wealth of the royal family!

Whether it is the Queen or Concubine Li, how expensive the dishes are, they will arrange the more expensive dishes.

After a palace banquet, it will cost 100,000 taels of silver just to buy ingredients!

Sometimes even twelve or thirty thousand.

Li Guifei probably wanted to show that she was better than the former queen. Every time the palace banquet was over budget, the dishes of this Mid-Autumn Festival palace banquet were magnificent, and the purchase of ingredients cost 180,000 taels.

It's getting too much!

Eat him poor!

This year is relatively poor, and the emperor is really reluctant.

This extra 100,000 taels of silver is used to pave the road. Isn't it good to build bridges?


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