Elmer also arrived while I was moving the junk elsewhere with Curtis-onii-chan’s help.

“… If it’s faction stuff, or whatever… you really should have called me…” Elmer said.

“Well, I’m sorry, I don’t know where you are on your days off, Elmer,” I said.

“… On holidays… you’ll mostly find me… in the Magic Laboratory… ” Elmer replied.

Do you study magic on your days off?

It sounds about right for Elmer.

“I’m either at the martial arts hall or out on the town,” Curtis said.

“And what are you doing out on the town, Curtis?” I asked.

“Accepting requests at the adventurer’s guild, and checking out the weapon’s shops,” Curtis said.

Curtis-onii-chan, it’s just an adventurer’s regular day.

With a rattle, Misha-san came pulling a tea wagon.

“Does anyone want a spot of tea?” Misha said.

“Oh, Misha-san, what about Yurisha-senpai?” I asked.

“Ojou-sama has an appointment at the townhouse, so she’ll be here later,” Misha replied.

“Is that so?” I said.

“I was told to go ahead and prepare tea time,” Misha said.

“Then please do,” I said.

Or so I thought, but there is no place to have tea.

There was a table in the junk, so when I was taking it out, Anne-san came out and put a white tablecloth on it.

Thank you.

A dirty table will look good when a cloth is thrown over it.

“Is Carol alright without you, Anne-san?”

“Ojou-sama has finished her work, so she sent me here,” Anne said.

We bring in makeshift chairs and make a tea table for ourselves.

“Dulcie, ask Corinna if she’d like some tea,” I said.

“Right,” Dulcie said.

And then Dulcie jumped up and flew a great distance away.

“… Is my maid flying in the sky?” I said.

“It’s just jumping,” Anne explained. “If you apply the effect of Weight Fist to yourself, you can do that.”

“Is that so?” I said.

Is it a high-speed movement method?

Well, it might be effective if it’s a forest or something.

After using some barrels, we were finally able to get seats for the number of people.

Carol and Corinna also came.

“Oh, it’s pretty much cleaned up inside, isn’t it?” Corinna said.

“There’s a lot of junk, but I finally managed to get most of it out, Corinna-chan,” I said.

“Good work, Makoto,” Carol said.

“Ehehe,” I giggled.

When Carol praises me, my tiredness will be blown away.

Everyone drinks the tea that Misha-san put out.

Ah, the tea you drink outdoors is delicious.

The wind blows too softly.

A good smell of tea.

And then, a venomous spider came along with Cattleya-san.

“Hello, Makoto-sama. You weren’t here at school this morning, so I looked for you,” Hilda said.

“Oh, hello Hilda-san,” I said.

“Cattleya-shyan,” Koishi squealed as she ran up to Cattleya-san and hugged her.

“Are you all right, myon?” Koishi asked.

“I’m alright, I’ve been let out of Duke Pottinger’s Faction,” Cattleya replied.

It’s a good friendship between girls.

It’s Yuri-Yuri.

Curtis and Elsa-san also approached Cattleya-san and started talking to each other.

“I hired Cattleya as a knight of House Mahler,” Hilda said.

“Huh?” I asked.

“House Mahler also wants to join the Saint’s Faction, so I have come to ask you that,” Hilda continued.

“Huh…?” I went.

I don’t understand what Hilda is saying.

House Mahler is switching to the Saint’s Faction?

“Uh, uumm, let’s start from scratch, Hilda-san, right now, the Saint’s Faction and House Mahler are in a tense relationship,” I said.

“It was cleared up last night,” Hilda said. “Do you want my Otou-sama’s head?”

“I-I don’t want it,” I said.

“I thought you would say that, so my Otou-sama has been confined instead,” Hilda said. “He is scheduled to ‘die of illness’ after I graduate.”

Eh, is it okay to think that Hilda-san has become the Head of House Mahler by pushing her Otou-sama away somewhere?

“House Mahler will completely surrender to Seijo-sama and will accept any request,” Hilda said. “I posted an apology letter in the central square of the royal capital. I will return the money that my Otou-sama has stolen with compensation. We apologize for the suffering we’ve caused.”

“Au-au,” I muttered.

Hilda gracefully bowed her head.

Impossible, I never thought that such an insubstantial request would make so many waves.

I’m in trouble.

I’m in some serious trouble.

“W-Why was Gustav-san sucking money from the cafeteria in the girls’ dormitory? It doesn’t seem like he made that much money from it,” I said.

“Otou-sama loves tragedy,” Hilda said. “When he sees a chef with a promising future, a happy peddler, a baker who is doing his best in business, and so on, he becomes so spiteful that he has to destroy them, he was an unbearable waste of human life.”

My mouth dropped open.

“It was a hobby?”

“Yes, it was his hobby to ruin people,” Hilda said. “The poison of all these shadow wars must have infected his brain.”

Is that so?

“I couldn’t bear to watch it, so I negotiated with the elders of the Mahler family to remove him from the position of House Head. He is now imprisoned in the townhouse tower.”

“So is that how a war in the family goes?” I said.

Well then, what should I do? When an apology and compensation are presented, there is no way I reject forgiveness, and the father who is to blame is poisoned in the brain, and Hilda-san herself doesn’t seem to have any problems in contrast, and having her on my side is a tremendous relief, I feel.

What should I doooooo?

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