The Rebirth of the Financial Hegemon

Chapter 227 1,000 acres of land, no money

Pessimistic predictions from Western media.

China will fall into the situation predicted by economists.

Factories are shut down, shops are closed, governments are at a standstill, and the stock market cannot trade.

Rich people rushed to their hometowns with their families, while ordinary people were eager to exchange currency for food.

Many families put up slogans at their doors to express their demands. The streets were filled with the smell of gunpowder residue from explosives. Most people had nothing to do, drinking and playing cards all day long. Children went in groups to beg for money...


Early in the morning, firecrackers sounded all over Ludao.

Smoke filled the air.

New Year's Eve, the last day of the year has arrived.

Everything is as predicted by the Western media.

But the Western media did not expect that Ludao’s investment promotion would not stop.

While all walks of life are on annual holiday, Ludao City Investment Promotion Bureau is engaged in a fierce battle.

Deputy Mayor Li Qingshan took the lead.

In business negotiations with the multinational investment company Jushi Capital.

This is a tough battle.

If the negotiations are successful, Ludao will receive the largest investment in its history.

So Xiao Jialiang issued a death order.

This negotiation must only succeed and not fail.

"Mr. Robert, this is impossible. Land is the basis for people's survival. It is impossible for us to agree to provide it for free. The government will not agree, and neither will the people. Your conditions are too harsh."

"Director Li Qingshan, I think you still don't understand what I mean. This is not harsh, but kind. We, Jushi Capital, will invest huge sums of money to help Ludao develop.

Our gang will help Ludao build the largest financial center in China.

Just think, with our help, Ludao will have the tallest building in China.

with your wisdom,

I think you should understand how significant a landmark building is….

This is not harsh, this is true fraternity, this is friendly help, we are here to help the future development of Ludao..."

British Jushi Capital has given a very large investment plan.

Their investment is to build China's first skyscraper in Ludao.

Named the Rock Building.

It is seventy-six stories high.

A total of RMB 500 million will be invested upfront, and additional investment will continue as the construction period progresses.

As the deputy mayor in charge of economy, Li Qingshan has a professional background and has studied systematic economics.

He knows very well that if Jushi Capital can really build the tallest building in China, it will definitely bring qualitative help to Ludao.

According to the plan given by Jushi Capital.

In the future, Ludao will build a United Financial Building with the Great Stone Building as the vane.

If it works well, it can even surpass the Magic City and become the financial center of China.

Li Qingshan has already looked at the design drawings and renderings all day long.

It is a completely modern top-level building design.

Gorgeous style with a hint of British classic mansion.

Noble yet elegant and grand.

The team of Jushi Capital is a well-known construction team from the UK. Many buildings in Hong Kong were designed by this team.

Including the International Finance Tower in Hong Kong.

It can be said that the Hong Kong International Finance Building, a landmark building, contributed to the establishment of Hong Kong's financial circle to a certain extent.

If it can go as planned by Jushi Capital, Ludao may indeed surpass the Magic City in the future and become the largest financial center in China.

At that time, capital from all walks of life in China will pour into Ludao.

Driven by capital, Ludao's economy cannot even take off.

Not only that, Jushi Capital has a more ambitious plan.

After the construction of the International Financial Building, it will assist the Ludao Municipal Government to expand the financial center into a modern CBD.

Li Qingshan also knew that these crooked nuts were making a pie for him, and it was a huge pie.

But there was no reason why Li Qingshan wouldn't be moved.

If it can really be realized, as the deputy mayor in charge of the economy, it will definitely be a huge political achievement. In the future, he may have the opportunity to take over from Xiao Jialiang.

But Li Qingshan was also very entangled and helpless. Jushi Capital's requirements were too harsh.

It was so harsh that Li Qingshan simply couldn't accept it.

According to Jushi Capital's requirements, one thousand acres of land needs to be planned from Zhongshan Road to Lujiang Road.

If you want to build a building, you must use land.

But it’s harsh, Jushi Capital won’t pay.

