The Rebirth of the Financial Hegemon

Chapter 231 I would like to send you to Qingyun

The dispersion of wealth leads to the accumulation of wealth.

It's basically taking other people's money and finding ways to put it into your own pocket.

Therefore, in any era, people who can get along well enough to become famous are very human.

Either he has a vision beyond the times, or he has wisdom that is different from others, or he can really take advantage of people's hearts.

Shi Yuzhu is undoubtedly this kind of extraordinary person.

He knows very well what kind of gap there is between the first and the second.

Shi Yuzhu made up his mind to win the title of the tallest building.

Only by winning the title of the tallest building can he write more empty promises.

Only the "most" can make those rich people willing to give him money.

As for whether to build a building or not, we need to get the money first.

As Master Guiguzi said.

The rule of success is that the time, place, and people are favorable, people's hearts can be used, and make good use of people's hearts!

As long as you can grasp the various weaknesses of human nature and exploit them a little, you will always have a steady stream of money.

Zhao Jiangchuan had the same idea.

He knows how important the leading effect is. The difference between first and second is never a noun.

Like the leading stock in a stock.

A strong leader will always attract more funds than those that follow suit.

For a strong leading stock, the cost of shipping after it strengthens is always the smallest.

Everyone understands the principle that the strong will always be strong.

There is a reason why things are going up, and there are reasons why things are not going up.

The first is to show strength.

To be number one, there is a natural reason for being number one.

More money, good quantity.

The same is true for the stock market, and the same is true for brand effects.

So Zhao Jiangchuan started building the tallest building.

As long as the name of the tallest building in the country is known, it will be difficult for the real estate company that built the tallest building in the country not to attract attention.

This is a living sign.

Local media will report, central media will report, and large and small media will report.

Companies will discuss and compare, and people will spread the word of mouth.

No. 1 in the entire country, who can’t remember it.

No matter where you go, anyone who talks about the tallest building will inadvertently think of the real estate company that built the tallest building.

Everyone would think that if you can build such a tall building, you will certainly not be short of money.

Anyone can realize that.

Such tall buildings have been built, and the construction quality is naturally the best in the country.

Until then.

The domino effect.

The real estate company that builds the tallest building can't sell any kind of house it wants to sell, even if it sells off-the-plan properties, as long as it sets a limit, I'm afraid it will be overtaken by others.

This first place has long been regarded as a treasure by Zhao Jiangchuan.

But Zhao Jiangchuan didn't know that anyone had the same plan as him.

Of course, given this guy's nature, even if he knew it, he would probably only be able to make a few mocking remarks.

No matter how much money you spend, it will always only be a two-story unfinished building, so why should you compete with him for first place?

Rock Real Estate.

It is a newly established wholly-owned real estate company under Jushi Capital.

Located in Siming District, Ludao.

An important meeting is being held in the company's large conference room.

The large conference room was packed with people.

There are the management recruited by Panshi Real Estate, the team brought by Jushi Capital from abroad, and some outsourcing companies that finally won the bid for the Jushi Building sub-construction project.

The most shocking thing is that Xiao Jialiang, the top leader of Ludao, is also there.

However, Xiao Jialiang did not dominate the show.

Zhao Jiangchuan, wearing a suit and leather shoes, sat in the chief position meticulously.

Xiao Jialiang sat in the next seat and listened.

This time, Xiao Jialiang invested a lot of money in the Boulder Building, so he had to be cautious.

If Ludao can develop as planned by Jushi in the future, Xiao Jialiang will definitely soar into the sky.

But if there is a problem with the construction of the first building, then he will have to wait for early retirement.

Now, all parts of the country are aware of Ludao’s strategic plan.

The Southeast Provincial Party Committee had specially encouraged and praised Xiao Jialiang before.

this means.

Xiao Jialiang could only move forward, and there was no possibility of retreating.

“I think everyone here has more or less understood what the Boulder Building means to Ludao and our company.

But I will say it again here.

boulder building,

It is the first shot in the Ludao CBD planning, and it is the foundation of this construction strategy. It will be a landmark building in Ludao and even the whole country in the future.

It is also the first building built by Panshi Real Estate.

In the future, we will assist the Ludao government to create a complete central business district with the Jushi Building as the center.

I need everyone to have an idea of ​​its importance.

