The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 160: Yang Fei's Bottom Line

Su Tong turned around, walked back, and looked at the boss suspiciously.

With a serious face, Yang Fei motioned her to wait a moment.

Zhu Lin said, "Yang Fei, tell me honestly, is that water waste water?"

"You do not trust me?"

"If I don't believe you, I won't make this call."

"Don't worry, I am very good at fooling people, but I will never engage in commercial fraud! Thank you."

"I want to thank me. It's very simple. In the future, the villa on your island will be renovated. Invite some of us to eat the reservoir fish you caught yourself!"

"Yes, never break your word."

Yang Fei put down the phone and said to Su Tong: "Someone published an article in the newspaper, questioning the false propaganda of Meili Daily Chemical Factory. The water used to raise goldfish is not purified waste water, but tap water is used to perform for the audience."

"There is such a thing?" Su Tong said angrily, "Who is so boring?"

Yang Fei smiled lightly: "Don't think about it, I know who it is."

Su Tong suddenly said: "Zhao Wenbin!"

Yang Fei murmured: "If you hit a snake, you won't die, but you will be bitten instead! However, Zhao Wenbin is holding the thigh of the island boss, so it is difficult to beat him to death with a stick!"

Su Tong said angrily: "Boss, we have to go to the media to clarify. We have no evidence, so if we sue Zhao Wenbin directly, then we will report to the newspaper! They will be held legally responsible for posting such slanderous articles without investigation!"

Yang Fei tapped lightly on the table with his fingers, which was his expression when he was thinking.

"Senior sister, you are right, find a lawyer, resort to the law, and sue the newspaper first! However, this is only a temporary solution, not the root cause, and we have to think of a perfect solution."

"The best way is to beat Zhao Wenbin to death!"

"There will always be enemies. It's easy to kill Zhao Wenbin, but what about Wang Wenbin and Li Wenbin? Are we going to kill them all?"

Su Tong was at a loss for words.

Yang Fei said: "This incident reminds us that when a company grows bigger, it is necessary to have a dedicated team of lawyers to deal with these trivial disputes. Otherwise, our future time and energy will be delayed by these troubles."

Su Tong said: "Yes, this matter is very important."

Yang Fei said: "However, it is not easy to find a suitable lawyer. The lawyer will know many secrets of the company, even commercial secrets. If it is an ordinary lawyer, I am afraid that he will betray us out of interests."

Su Tong chuckled: "Then find someone among your acquaintances!"

Yang Fei shook his head. He really couldn't find such a good lawyer at the moment, so he said, "Go to a lawyer to sue first! I'll talk about the rest later."

After Su Tong left, Yang Fei called Wen Jing from CCTV.

"Leader, didn't you get a priority for your work?"

"What kind of leader am I? I'm interviewing outside. Do you have anything?"

"Leader, you reported on Peach Blossom Village last time. After such a long time, our factory has been put into production. Should you pay a return visit? Our company will reimburse you for travel expenses, meal expenses, and fuel expenses."

"Is the elementary school ready?"

"It's still under construction."

"I'll pay a return visit when the primary school is completed."

"No price, leader, the changes in Peach Blossom Village in the tide of the times will be huge, and you can report them as a series of special topics. I assure you, Peach Blossom Village will undergo a small change every month, and a big change every year!"

"How long has it been? Another visit? Just tell me, did something happen?"

"A leader is a leader. I really encountered such a small incident. I just wanted to report it to you."

"Since it's a trivial matter, you can find someone else, I'm very busy here."

"Don't hang up the phone, leader, for you, this is a trivial matter, but for me, it is a major event that is harder than reaching the sky!"

"Yang Fei, why are you talking so much nonsense? You are a billionaire local tyrant,

Time is worthless? "

"No, I just want to chat with CCTV's celebrity for a few more days, so that I have the capital to brag in front of my friends in the future!"

"Spoof! You really entered the wrong profession. You should come to the TV station to be a host! Guaranteed you will become a famous talker."

"Leader, it's such a thing..."

"Which newspaper? You tell me. Yes, I see."

"Leader, you know what you know, you have to give me an opinion on how to deal with it."

"I'm busy, bye."

"Hey, leader! Hey, hang up on me!"

Yang Fei put down the phone helplessly, thinking that among the people he knew, only Wen Jing was the one who was not afraid of anything this day, so he dared to hang up his phone.

Yang Fei was really annoyed by the newspapers from other provinces.

His relationship is all in the southern province, no matter how good he is, he can't reach out to control him!

Finding a lawyer to sue is easy.

But how long will it take for the investigation to start after the other province accepts it?

How long does it take to get the result?

This is out of control.

Local protectionism, to some extent, right?

In front of Su Tong just now, Yang Fei didn't say something.

It is impossible to say that he does not want revenge.

However, these words cannot be said in front of Su Tong.

A little Zhao Wenbin can let him jump up and down, can't he deal with him?

Hehe, this is really not Yang Fei's style.

Jin Dabao was on the construction site of the garment factory, and rushed over upon hearing the news.

"Boss Yang, I have an idea."


"Isn't it just Zhao Wenbin? Send someone over there, quietly, and kill him! Everything will be fine! Such a jumping clown has more than enough success, more than failure!"

"Lao Jin, we are a legitimate company, making money in a respectful manner. These illegal things must never be touched."

"We don't touch it, it's someone else, and it's fine for someone else to touch it! It has nothing to do with us!"

"Do you think there is an impenetrable wall in this world? Especially at this moment, if something happens to him, everyone can suspect us."

"Boss Yang, I have an idea."

"Don't say bad ideas."

"Hey, I didn't even say it, how did you know that I came up with a bad idea?"

Yang Fei smiled and said, "What are you thinking, how can I not know?"

After a slight pause, Yang Fei said in a deep voice: "We can't deal with him—but if he commits a crime himself, then someone will deal with him, right, Lao Jin?"

Jin Dabao suddenly understood, slapped his fat legs, and said with a smile: "Yes, this is what I thought of just now! He's fine, so let's fix something for him!"

Yang Fei took a deep breath: "The criterion of the law is my bottom line."

"Flies don't bite seamless eggs. If Zhao Wenbin is really invulnerable, no one can harm him, don't you think? I don't know this person well, so I don't know what hobbies he has?"

Yang Fei pondered and said: "This matter is actually very easy to solve. The newspaper will not publish such an article for no reason. I guess Zhao Wenbin used extraordinary means. As long as we catch him, we can easily turn the tables."

Jin Dabao suddenly realized, and gave a thumbs up: "You still know how to play! Brilliant move!"

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