The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 110: Pig Terrace

Liu Ruoli quickly apologized: "I'm sorry. I was distracted."

Yang Fei replied heartlessly: "It's okay, this is your normal reaction."

Liu Ruoli was going crazy!

How can this person be so old?

He is obviously a young man!

Although you are more handsome, you are always a young man, right? How to be like an old fox!

Liu Ruoli was very excited just now!

Can you not be excited?

The advertising space that cannot be sold, this Mr. Yang said, all of them should be bought!

The problem is, isn't it the stage's decision on "unsellable"?

No, how did he use words? Is there any unsold advertising space in our station?

Is he looking down on our station?

In fact, there are not too many companies advertising on TV stations in this era.

You know, in this day and age, televisions are still a rarity!

At least in the vast rural areas, not many families can use such expensive things.

In the entire Taohua Village, only a very small number of first-rich families such as Tie Lianping and Su Changqing have TV sets, and they are second-hand or third-hand black and white machines with small screens.

Such a low TV penetration rate, you talk to me about the ratings?

What a fool!

Most of the current provincial and municipal TV advertisements are pig feed and health care products, followed by VCD, famous wine and motorcycles.

my country's pig feed developed relatively early. It started in 1978 and entered a stage of rapid development in 1993. The advertisements of Chia Tai and Hope Pig Feed have been spread all over the country.

Early feed advertisements basically relied on TV to "roar".

At that time, TV stations in Xishu, Hunan and other places were even ridiculed as "pig stations", because they heard noisy advertisements for pig feed all day long.

"Happy to eat, good to grow—three treasures of Zhengda pig feed."

"It's the only one to get rich with tens of millions of families."

"Raise billions of pigs, use billions of feed, and become a billionaire."

"Farming wants to get rich, I hope to help!"

"A camel is a flower, breeding depends on it!"

These familiar advertising words, everyone who has experienced them, can still remember them in retrospect.

"Mr. Yang, you are a very powerful person. Ordinary businessmen don't even know that the advertising prices of TV stations can be negotiated. You are so young, but you know this."

"The TV station wants to generate income, and it is also a business. Since it is a businessman, everything is negotiable."

"You are special."

"Don't look into my eyes, I'm afraid you will fall into the abyss."

"Ah?" Liu Ruoli almost collapsed and ran away!

I have seen a narcissist, but I have never seen such a narcissist!

"After you go back, discuss it with your station, and then contact me. Remember, what I want is the reserve price. If the price is not suitable, we will not be able to negotiate."

"I see."

"So, that's it?"


"The things that should be talked about, we're done talking, and I'm leaving."

"Ah?" Liu Ruoli's mind was in a mess.

Such a beautiful TV host, dancing with you, you think it's just talking about business?

Moreover, you will leave after the talk, without no regrets? Out of ideas?

It happened to be the end of the song.

Yang Fei nodded politely, let go of her waist and hands, and walked in front of Su Tong.

"Senior sister, why don't you dance?" He found that she had been sitting blankly, and several men asked her to dance, but she also refused.

"I can't dance." Su Tong shyly shook his head.

"Can't dance? How is it possible?" Yang Fei really didn't believe it.

After three years in school and two years in the factory, she didn't learn how to dance?

"Really not. I have never been to a dance party, nor have I entered a ballroom." Su Tong was not ashamed of this,

Said, "I am a rural person, and I have received different educational concepts since I was a child. I think it is too out of line to dance with boys."

"Ah? This is the thinking of decades!" Yang Fei wanted to leave at this point, but smiled when he saw this, "Come on, I will show you two dances, and you will learn."

Su Tong looked up at him.

"What? Even me, you want to refuse?" Yang Fei smiled and stretched out his hand at the same time.

Su Tong stood up timidly.

Yang Fei couldn't help but hold her hand and wrap around her waist at the same time.

Su Tong's body was stiff, and he approached Yang Fei stiffly.

At this time, the music sounded, it was slow four.

Yang Fei took her into the dance floor, leaned into her ear, and said, "Follow my footsteps, it's very simple. You listen to the drumbeat, each beat is four times, and we follow the drumbeat and dance four steps. Generally, men start and women follow. The basic rhythm is slow, slow, fast, fast. There are also differences between forward, backward, side step, right turn step, and left turn step. I will teach you slowly."

When he said this, Su Tong had stepped on him five times in a row.

"Boss, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

"Are you sorry miss?" Yang Fei smiled, "There is no need to be so polite between us."

"I don't know how to dance. It's very difficult to learn. You should dance with that beauty. I think you dance well with her."

"Really? You've been watching me dance with her just now?"

"Ah? I didn't look at it on purpose, I just saw it that way."

"She's different from you. She's a well-known courtesan in the province. If she can't even dance well, she'll be damned."

"Boss, am I useless? Can't even dance well?"

"Nonsense! You are a good wife and mother! When a man marries a daughter-in-law, he must marry someone like you."

"Ah? I'm sorry!" Su Tong was confused and stepped on his foot again.

She suddenly thought, what Yang Fei said to Jin Dabao during the day, women and work must be separated!

Oops, what am I thinking?

What a mess!

Su Tong focused on listening to Yang Fei's explanation while feeling the rhythm driven by him. Gradually, she could hear the drums in the music, and could keep up with the fast or slow rhythm.

Her tense body also slowly relaxed.

Immediately, she felt his body protrude.

That nasty fire stick, touch her, leave, touch her again, leave again.

There were more people on the dance floor. Jin Dabao was bragging with a beautiful woman in his arms. Accidentally, the girl touched Su Tong's shoulder.

Su Tong leaned forward, and threw himself into Yang Fei's arms.

The two were chest to chest, zero distance contact.

Yang Fei clearly felt that her bulging balls were soft and squished.

As for her, she also felt his uprightness!

"Someone bumped into me from behind." Su Tong straightened his body and explained in a panic.

"It's okay, let's continue." Yang Fei smiled, looked into her eyes, and suddenly asked, "Did you use cosmetics? It smells so good."

It was a gift he brought back from Shang Hai.

By the way, he also said that he needs to write an experience report after using it!

After dancing, Yang Fei checked the time, said goodbye to Wang Haijun and left.

Jin Dabao was still a little unsatisfied, and kept touching his tongue and mouth after he came out, praising his dance partner for his good figure and good temperament.

Yang Fei patted Jin Dabao on the shoulder: "Old Jin, that's all for today. Go back to the hotel and rest. Let's meet tomorrow to discuss specific matters."

Jin Dabao pondered: "Are you really planning to move the factory here?"

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