If Ma Zhicai's original ambition was to be an official, his goal now is to have his name entered into the ancestral hall of Shili Village.

This idea seems to have become a demonic obstacle in his heart recently.

"Are you ready? I'll ask the question first." As soon as Li Zheng spoke, the noisy discussion of the villagers immediately became quiet.

"Okay." Ma Dalang put an abacus and pen and ink on the table in front of him like other shopkeepers and children.

To be honest, Ma Dalang felt very uncomfortable about Lin Ziyin arranging several children to compete with him. Didn't Lin Ziyin make it clear that he didn't believe him and humiliate him?

However, for the sake of a prosperous life in the future, Ma Dalang did not dare to show it. Instead, he smiled and sat down with the shopkeeper's child as if nothing was wrong.

Li Zheng saw that Ma Dalang had no objection and quickly reported a set of numbers. Of course, these numbers are not just bare figures. He turned out to be Li Zheng of Shili Village. He had studied for several years and was now a master of the Lin family's external procurement. Therefore, most of the questions that come out are relatively high-quality and fully consistent with practical applications.

Experts will know if there is one as soon as they start. Ma Dalang was stunned when he heard the questions Li Zheng asked clearly. He did not expect that Li Zheng could really come up with such skillful questions. If he hadn't been a shopkeeper in the city for so many years, he might have been blinded by Li Zheng.

"One hundred and fifty taels of silver." Before he could tell the number, the people around him had already listed the answers. Ma Dalang looked at the shopkeepers sitting in a row with him in surprise. Most of these people were young people with tattoos on their faces. They all held signs with answers. What made Ma Dalang blush was that several children from the school came over. It actually worked out.

Some of these children were from the village, and some were children of servants of the Lin family. Ma Dalang quickly wrote the answer on the paper and then raised it.

However, no matter how fast he moved, he was still half a beat behind others.

Ma Dalang no longer dared to take the next question lightly, and quickly concentrated on facing the serious test questions.

Li Zheng asked ten questions, most of which were slightly complicated calculations. What made Ma Dalang a little frustrated was that no matter how fast he calculated, he could not compare with the speed of the Lin family shopkeeper and a few kids in the school.

He secretly guessed that Li Zheng must have let things slip behind his back and secretly told the Lin family the answers to the contestants.

Huh, he wasn't nervous either. He didn't want to expose Li Zheng and Lin Ziyin's tricks first. He would wait until his son Ma Zhicai came up with the problem and then look at his own abilities. I'm afraid he wouldn't have to say anything by then, and the villagers would be able to see the reason. Tricky.

After stabilizing his thoughts, Ma Dalang finished the ten questions in Li Zheng honestly. Fortunately, although his speed was slow, he didn't make any mistakes on any question.

Mr. Yan and Ms. Ma Xincai and Mr. Huang stood aside and were a little nervous. As members of the Ma family, they naturally hoped that Ma Dalang could work in the Lin family's shop. They clearly see the changes in the lives of the people in the village and are envious of them.

Ma Dalang reacted slowly. Their mothers were even more anxious than Ma Dalang. They were thinking the same thing as Ma Dalang, guessing that Li Zheng and Lin Ziyin must have been behind it.

Finally, it was Ma Zhicai's turn to give the question. Ma Zhicai showed the aloofness of a scholar and reported the question in a leisurely manner. The numbers are a little big and a little more complicated.

Ma Dalang gave him an approving look, huh, it's better to be more complicated, it just shows his ability. He wants to see how the Lin family will cheat this time.

Ma Zhicai finished speaking coldly, then sat aside and ignored it. Anyway, he only asks questions, but he doesn't know the answers. However, Ma Zhicai didn't feel that he had anything to be ashamed of. Arithmetic classes were just classy lessons. He originally wanted to be an official, so naturally he would not focus on arithmetic, a class that was difficult to get into.

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