The Rebirth of the Financial Hegemon

Chapter 95 Bulls’ Feast

Soldiers who, deception also.

No matter how high-sounding the war is, there will always be various twists and turns.

History has long shown that there is never an upright war, there are only winners and losers.

After the securities market opened, there was suddenly a short sale of 500,000 lots on the market. The series of numbers were so bright red and shocking.

A total of 500,000 short orders, converted into funds, is a full 1 billion.

Driven by these 500,000 short positions, Shengsheng raised the national debt 323 by one point, to a price of 148.5 yuan.

While the market was still digesting what the 500,000 short contracts meant, another 500,000 contracts came out.

A series of red numbers are all long orders.

Another long order of half a million people.

One billion.

After one billion of the long orders of 500,000 were sold, the price of Treasury Bond 323 was once again pushed up by one point, rising to 149.5 yuan.

This also means that Wanbang’s losses on short positions have expanded again.

When he saw the series of empty planes, Guan Pingsheng already knew that his biggest ally, the Northeast Development Corporation, had betrayed his trust.

At this time, no one except the Gao Tianye brothers could make such a big shortfall in the market.

Anger, resentment.

Yes, or no.

People are selfish. On a battlefield where there is absolutely no chance of winning, it is not surprising that the Gao brothers chose this way.

You are a dead Taoist friend, but you are not a poor Taoist.

But when the 500,000 yuan payment came out, Guan Pingsheng was so angry that he bared his teeth and split his eyes.

If the empty draw of 500,000 people is a sign of Northeast China's betrayal and escape from the battlefield, then the overpayment of 500,000 people is undoubtedly a betrayal on the battlefield.

The Allies betrayed their trust and stabbed them with another backhand.

Wanbang's trading team panicked.

"Mr. Guan, Mr. Guan, what should we do now? Our account has a floating loss of 3.5 billion."

Guan Shengsheng remained silent, and all the traders seemed to have lost their backbone and were in constant panic.

Under the fear and tension, even though it was still very cold just after the New Year, everyone was sweating.

Everyone knows that if this continues, today will be the end of all nations.

Guan Pingsheng's eyes were uncertain, flickering in and out, no one knew what he was thinking.

Suddenly, his eyes suddenly lit up, and there was an indescribable sarcasm at the corner of his mouth.

Want to kill me with funds?

It's not that easy.

"Why panic? Everything is in my calculation, just wait."

Guan Pingsheng is worthy of being the soul of all nations.

Under his calmness and confidence, everyone in the team was in high spirits.

Since Mr. Guan said it was okay, there must be a back-up plan.

Imperial capital.

The Hua Jing opens.

"Why hasn't Wanbang made any move yet?"

"What's going on? What's going on? The trend is on our side. What else can all the nations do except admit defeat?"

"With Guan Shengsheng's character, he shouldn't give in like that!"

"Otherwise, I would have given it up a long time ago. Wanbang's self-operated Zijin is around one billion, and now they have almost all the positions they can move. Even if they want to resist him, they have to have money."

"Then he can only watch helplessly being raped by us?"

"if not?"

"But the Gao brothers are really ruthless. I thought they would just give up and run away, but I didn't expect them to backhand and give Wanbang a knife. It's so cruel."

"Who can bear the loss of more than ten to two billion? If they don't turn back, the Gao family brothers may not be able to survive the first month of the year. They don't know what to do."


"our own…"



From Northeast.

"Brother, you still have the courage. If you hadn't made a decisive decision, we brothers would have been doomed this time."

"Hey, I can't help it. Fortunately, I reacted quickly, otherwise I would have been dead this time."

Gao Tianye also had palpitations on his face.

Thinking about a loss of two billion yuan, the consequences made his spine shiver.

Fortunately, everything has been saved now.

"Brother, do you think we can make back all our previous losses?"

"Don't worry, it's clear now that those guys are going to force Wanbang to death. I've done the math. Wanbang doesn't have much funds left now. It's worth one billion.

