The Pope of Basketball Community

Chapter 79 [You were born to hold the urinal]

After the game, Jordan was not arrogant or impetuous: "The Knicks' offense is very strong. We defended well this time and we must keep going."

"Zen Master" Jackson said: "We will use the holiday to study how to deal with the Knicks. The players have shown their due level, but the total score is still behind. We must make persistent efforts."

The Knicks didn't say much at the press conference, neither praised their opponents nor complained.

Van Gundy's mind was all about preparing for the game. The next morning the coaching staff had a meeting to study tactics, planning to adjust both offense and defense.

The bulls have figured out the current off-the-ball screen routine on the strong side. If Ewing and Houston don't feel good, the Knicks' offense will be in trouble.

On the defensive end, Van Gundy decided to let Oakley return to the starting lineup, so that protecting the penalty area is more deterrent. Bulls players break through and hit the basket, and he is good at dealing with it.

On the offensive end, Yang Rui proposed to let Starks start, Bowen came off the bench, and let Johnson and Atkins lead the offense in the second quarter.

Starks performed well in the playoffs this year, averaging 13.7 points, 3.6 rebounds and 2.4 assists per game, shooting 45.2% from the field and 41.5% from the three-point range.

He has played well in the playoffs for several consecutive years, has rich experience, and has a big heart. It would be a waste if he still plays about 25 minutes per game in the playoffs.

Bowen is a rookie season, even if he worked hard and won the trust of the coaching staff, he would still be soft and make mistakes at critical moments. In the playoffs, sometimes a small detail can change the final result. There are too many such examples. For key games, veterans are more reliable.

When Van Gundy had a headache for Ben Wallace's free throw, Yang Rui made an alternative suggestion. "Jeff, how about giving Ben a try at the potty free throw?"

This shooting posture was pioneered by Rick Barry. The free throw player stands behind the free throw line and throws the ball from directly below the basket with both hands. The advantage is that the arc is high and it is easy to shoot. Lose.

No matter how ugly, Barry's career free throw percentage is 89%, and the next six seasons are above 90%. And his jumper posture is very beautiful, he can shoot three-pointers, and he uses the end of the urinal to increase his free throw percentage.

The three coaches are all embarrassing. Ben, who has a killer face, stands on the free throw line and "holds the urinal". This picture is so beautiful that people can't imagine it.

Seeing that no one responded, Yang Rui smiled and said, "Please, don't you all object? 'Successful but looks silly' and 'Failed but looks cool' which do you think is more important? Ben is just a newcomer, he should Do what you can to help the team, not try to be cool on the court to attract fans."

Van Gundy smiled and said, "Okay, I agree, but if you go and tell Ben yourself, I don't think he will agree."

"Okay, I'll go."

It is Yang Rui's habit to make thorough preparations. As long as he believes in one thing, he must do his best, and try to think of every step, instead of muddling along and resigning himself to fate.

The Bulls' morale was high because of a victory. If they win again in the fourth game, the series will change, and the Knicks will only have home court advantage.

On the contrary, as long as the Knicks win an away game and get the match point back to New York, the pressure on the Bulls players will increase sharply, and they will probably be out in the fifth game.

Yang Rui didn't want accidents to happen, let alone the so-called historical inertia. In his previous life, he had seen a movie starring Nicolas Cage called "Foreseeing the Future", and he liked the words in the movie very much.

There is an important characteristic about the future, every time you look at the future, it changes, because you look at it, and everything else changes with it.

Yang Rui believes that as long as he participates, the future will be changed, and he will be the winner, not a spectator.

If there is a god in basketball, he is more like Jordan!

During the team training in the afternoon, Yang Rui called Ben Wallace aside alone and expressed his thoughts. Ben Wallace was also embarrassed, with reluctance written all over his face.


Am I really going to try that free throw? It's so embarrassing. "

"If you can make free throws, even if the shooting percentage is 10 percentage points higher than it is now, I suggest you do so. One or two points more against the Bulls may be the key to deciding the outcome, and it is the key to breaking the shark tactics. I am not Tell you to do this, because you haven't tried it yet, maybe you only have a 35% hit rate if you do this."

Ben Wallace hung his head a little annoyed and more ashamed.

15% lower than O'Neal. He is the worst free throw shooter in the league. If he is more accurate, the team may win.

Yang Rui went on to say: "Many experts have said that if O'Neal can make more penalty kicks, his team will win more in the playoffs. When O'Neal was in the Magic, although Rick Barry once advised him to learn The urinal maneuver, but was mercilessly rejected by O'Neill, because he thought the posture was too ugly and would be laughed at. Do you know O'Neill's record?"

Ben Wallace nodded.

"Didn't make the playoffs in 1993; was swept out in 1994; Jordan, who came back to play basketball, was overthrown in 1995 and was swept in the finals; was swept out by the Bulls in 1996; in 1997, the Lakers were defeated by the Jazz 4-1. This year they trailed the Jazz 0-3, and they will probably be swept tonight, do you think O'Neal is cool?" Yang Rui asked with a smile.

It's so cool, it's almost always swept away...

Ben Wallace complained in his heart, and suddenly began to waver, seeing his own shortcomings.

O'Neal will not be so miserable with free throws. His offensive ability is not half that of O'Neal, and his free throws are worse than O'Neal. How much can he help the team on the court? Could it be that he has been a burden on the offensive end all his life?

"Jerry, I am willing to try." Big Ben made up his mind.

"Very well, Ben, if you take free throws in this way, maybe the fans will think it's cool, maybe it can become your logo, so don't be too pessimistic. We don't ask you to do more, just practice suddenly , as long as it can reach 50%, it is qualified." Yang Rui smiled.

After persuading Daben, the two began to practice free throws with half the court alone, with Yang Rui in charge of passing and Daben shooting.

After throwing 400 balls, Yang Rui was shocked. Da Ben actually hit 65% of his shots once, and he became more and more experienced in taking the potty.

In his previous life, he didn't remember Daben doing this on the court, and the media didn't have any hope for Daben's free throws. Maybe Daben's coach never thought of doing this.

Yang Rui also tried casually, but he didn't expect to have a trick. This kind of shooting method of throwing from the bottom to the top, the hand shape and strength are relatively easy to master.

Van Gundy, who watched from the sidelines, was amused. "It's really good? It's much more accurate than normal shooting, Ben, have you practiced it before?"

"No, today is the first time." Da Ben said awkwardly.

"For the first time, this talent... is amazing. It seems that you were born to hold a urinal." Yang Rui admired.

Big Ben has black hair, and for the first time in his life, he was praised for free throws.

Damn, I can't be happy at all! Can you put it in a better way?

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