The Rebirth of the Financial Hegemon

Chapter 48 There is a new low below the new low

Liu Qiang despised Li Dapao from the bottom of his heart.

But despite the contempt, there is also admiration from the bottom of my heart.

Without morals, anything is possible.

And Li Dapao has already developed this invincibility to the realm of invincibility in the starry sky.

What is meant is that Thailand is bound to fall.

This is a signal, a call for all capital in the world to attack the baht together.

Because Li Dapao now has great influence in the financial markets of Hong Kong and Southeast Asia.

Who doesn’t know that Li Dapao is the chief analyst of Jushi Capital.

He is also a famous economist and financier.

He is a guest of many media and TV stations and is the last clear stream in the analyst industry.

Analysis of Jushi Capital’s acquisition of Standard Chartered Bank was made by Li Dapao.

He predicted the rapid collapse of the Thai economy from its glory, he predicted the crisis of Thai real estate, he predicted the complete collapse of the Thai stock market, and he even predicted the cliff-like plunge of the Thai baht.

Who wouldn't know this kind of Li Dapao?

Now, Lee Dapao has given the Thai baht a one-star rating.

Anyone can imagine what it means.

But when he was bearish on the Thai baht, he said that international capital could give Thailand more time to adjust its problems.

What is capital for?

That's just looking for profit and not doing charity.

The life and death of Thai people has nothing to do with the people behind the capital.

The more people die, the more money they make.

Who doesn’t understand such a simple truth?

Therefore, Liu Qiang's disdain for Li Dapao was even greater than his disdain for Qin Hui.

But despite being disdainful, I was also filled with admiration.

Darkness and insidiousness have reached the galaxy. Who dares to disapprove of this level of shamelessness and shamelessness?

"Damn, this guy is so shameless that he's almost catching up with the boss."

In the central trading area, Liu Qiang muttered in his heart.

Then, he turned on the indoor stereo and played music.

"Fifty-six ethnic groups, fifty-six flowers.

Fifty-six brothers and sisters are one family.



Athletes keep pace with women


build our country



The war song was played.

This song, which Zhao Jiangchuan personally changed, was sung and scored by a well-known soprano singer in Hong Kong and became Capital's exclusive war song.

The high-spirited melody makes people excited.

Under the passionate music, Liu Qiang roared.

"Brothers, this is the time to test us. We will defeat Thailand within three days and wipe out the last remaining funds of the Bank of Thailand. Do you have the confidence?"

Amid Liu Qiang's roar, a group of traders shouted like madmen.


"Your voices are too quiet, I can't hear you. What's there?"

"Have confidence. Defeat Thailand and blow up the Bank of Thailand. We will pull out their pants."

"Then what are you waiting for? This time I make the decision. As long as you pull off the Bank of Thailand's panties within three days, I will call all the Victoria's Secret models for you."

"Oh ho..."

The wolf-like cry overwhelmed the melody of the war song.

Victoria's Secret.

Victoria's Secret Angels have become famous in various regions since CBS began hosting the Victoria's Secret Show regularly in the 1990s.

That hot body will always make men cheer wildly when they think of something.

A swaying pace and a figure that can make a straight line.

Not yet...

A bunch of wolf-like guys are going crazy.


Fuck Thailand.

Just fuck Thailand and there are super models waiting for you.

"34.389, sell 3,000 lots..."

"34.489, sell 3000 lots..."

"34.559, sell 5,000 lots..."


Bangkok, Thailand Bank Market No.

Sonny sullenly operates on the stability of the dominant market.

From the various newspapers and periodicals issued by major Southeast Asian media against Thailand, he has smelled the smell of conspiracy.

But in fact, it was worse than he imagined.

In the Chicago market, the Thai baht fell by more than 500 points as soon as the market opened.

Because in the early hours of the morning in Asia, Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan revealed a few words at a dance.

A few words that are difficult to comprehend.

Erin Greenspan said that the Federal Reserve still has the possibility of lowering interest rates, but it does not rule out the possibility of raising interest rates. In the end, economic data will dominate.

This is nonsense.

Pointless nonsense.

But this nonsense was interpreted by analysts as positive for the dollar.

Gene Statham, a well-known analyst at Morgan Stanley in the United States, believes that if the Federal Reserve lowers interest rates, it will once again drive a large amount of capital from banks into the market. With the injection of fresh blood, it will inevitably promote the improvement of the U.S. economy again.

U.S. stocks are expected to reach new highs, and the housing price index is expected to rise again.

It essentially helps the dollar get stronger again.

And if the Federal Reserve raises interest rates, it will attract more overseas capital to flow into the United States.

The US dollar is a more stable currency than gold.

If interest rates rise, dollar deposits will retain more earnings.

Driven by earnings, the demand for the U.S. dollar will inevitably increase significantly, and there is no doubt that the U.S. dollar will strengthen.

Either way, the dollar is rising.

This is hooliganism.

But the result of this gangster was a crazy rise in the US dollar.

In just twelve hours, the US dollar rose by 600 basis points, an increase of nearly 1%.

The consequence is that other countries' currencies are under pressure.

That night, the pound, mark, yen and other major currencies in circulation experienced different declines.

As one of the currencies in the Asian system, Thailand has become the main target of international capital's attack.

At the opening, the Thai baht was hit by more than 500 basis points.

"President. A total of 3.8 billion baht was sold in the New York primary market at a price of 35.158."

"The Singapore market sold 10.6 billion baht at a price of 35.382."

"The London market sold 7 billion baht at a price of 35.480."


Under the report from the marketing department, Sonny's fists clenched involuntarily.

With such huge selling pressure, it is difficult for Thailand to fully stabilize the situation with the amount of foreign exchange currently in its hands.

Yes, that's impossible.

But there must be no total collapse of the Thai baht.

Faced with a large number of selling orders from various regions around the world, Sonny's face was as gloomy as water.

After a quick calculation in his mind, he gritted his teeth and said.

"To build a defense line above 37.80, we must maintain the price above 38. We must not let the 38 position fall again."

There are new lows below new lows.

38, which was the previous bottom line for the Thai baht.

If this price falls again, Sonny doesn't dare to think about the consequences.

Once the previous low of 38 falls, the next market psychological defense line will shift to the integer of 40.

But the problem is that the market has a magnetic attraction effect.

As long as there is a defensive line, the defensive line will definitely be touched.

No one in the international market is kind.

If 38 falls, those guys will definitely test their ability to withstand pressure at a price of 40 points at all costs.

By then, it will be a nightmare.

. vertex

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