Monkey D. Long wears a blue robe, has a square tattoo on the left side of his face, and has no eyebrows.

The two looked at each other, and Weiwei could feel that the other was extremely domineering.

Simply speaking of domineering color, Monkey D. Long's arrogance is not inferior to red hair, it can be regarded as the highest level of domineering color, even higher than the current Weiwei.

"You don't look like a princess, but rather a careerist." Long looked at her, the two sides didn't talk about business, and the atmosphere suddenly became tense.

There is no middleman to smooth things over, and the perception of each other seems to be not very good.

"Hahahaha——" Weiwei chuckled lightly, "Will the Revolutionary Army cooperate with a silly princess?"

She said seriously: " have a different opinion on the navy justice coat on me? Oh...I see, you actually have a vision for the navy, right? Young When I was young, I should have always wanted to be in the navy, inheriting Mr. Garp’s ambition, but I took another path later.”

The dragon made a decisive move, using the same move as Sabo, the dragon grabber.

His index finger and middle finger are close together, ring finger and little finger are close together, like the claws of a giant dragon, carrying a strong wind, stabbing Weiwei's neck fiercely.

Weiwei's right index finger and middle finger are close together, her ring finger and little finger are bent, and her thumb is pressed against the knuckles of her second finger. A standard sword finger, which comes first, stabs at the tiger's mouth of the dragon's gripper from a strange angle. .

The dragon's wrist flipped, and she clasped her wrist in turn. Weiwei changed from a stab to a poke, with a domineering look wrapped around her fingers, and poked the palm of the dragon's grasping hand viciously.

After the two sides collided with each other's overlord colors, they separated immediately without waiting for the black and red lightning to appear. There was an unstoppable wind blade between the dragon's fingers, and Weiwei's sword finger was full of hot blood like fire. Quickly, the wind blade cut through the blood-colored vine, and in the next second, it was polluted by more blood light. Before the blood mist grew stronger, it was cut by more wind blades. .

After understanding each other's strength, each of them gave up, as if nothing had happened before.

Long asked meaningfully: "After overthrowing the world government, will you nobles return the rights to the people?"

Weiwei thought for a while: "If I say yes, you won't believe it. In fact, I don't care. What's the use of that broken throne for me? But many things don't depend on my will."

Long looked at her: "That is to say, after overthrowing the world government, we are enemies?"

Weiwei nodded seriously: "You are right in understanding this way, I must think about those subordinates who follow me,

If I give up my rights, there will be no reward for their desperate fight. Unfortunately, I will not give up my rights, nor can I. "

Long held out a hand to her: "But until then, we can trust each other, we can cooperate."

"Of course, maybe this is the first and last cooperation between the D clan and the descendants of the Twenty Kingdoms in 800 years." The two held hands tightly.

After Long left, Weiwei sighed for a while, no wonder these guys have never succeeded, it is too idealistic! The world government has not been overthrown yet, and she is thinking about the future. She doesn't know what to say. She can only say that the revolutionary army thinks too much and does too little...

If she can't keep the navy neutral, the dragon can at least help her hold Cap down, at least more, not yet thought of.


In June 1520 of the Haiyuan calendar, when Weiwei and Long formed a secret alliance on the deserted island, a small event happened in the new world.

The navy is sharpening their knives, ready to launch a shocking battle.

Of course, Whitebeard will not sit still. He ordered his pirates to attack, targeting those pirates who are hostile to him and have a chance of being bought by the navy. Can't fight, but just don't want to fight.

During the battle, not to mention Whitebeard, even the powerful captains didn't make a move, but no one thought that Sage, the captain of the fourth division who was in charge of searching for spoils, would die unexpectedly.

The murderer was not found, Sachi's heart was smashed by a sharp knife, and a group of pirates who were good at drinking and gambling couldn't see how someone died, let alone a suspect.

Whitebeard was very sad about the death of his adopted son, and Marco suggested him to investigate the entire pirate group. The stubborn Whitebeard didn't think his son would betray him, so he flatly refused. He believed that Saky's death was a conspiracy arranged by the navy. , One's own side cannot mess up its own position.


Weiwei inspected the line from Whiskey Mountain to Upside Down Mountain, returned to the palace, and said that she wanted to rest. After actually getting the cloning technology of the Vinsmoke family, she secretly went to her laboratory in the deep desert. Experiment with new phases of Devil Fruits.

She secretly created three clones, one is the original guardian of the desert, Diamanti who once belonged to the cadre of the Don Quixote family.

This person's consciousness has been brainwashed several times, and now he seems a little confused. He occasionally thinks of his "young master", and most of the time he is in a state of confusion.

The other two clones are from Walpo, the current king of the Drum Kingdom who ate the swallowed fruit, and the other is Bucky the clown who ate the split fruit.

Experimenting with Diamanti is a bit like taking off your pants and farting. With a sufficiently perfect cloning technology, it is imperative to use Walpo's clones for experiments.

The progress of the experiment was not smooth.

"Alas—" Weiwei sighed heavily, and the duck Karu fanned her doggyly.

Even though the experimental procedure is very clear, it is still difficult to rely on her to operate alone.

Duck Karoo and Yamato couldn't help much. There are a lot of zombies and undead pirates, but few of them have a scientific mind. Let alone experiment, they don't even know the basic experimental equipment. She didn't particularly trust people in Alabasta.

The average level of education in the entire world is too low. From scratch, even with the technology of the Vinsmoke family, it is still very difficult to make clones.

Yamato had no interest in these things, she lay on the side, seeing Weiwei was looking at her all the time, she couldn't help shrinking her neck, worried that she would let her take charge of these messy tasks, she was quick to think, and came up with an idea: "How about... ...How about I help you catch Quinn?"

Weiwei understands the reason why Vegapunk cooperates with the World Government. It is indeed too difficult to come up with epoch-making technology on her own. Only the World Government can provide enough assistants with a certain level of education. Relying on Vegapunk alone, no matter how talented and clever he is, he will be exhausted.

She has nothing to do with Vegapunk now. Quinn, Caesar Courant, and Vinsmoke Gage, who are below Vegapunk's level, are the three cobblers she can choose from as helpers.

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