I don’t care how you entered Panshi, and I don’t care how you obtained Panshi’s project qualifications.

I can tell you very seriously.

Panshi has no shortage of money, and Jushi Capital doesn’t care about money.

As long as you are serious about it, here, under the rock, I can make you more money than you can spend in your life.

But there is one thing I want to tell you in advance.

If anyone wants to cut corners on the quality of the project, I will kick you out without hesitation.

I don’t care what background you have or who you are related to.

Even if you are the father of the King of Heaven, as long as you block the progress of Panshi, as long as you dare to cut corners and affect the quality of the project.

Then, I will bury you alive under the giant stone building to serve as the foundation. "

Arrogant, arrogant, and domineering.

It makes people feel even more chilled.

In front of the leader of Ludao, someone dared to say such a thing.

But no one doubted that Zhao Jiangchuan was intimidating them.

Everyone knows what the Big Rock Building means. He is not only from Panshi Real Estate, but also from the Ludao Government.

Under Jushi Capital’s plan.

The Boulder Building is no longer just an ordinary commercial building.

It is the product of political, economic, and commercial core.

In front of such a behemoth.

Anyone who dares to cut corners or engage in fraud will only die.

On the Boulder Building and in the future Central Business District, Xiao Jialiang has already put all his chips on the line.

If someone really dared to affect the quality of the project, Xiao Jialiang would probably bury that person alive under the foundation without the help of Jushi Capital, the investor.

The whole place was silent.

No one, whether it was the construction contractor or anyone else, dared to say anything.

Even Xiao Jialiang didn't even blink when he heard Zhao Jiangchuan's last words.

This signal said it all.

Everyone can imagine that what Zhao Jiangchuan said is what Xiao Jialiang wanted to say.

The meeting continues.

“These are the top construction engineers I invited from the UK, and their team will serve as Party A’s supervisor and be responsible for project quality inspection.

So if anyone wants to try to get away with bribery, please put it away as soon as possible..."

The human heart is not enough for a snake to swallow an elephant.

With Zhao Jiangchuan's understanding of people's hearts, it is impossible for him to think that he can restrain people's greed with just a few words.

With enough profit, you would dare to kill and set fire, let alone take risks.

As a person from China.

Zhao Jiangchuan is well aware of the social structure of China.

Taking bribes and giving bribes, everyone colludes to fool people.

This kind of thing is simply the norm.

Before his father Zhao Donglai came, he could get money to help others and hire a group of domestic engineers to supervise him, but he would probably be taken over by those who work hard.

Steel bars turned into bamboo poles, cement turned into lime, sand was mixed with sea sand...

It is no longer news that the supervisory party and the construction unit colluded to deceive the superiors and cut corners.

Even in key national projects, some people dare to cut corners.

Those half-built seawater towers that collapsed, and those bridges that had problems not long after they were opened to traffic.

The supervisor would be damned if he didn't know the reason.

Zhao Jiangchuan didn't want his building to collapse when it was halfway built.

But having a bunch of gringos as supervisors is different.

Language barriers, different races, there are inherent barriers.

With the wealth and reputation of these gringos, they would normally look down on the bribes that can be offered in the country.

Without enough profit, it is absolutely impossible for these gringos to do anything to damage their reputation.

Zhao Jiangchuan firmly believes in this.

He has been abroad for so long and knows one thing very well.

For these British guys, their reputation is worth something.

As long as the project supervision is stuck, the possibility of cutting corners is basically eliminated.

After the meeting.

Only Zhao Jiangchuan and Xiao Jialiang were left in the field.

At this time, Xiao Jialiang was no longer as serious as before.

There was a slight look of exhaustion on his face.

Obviously, I have been working hard recently.

"Jiangchuan, the rest of my life, Xiao Jialiang, will all depend on you as my magic weapon. Can you tell me how sure you are that this central business district will be successful?

According to your plan, the funds required will probably be astronomical. "

It can make Xiao Jialiang say astronomical figures, and he is still so worried after seeing the strength of Jushi Capital.

That must be a truly astronomical number.

Without this astronomical figure, how could a person like Xiao Jialiang be willing to risk all his chips on Zhao Jiangchuan.

CBD central business district, international financial center.

This kind of scale requires investment that can no longer be achieved by billions or tens of billions.

