The Pope of Basketball Community

Chapter 23 [Black Sesame Paste Friends]

With only one week off, Yang Rui began to feel empty.

There are too few things that can be played in this era. He has seen all the classic movies and TV series. With the eyes he is used to watching future blockbusters, he can watch these things now, even the previous box office hits "Independence Day", "Men in Black" and so on. ", is not a big deal.

Buying a game console is even more meaningless. I am used to playing the advanced games of later generations, and the current PS1... the picture is so beautiful that he dare not look at it.

He handed over his savings to Thomas to invest in stocks. Thomas is interested in the IT industry and technology stocks. The choice is very accurate, so he doesn't have to worry about it.

In the end, his only pleasure was eating.

In his previous life, Yang Rui knew how to cook, but his parents left early, so he had to rely on himself; Jerry also knew how to cook, mainly Western food. Now after his rebirth, he has combined Chinese and Western food, but it is far from professional level, and the food he cooks is relatively poor, which can be called dark cuisine.

Therefore, Yang Rui went out to eat most of the time, and the "Aftertaste Snack Bar" where he worked part-time became his first choice. The food is delicious and the price is fair. This store has a lot of repeat customers.

"Brother Yang, are you here?" The waiter Xiao Xiao excitedly greeted Yang Rui in Chinese. The two have a good relationship, they worked together before, and Yang Rui chatted with her the most in the store.

"Hi, long time no see."

"There are no seats, don't worry, I'll call the boss." Xiao Xiao said with a smile: "The boss has ordered you to notify him when you come again."


Ten minutes later, a short old man in his forties came to the store, with thinning hair combed to one side, he was the owner of the snack bar.

He didn't speak easily, and he spoke in Cantonese. He didn't take Yang Rui seriously before, but this time he excitedly introduced himself, and his name was Li Qi.

Li Qi said: "I'm really proud of you for becoming the coach of the Knicks. We Chinese have finally become stars."

"I worked here before, thank you for taking care of me." Yang Rui smiled.

"I'm embarrassed if you say that. If I knew you were so good, I would have paid you more money." Li Qi laughed.

After chatting for a while, some guests finally left. Li Qi gave Yang Rui a membership card, which gave Yang Rui a 20% discount for future visits, and he could also reserve seats.

Yang Rui sat by the window and ordered the ancestral flavor of "black sesame paste" in the store.

This special snack is said to be able to invigorate qi and strengthen yang. It tastes good, sweet and delicious. It's a pity that the black sesame paste was not sold well, it was thicker than a pot of sugar water and a catty of arsenic that poisoned the Qi family's thirteen people, so there seemed to be no one to support it except Yang Rui.

He was waiting for the sesame paste to cool down when a girl smelled it and came over. "Excuse me, what is this?"

"Black sesame paste." Yang Rui replied in Chinese, not knowing what it was called in English.

He looked up and was stunned.

This is a girl in her early teens, not tall, with dark blond hair, popular braids on both sides, green pupils, a bit buck teeth, high cheekbones, cheekbones straight down like a knife, a pointed chin, a typical awl face .

This face is very young, not a beauty, but Yang Rui is very excited because her name is Scarlett Johansson.

After being reborn, Yang Rui especially hoped to get to know a few celebrities in the entertainment industry, but unfortunately, he was a bit unlucky. He hadn't seen any of them before, but today he finally met one.

Scarlett asked with a smile in English: "I have been to this store several times, but I have never seen this one. How does it taste?"

"It's new, it's a bit I haven't touched can taste it first, and then order it if you like it." Yang Rui stuttered and spoke English.

He despises himself a bit in his heart. Now Scarlett is not yet thirteen years old, not a big star. He is not nervous when facing a group of NBA celebrities, but he has a short tongue when facing a little girl, which is shameful.

Probably this fight scene is too deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, he seems to see a young "black widow", who can pull out a gun to shoot randomly at any time, jump up and pinch his legs... In the future,

Countless movie fans fell in love with her because of her "cheating".

Scarlett took a small spoon, tasted it twice, and smiled showing two rows of white teeth. "It tastes so good, I'm going to order this. That... can I sit with you?"

There are a lot of customers at the moment, no matter where you sit, you have to share a table.

"Of course, Miss Johnson." Yang Rui smiled and stood up to help her move the chair, with a premonition that he could take this opportunity to meet celebrity friends.

"You know me?" Scarlett was taken aback.

"I watched "Home Alone 3", and you played that little ghost's sister." Yang Rui responded.

"Huh? You still remember my name when you play such a small role? Are you from the entertainment industry? A Chinese actor? I don't remember meeting you." Scarlett asked several questions in one breath.

"I like movies. I'm not from the entertainment industry. Although you played a supporting role, I just remembered it. Maybe it was because of my eyes. That's why I was surprised to see you just now."

"Haha, don't you think I'm very attractive?" Scarlett smiled, showing her back molars.

The goddess is just a little girl now, but Yang Rui doesn't hate it at all. "I think you'll be famous in the future, even though "Home Alone 3" is a bad movie."

His predictions are absolutely accurate, and everyone would like to hear such words.

Scarlett laughed a few times and sighed again. "It's a pity that not everyone likes me. I failed the audition for "A Couple Made in China" before. Do you know this movie?"

Yang Rui thought for a while, nodded and said, "Is there a movie adapted from "Two Little Lotts"? There was a version before, and I heard that a new one will be made."

"Yes, that's the one... It seems that you really like movies." Scarlett said in surprise. She just found a place to sit at random, but she didn't expect someone to recognize her and still be able to chat.

"You didn't get the role, it must have nothing to do with acting skills. The protagonist of the script is a child, right? You look too big. If I were the director, I would definitely find a child, even if the acting skills are worse than yours."

"You can't be a staff member in the crew, you came here on purpose to wait for me, right? Wait, the interview is in Los Angeles." Scarlett held her chin with her right hand and stared blankly at him.

That's why she wasn't chosen. Her face doesn't look too big, but she's already 1.5 meters tall. More importantly, her breasts already have a shape, which belongs to the early development of girls. Playing a little girl? Unless they grew up eating April fat.

"Aside from the movie, it must be the first time we met." Yang Rui said, tasting the sesame paste.

Scarlett looked at him: "But I think you look familiar, I must have seen it somewhere, what do you do? Have you ever been on TV?"

"I'm Jerry Young, assistant coach of the New York Knicks. You can call me Jerry."

"Ah, I see. I saw your news interview. You brought a camera to the party and took a lot of pictures." Scarlett opened her mouth in surprise.

"Well, that's me." Yang Rui smiled.

"You're an interesting person."

Soon, another black sesame paste was served, and Scarlett also ordered other desserts, which Yang Rui found very interesting.

In his previous life, he had never heard that Scarlett could eat cakes. Big-name celebrities all valued their figure, and they would never eat whatever they wanted.

Soon he figured it out, it doesn't matter now, Scarlett is not famous yet.


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