Except for compensation for land expropriation and subsidies to farmers, Jushi Capital did not give a dime.

According to Jushi Capital, they are here to help Ludao build a modern city.

Therefore, the land should be provided free of charge by the Ludao government.

Li Qingshan wanted to roll his eyes.

Capitalists are all vampires, how could they be so kind as to help Ludao with its construction.

If they were really as benevolent and philanthropic as these gringos said, why would they still need the one-hundred-year right to use five hundred acres of land?

Simply give all the profits and usage rights to Ludao. That would be true fraternity.

But Li Qingshan couldn't say this.

If this fig leaf were torn away, it would be nothing.

damn it.

Aren't you saying that Wai Guoren has a single-minded mind? Why is he such a thief like Robert?

The rights to use, buy, sell, lease, and transfer all belong to Jushi, so isn't the Ludao government's work in vain?

None of these crooked nuts are really good.

But even with such harsh conditions, Li Qingshan was unable to refuse.

But Li Qingshan didn't know that Robert didn't come up with such harsh conditions at all.

Robert was born in a capitalist country and deeply understands that under the interests of capital, everything is black.

But Zhao Jiangchuan made him feel dark. It was definitely extremely dark.

This condition that was too harsh for Li Qingshan to accept was proposed by Zhao Jiangchuan.

He is well aware of how urgent the country’s economic pursuit is in this era.

The State of China is an official-based country.

It hasn't changed in thousands of years.

The four words scholar, farmer, worker, and merchant can explain a lot of things.

If there is a time when business was put first, it can be said that it is only the 1990s.

In this era, after the Chinese people saw the gap with foreign countries, they realized that the economy is the foundation that dominates a country's future.

The status of businessmen has been infinitely elevated, and they have reached the first position in history.

Without money, people will go hungry.

Businessmen can earn huge amounts of wealth to support China's fifty million people.

Therefore, in the 1990s, the status of truly wealthy people was comparable to that of high-ranking officials.

But after all, businessmen can only play with pens.

A few years later, those pen guys used words to suppress the business class.

But that was also what happened after the curtain call.

Now, the power of capital can decide everything.

Due to the general environment, people in China have had a very difficult time in recent years.

Large-scale state-owned enterprises went bankrupt, resulting in countless laid-off workers.

Jobs lost, income lost.

Many serious people have become idle criminals in society.

Theft, robbery and adultery are criminal offences.

There are many.

Reading a thousand books is not as good as walking a thousand miles.

After traveling across several major provinces in the country, Zhao Jiangchuan became increasingly aware of the economy and background of this era.

Life is a blank piece of paper,

There are so many vicious Roadhog robbers, and it’s not like his mother gave birth to him as a Roadhog robber.

Poverty leads to chaos, chaos leads to poverty, the poorer you get, the more chaos you get, and the more chaos you get, the poorer you become.

After traveling thousands of miles, with the height that Zhao Jiangchuan once stood at, how could he not see the root cause of China's current problems.

He understands how urgent the needs of the economy are now at the top.

Poverty is the root cause of social chaos. If things go on like this, it will even shake the very foundation of the country.

China has never lacked people with lofty ideals. With so many think tanks gathered together, they must have figured out what China needs most now.

Otherwise, there would not have been the 92 Southern Tour, the opening of the domestic market, and there would not have been this high-profile investment promotion meeting.

All because.


Too poor to open the pot.

China is short of money, its people are short of money, and its local governments are also short of money.

Many times, the central government is too poor to take the blame, let alone local governments like Ludao.

When large-scale state-owned enterprises went bankrupt, resulting in massive unemployment, tax revenue also suffered heavy losses.

Born into a government official's family, Zhao Jiangchuan knew very well that if he only relied on Zhao Donglai's previous salary, his family would not be able to survive.

Sometimes, Zhao Donglai's salary cannot be paid.

Even official salaries are in arrears, let alone grassroots and mid-level cadres.

Poor at every level.