So Xiao Jialiang has been worried.

Even after the Boulder Tower is completed, Panshi Real Estate can get a loan from the bank.

But it is still not enough to create a huge central business district.

It can be said that no matter how much manpower and material resources are spent on the entire Ludao, it is impossible to create a central business district.

The investment plan given by Jushi Capital was too huge, so huge that it exceeded the capabilities of a city.

So Xiao Jialiang has never understood where Zhao Jiangchuan got his confidence.

But now that his political life has been tied to Jushi Capital, he has no other choice but to believe in Zhao Jiangchuan.

It's not that Xiao Jialiang lacks ability.

But the vision of the times ultimately limited his vision.

In China now, everyone is trying to cross the river by feeling the stones.

How could Xiao Jialiang know that in the future, the country will vigorously develop its economy, and by that time, countless capital from all over the world will flood into China.

As long as the funds are in place, a mere central business district does not matter.

Zhao Jiangchuan is obviously taking advantage.

Now it is nothing more than seizing the trend.

But he could also understand Xiao Jialiang's worries.

Ignorance can make people fearless, but the unknown always makes people fearful.

Xiao Jialiang is naturally not an ignorant person, but he cannot know what will happen in the future.

For such a large project, there are too many variables in the future.

If there is a slight accident, Xiao Jialiang will lose everything.

That kind of subconscious worry cannot be avoided even by people like Xiao Jialiang.

Under Xiao Jialiang's inquiry, Zhao Jiangchuan smiled.

He said.

"I said I was 100% sure, do you believe it?"


Believe it or not.

Xiao Jialiang wanted to roll his eyes, but he restrained himself.

He knew that everything was actually caused by his psychology.

Under Zhao Jiangchuan's teasing, Xiao Jialiang smiled bitterly.

"You also know that when you reach a position like mine, there is no turning back. Taking a step back means death. I can't help but worry."

It’s extremely cold at high places.

The higher the position, the only way to die is if you fall.

Zhao Jiangchuan can understand Xiao Jialiang's feelings very well.

Above the high position, there are countless pairs of tigers and wolves coveting in secret.

Just like in his previous life, once a flaw is revealed, he will be besieged by those who are watching secretly.

Step strong and open every step.

Take a slight step back and kill them all.

Zhao Jiangchuan thought for a moment.

He spoke.

"Old Xiao, you don't have to worry about the funding issue. As long as you can ensure there is no administrative interference or sabotage, I will handle the rest."

"You mean Zhang Jiajun?"

"Otherwise, do you think Zhang Jiajun will sit back and wait for death? He can't just watch you disperse the local forces on Ludao, otherwise he will become a bare general."

"He dares."

"What's wrong with that?"

"This is a century-old plan for the future development of Ludao, and it is related to the lives of millions of people in Ludao and even the southeast. On a larger scale, it is related to the prosperity of the country.

If Zhang Jiajun dares to do something secretly, I, Xiao Jialiang, will kill him or send him to hell. "

Xiao Jialiang's eyes widened angrily and his words sounded loudly.

Zhao Jiangchuan was a little surprised.

In his eyes, anyone who reaches Xiao Jialiang's level is a politician through and through.

His words and deeds can determine the fate of countless people.

With that kind of power, it is no longer at the ordinary level of life.

It was a transformation of the soul.

Being above ordinary people, it is naturally impossible to see the world from the perspective of ordinary people.

For the sake of the greater good.

Can do everything that normal people cannot do.

But many times the overall situation is based on the lives of countless people.

Apart from political achievements, they are all just acting.

But Zhao Jiangchuan discovered.

Now Xiao Jialiang was gnashing his teeth with angry eyes, and seemed to be speaking the truth.

Not acting.

With just the two of them together, Xiao Jialiang didn't have the need to act.

That was for the sake of the people and the country.

It doesn't seem like he's cheating.

Zhao Jiangchuan stared at it for a long time, seeming to judge whether what Xiao Jialiang said was true or false.


Zhao Jiangchuan made a judgment.

Xiao Jialiang's words were not only because they were related to his future, but they were also not lies.

He really wants to do something for the people, for Ludao, and for this country.

"Pa bang..."

Zhao Jiangchuan clapped vigorously.

he said loudly.

"You are extremely worried about your people. I am willing to send you to the blue sky."

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