With the strength of Huajingkai and those guys in eastern Zhejiang, Wanbang has no other choice but to wait for death. "

"It's a pity we didn't understand it before."

"The authorities are obsessed with it. We didn't recognize the general trend before."


Ludao, in a large family room where East China's integrity hangs.

Zhang Hua was already stunned.

The market did not fall as sharply as he imagined. Not only that, but the price of Treasury Bond 323 continued to rise.

During the day, any number of long orders in eight or ten lots can push the price up by one jump.

Anyone can see that the bears have completely given up resistance.

There are almost no big selling orders, and all the short orders that can be traded are scattered short openings or long closings.

Otherwise, there are ten or eight small buts, and it is impossible to push the price of government bonds upward in any case.

The total positions of those twenty accounts, after closing, buying, and then closing, had increased to 500 contracts per account.

The total positions totaled 10,000 long orders.

The accumulated capital is 200 million, and there is a profit of 130 million.

What a concept.

It was only over 100 million when the market opened in the morning, and now it has become 330 million.

In less than a morning, I have already made more than 200 million.

Zhang Hua only felt like he was in a dream.

Apart from being shocked, he couldn't help but giggle.

A profit of more than 300 million means that he can get a share of almost 10 million.

Moreover, the bears have obviously given up resistance, and now the price has risen to 151 yuan. Under this one-sided market, it will definitely continue to rise.

155 yuan?

160 yuan?

Zhang Hua became excited when he thought about the possible price increase.

He never thought that a mere 3% profit would actually bring him such huge profits.

As for jealousy.

At the beginning, Zhang Hua was jealous that Zhao Jiangchuan had made so much money in one go.

Now, he is not jealous at all.

Really do not have.

That kid is simply a lunatic. He can't compare with a lunatic.

If you weren't a lunatic, you wouldn't dare to add more even when the price has risen to such a high level.

At least, a normal person like him wouldn't dare or even think about it.

It's 4:10 p.m., twenty minutes before the market closes.

In the crazy attack of bulls, the price of Treasury Bond 323 has been pushed to 151.98 yuan.

Wanbang is finished.

This is the voice of everyone.

Based on the current position held by Wanbang, it has already suffered a loss of at least 6 billion. The bulls' attack without any resistance also means that all the shorts no longer have any room to resist.

Including the largest short seller, Wanbang Securities.

The overall situation has been decided.

Those who are qualified to participate in this bullish feast have already begun to raise their glasses to celebrate.

It’s 4:20 p.m., ten minutes before closing.

Zhang Hua, who had been always on tenterhooks, breathed a sigh of relief. At this time, there was no longer any suspense.

Ten thousand long orders made more than 400 million.

This means that he can get more than 10 million in income at one time.

"Brother Zhao, let's have a drink first to celebrate!"

Zhang Hua had a smile on his face.

He picked up the champagne that Fang Zhongyuan sent him not long ago, poured a full glass of wine and handed it to Zhao Jiangchuan.

Zhao Jiangchuan was also smiling.

However, Zhang Hua did not notice that Zhao Jiangchuan's eyes were unusually strange.

What should I do if this old boy doesn't get scared to death for a while?

Do you want to give him a heads up?

Forget it, just think of it as helping him strengthen his heart.

Zhao Jiangchuan took the wine, took a sip, and then said with a smile.

"Congratulations on getting rich, Boss Zhang."

"Haha, we share the same joy, let's do it..."

Zhang Hua said no more words about "cheers".

The nearly stationary futures market suddenly moved. This movement was so sudden and terrifying. With this movement, everyone's hearts moved together.

The Treasury Bond 323 contract suddenly plunged.

4:22 p.m.

While all the bulls were celebrating their huge profits, the price of the Treasury Bond 323 contract suddenly jumped from 151.8 yuan to 150.3 yuan.


Everyone was dumbfounded.

Because this is just the beginning.

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