The system is owed wages, teachers are owed wages, and even in some towns and villages, teachers may not be paid for a year or two.

And those teachers’ monthly salary is only a mere one hundred and eighty yuan.

The government can't even afford a salary of dozens of yuan. You can imagine how poor the local government is now.

In this situation.

The Ludao government will definitely win this 500 million investment at all costs.

With this 500 million investment, not to mention the huge plan given by Jushi Capital, just the construction projects will provide a large number of jobs for Ludao.

From construction workers, to material engineering, supplier manufacturers, manufacturers earn profits and pay taxes, to electricity, water power, and so on.

These can all solve urgent needs.

In other words, this is the Achilles heel of the entire country.

In many places, in order to alleviate employment pressure, some local governments even package large enterprises for one yuan to be taken over by capital.

Although there are many behind-the-scenes operations, there are also certain reasons why they are forced to do so.

High debt ratio and high unemployment rate.

Only by receiving funds can we support the unemployed corporate employees.

All because of one thing.

No money.

Zhao Jiangchuan completely grasped the Achilles heel of the Ludao government.

What's more, in addition to that, there is also the huge plan given by the giant stone.

The tallest building in China.

China's largest financial center.

This huge cake is enough to knock anyone unconscious.

Xiao Jialiang was also dizzy.

When Deputy Mayor Li Qingshan was negotiating with Robert, he was also communicating with Zhao Jiangchuan.

As secretary, Xiao Jialiang knew that the negotiation at China Merchants Bureau was just a formality for people to watch.

The real thing is still in the hands of him and Zhao Jiangchuan.

But after Zhao Jiangchuan's shower of flowers falling from the sky, he felt like his head was spinning.

"Jiangchuan, tell me, Uncle Xiao, are you telling the truth? Uncle Xiao, a small secretary, can't stand your messing around."

In private, Xiao Jialiang didn't look arrogant at all.

This huge investment can be said to be related to his lifelong political career.

Not to mention the plan that is too grand to even be imagined.

Even if the building is built, it will be enough to add the strongest color to Xiao Jialiang's political achievements.

The tallest building in China.

This title is enough to be bragging about for a lifetime.

But if it cannot be covered up in the end, it will become a stain on Xiao Jialiang that can never be erased.

One thousand acres of land.

No joke.

Don't give money to others to build a building. If the building is not completed in the end, it will definitely become a big laughing stock.

Even worse, Xiao Jialiang's political career will be ruined.

This kind of consequences is really unbearable.

Now, Xiao Jialiang just wants Zhao Jiangchuan to give him the most sincere answer.

Otherwise, he would never be able to let go.

Zhao Jiangchuan calmly took a sip of tea.

This guy deeply despised Xiao Jialiang in his heart.

You want political achievements, but you are afraid of taking risks. There is no such thing as the best of both worlds.

Returning to Uncle Xiao, this is not how you take advantage.

Zhao Jiangchuan was very tired of Xiao Jialiang climbing up the pole.

Zhao Jiangchuan slowly swallowed the tea in his mouth.

When Xiao Jialiang was getting angry, this guy slowly pushed the design drawing in front of Xiao Jialiang.

"Uncle Xiao, see for yourself. This design drawing alone is worth six hundred thousand US dollars. Are you just teasing me when you say I'm not serious? I don't have the guts."

Xiao Jialiang didn't look at the overall design drawing. He couldn't understand it anyway, and it was useless to look at it.

But Xiao Jialiang saw the renderings after the completion.

It's gorgeous, it's elegant, it's classy.

A modern cluster of skyscrapers.

CBD Business Center.

So Xiao Jialiang was very depressed.

If it weren't for this overall rendering, he wouldn't be talking nonsense with Zhao Jiangchuan here.

Xiao Jialiang grimaced.

"Xiaochuan, it's not that Uncle Xiao can't trust you, but your request is too harsh. One thousand acres of land, even for growing sweet potatoes, can still be sold for how much. You have taken away all the benefits of a hundred years. , what should we do?”

