The Pope of Basketball Community

Chapter 43 [The blood flowing through the brush]

Every night before going to bed, Yang Rui would lie in bed and think about how to persuade Van Gundy to speed up the offensive rhythm of the game and play offensive basketball instead of sending a group of defensive players to grind the opponent's position in a lifeless manner.

It is very difficult to directly convince Van Gundy, but now it is easier to help Ewing with data. To have good statistics, you must speed up the tempo, so that it is easier to send assists, increase the number of rounds, and the number of players' shots will also increase.

During the flight, Yang Rui talked about some details of swiping data.

In the future, many people will like to play the NBA2K series of games. It is something that every player loves to do with their favorite stars, and Yang Rui is no exception. He didn't even have to think about it, he said it clearly and logically.

"Let the other guys go back to the hoop to help Patrick, and he gets the rebounds in the backcourt."

"After the pick-and-roll, attract the opponent's inside defense, and pull it to one side. Patrick doesn't make an empty cut, but is playing with misplaced singles opportunities such as the horns on both sides."

"You tell them to cut more from the side and the bottom line, shoot directly after receiving a pass from Patrick, and give him an assist at most with one dribble. I think they will cooperate."

Van Gundy was startled, the blood of the brush was flowing in Yang Rui's bones!

After checking into the hotel, Van Gundy obviously didn't take the Raptors as a bad team seriously and announced that the whole team would have a day off.

The Raptors are the youngest team in the NBA, established in 1995, located in Toronto, the capital of Ontario, in the Atlantic Division of the Eastern Conference. After playing for two seasons, the team's record is at the bottom, and the attendance rate is dismal. Such a team really can't pose any threat to the Knicks.

The leader of the Raptors is "Little Flying Mouse" Damon Stoudemire. He is only 178cm tall and weighs 78kg. He is a strong offensive and defensive point guard. He averaged 20.2 points, 4.1 rebounds, 8.8 assists and 1.5 steals per game last season. This is an "empty cut" type player, but the statistics are pretty good, but he can't win the ball.

The next day, Yang Rui was going to visit Toronto and wanted to find someone to accompany him.

It was already very cold in November, and no one wanted to go out. In the end, only Alan Houston was willing to go out with him.

The first time he came to Toronto, he thought it was a small city and amused Houston.

"Where did you hear that Toronto is a small city?"

"Uh..." Yang Rui read the NBA commentary in his previous life. When it comes to the Raptors, many people always say that it is a small club, and no one wants to come.

Houston explained: "The downtown area of ​​Toronto is more than 7,000 square kilometers. It is the fifth largest city in North America. Only Mexico City, New York, Los Angeles and Chicago are larger. We can't visit it all in one day. The park alone is 1,000 square kilometers. More than six hundred."

"How much?" Yang Rui couldn't believe it.

"More than 1,600, I'm not exaggerating." Houston said with a smile: "I'll treat you at noon, and I know there's a good restaurant here."

The two went to a Chinese restaurant together, and chatted about the local customs while eating.

"There are a lot of Chinese here, people from all over the world, and you can eat delicious food from all over the world." Houston said: "However, this place is too cold, and there are often snowstorms in winter. I encountered it once when I came to an away game the year before last."

In terms of city size, Toronto should be in the first tier. Unfortunately, in Canada, the regional development is not as good as that of the United States. Coupled with reasons such as geography and taxation, not many people in the league are willing to play here.

Yang Rui can fully understand that the Raptors' plight has been doomed since it officially entered the NBA.

In 1995, out of consideration for internationalization, the NBA established two teams in Canada, one is the Vancouver Grizzlies and the other is the Toronto Raptors.

The situation in Vancouver is even worse. The most famous example in the future is that the Grizzlies selected Steve Francis with the second pick in 1999. As a result, Francis refused to join.

The Grizzlies have stayed in Vancouver for 6 seasons, and no star is willing to join.

The team has a poor record every season, never winning more than 25 games, and the team's attendance is even worse, losing tens of millions of dollars every season. In 2001, Grizzlies owner Hursley was forced to move the team to the small city of Memphis in the United States. Since then, there is only one team left in Canada, the Raptors.

In Yang Rui's previous life, the Raptors had several stars. Carter, Bosh, Lowry, and DeRozan all spent time cultivating them.

In the afternoon, Houston took Yang Rui to visit several famous attractions, and returned to the hotel together in the evening, there were fans waiting at the door to ask for autographs.

Several of them were looking for Yang Rui, all of whom were of Chinese descent.

There was also an old fan with gray temples who worried about the country and the people and asked Yang Rui several questions: "Do Chinese compatriots still eat their last meal and not eat their next meal? Are they frozen in winter and exposed to the sun in summer? Conservative ZF persecution ?”

Yang Rui can't laugh or cry, China's reform and opening up has not been long, and many early immigrant people seem to be still in the period of the Cultural Revolution in their understanding of China.

He didn't want to explain too much, so he replied, "I grew up in New York."

Saying goodbye to the fans, Yang Rui and Houston had a buffet at the hotel again. "Alan, thank you for being my tour guide today."

"No, it should be me thanking you. If you hadn't come, I don't know when I can increase the possession of the ball. Unfortunately, I haven't met your expectations." Houston laughed.

Yang Rui predicts that Houston can average 20+ per game as an outside core. Now he only plays 28.8 minutes per game, and the number of shots has increased to 14.2, scoring 17.3 points, 2.7 rebounds and 2 assists. He played less time than last season and scored more. He made 42.8% of his three-pointers and made 2.3 three-pointers a game.

This is a typical tactical benefit. The reason why Houston does not have 20+ is because Larry Johnson broke out and lost a lot of possessions. As a selfless player, he is content with the status quo.

Yang Rui said seriously: "Shoot more three-pointers, but now you still shoot too few. In terms of shooting percentage, I can accept 10 three-pointers in a game."

"Wouldn't Jeff be mad at that?"

"I will convince him, anyway, you remember, there are two main ways to attack, rushing in, shooting near the basket and shooting three-pointers from the outside, rushing in and not scoring may cause fouls, and shooting three-pointers is the most efficient. "Yang Rui explained.

"Aren't you mid-range? Last season, the coach asked me to focus on mid-range shots." Houston asked.

"For the same 10 shots, 30% of the three-pointers will score 9 points. If you make 10 mid-range shots, you will only get 10 points if you make 50% of them. A long-range mid-range shot is one step closer to the basket than a three-pointer. Your overall mid-range shot The rate is less than 50%, this is just a very simple math problem? Long-range mid-range shots should be avoided as much as possible.”

"..." Houston had nothing to say.

He suddenly felt strange. Could it be that the previous coaches were all idiots? How come from playing basketball to now, no coach has ever taught him to calculate this account? Van Gundy took the large mid-range shot as the truth last season, and repeatedly emphasized that he should shoot less three-pointers.

Houston sighed secretly: Jerry is better than Van Gundy, if he is the head coach, I might be able to become a superstar.

He's not the first person to think so, it's just that everyone doesn't say it. The rookies in the summer league, as well as veteran players like Ewing and Johnson, all felt that Yang Rui was too important.


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