"My Secretary Xiao Da, you are the dignified Secretary of Ludao after all. How can you settle such a small account? A thousand acres of sweet potatoes, what a shame for you."

“Hey, you don’t know how sad life is in the city right now.

Do you senior high school students know that teachers haven’t been paid for four months? When there was no holiday before the year before, all the teachers went on strike. I cobbled together my salary before I paid it out.

You said, finances are so tight, how can I not be anxious? "


Xiao Jialiang suddenly mentioned the teacher of the third high school, which made Zhao Jiangchuan startled.

Then, my heart twitched.

Zhao Jiangchuan thought of his English teacher and his head teacher.

Li Hanruo.

The first woman in his life.

Half a year has passed.

But no matter how Zhao Jiangchuan inquired, he couldn't figure out where Li Hanruo was.

In the past, Zhao Jiangchuan felt that Li Hanruo could not escape from his grasp.

But now, Zhao Jiangchuan has discovered that things are far from as simple as he imagined.

Li Hanruo seemed to have evaporated out of thin air.

The school information is all false.

According to the address left by Li Hanruo, it did not exist at all.

Even Zhao Jiangchuan used all the connections at his disposal, but he was still unable to find Li Hanruo.

Zhao Jiangchuan has read hundreds of information about people with the same name, but no one is the Li Hanruo he is looking for.

This result made Zhao Jiangchuan angry for a time.

This little woman actually set such a big problem for him.

Zhao Jiangchuan had already guessed that Li Hanruo's background was definitely not simple, otherwise he would never have found it with so much effort.


Xiao Jialiang's voice brought back Zhao Jiangchuan's thoughts.

Zhao Jiangchuan said quickly.

"Uncle Xiao, I'm sorry, when you mentioned No. 3 Middle School, I thought of the school. I didn't expect local finances to be so tight.

I will take out one million later and use it as a reserve fund for teachers’ salaries.

The students educated by teachers are the future of a country. If the livelihood of teachers cannot be guaranteed, then the education of young people cannot be implemented, no matter how hard it is to educate. "

Zhao Jiangchuan's words made Xiao Jialiang look sideways for a while.

In Xiao Jialiang's eyes, Zhao Jiangchuan is indeed the proud son of heaven.

At such a young age, he has mastered wealth that ordinary people cannot imagine. That is definitely an extraordinary person.

But that's all.

Zhao Jiangchuan gave Xiao Jialiang the impression that he was a capitalist through and through.

Intelligence and wisdom are all used to make money.

He is cruel and ruthless, cunning as a fox, and his scheming methods are as extreme as anyone can achieve.

This is Xiao Jialiang's true evaluation of Zhao Jiangchuan in his heart.

Are there any kind-hearted capitalists?


The Suzhou Hongxiaodou incident has passed, but the subsequent impact has not subsided.

In addition to two lives, countless people lost their fortunes as a result.

And behind this, there is the shadow of Zhao Jiangchuan.

Xiao Jialiang found it hard to believe that he would hear such concern about the future of the country and the nation from a capitalist.

It's like a weasel going to pay New Year's greetings to a chicken.

It's so fake.

Xiao Jialiang's strange eyes fell on Zhao Jiangchuan, and Zhao Jiangchuan immediately sensed it.

he laughed at himself.

"Does Secretary Xiao think that a capitalist like me shouldn't say such things?"

Xiao Jialiang said nothing, but he acquiesced.

When talking to smart people like Zhao Jiangchuan, there is no need to be covert and official.

It doesn't make any sense if you don't say it, and you will be looked down upon.

"Then Secretary Xiao, a politician like you, why do you spend all your salary to pay others?"

Zhao Jiangchuan's words were very rude.

It's almost like calling politicians a bunch of shit.

But Xiao Jialiang was not angry, but laughed.

This smile.

Zhao Jiangchuan also laughed.

After all.

They are still human beings, even though there is not much in them anymore.

But after all, he can still be regarded as a human being.

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